
Future content of Destiny 2 leaked Bungie: Saddened by the betrayal of trust

author:3DM Game Network

After a lot of content from the upcoming Destiny 21st Season 21 was leaked ahead of time, Bungie said it was "taking action to enforce our policies," translating that the studio will penalize someone who signs a nondisclosure agreement.

Future content of Destiny 2 leaked Bungie: Saddened by the betrayal of trust

On Twitter, the official Destiny 2 development team account said: "Community interaction and engagement is at the heart of Bungie and our game. For years, we've invited creators and other members of the community to confidential meetings to provide feedback on the future of Destiny. This is a much-loved part of the development process, but relies heavily on trust only. ”

The team concluded: "Betraying this trust may prevent us from holding more discussions. We take these violations very seriously and are taking action to enforce the policy agreements we agree to with those invited to these internal meetings. ”

Future content of Destiny 2 leaked Bungie: Saddened by the betrayal of trust

Liana Ruppert, community manager at Bungie, retweeted the team's tweet, adding, "Sometimes this job hurts. I don't think people realize how close we are to them. Not as an employee, but as an ordinary person: it makes me feel very sad when this trust is betrayed. The same was true when I was in talent management: it's very difficult when you really care about the people you work with. And we really care about you. So don't abuse this trust. ”

Future content of Destiny 2 leaked Bungie: Saddened by the betrayal of trust

Even Bulletin, known to have leaked Destiny content, was insensitive to the leak: "Leaking content from a closed community discussion where you signed a non-disclosure agreement is definitely a serious breach of trust and confidentiality. ”

Future content of Destiny 2 leaked Bungie: Saddened by the betrayal of trust

The exact source of the leak has not yet been determined, or officials have known but have not named names. Judging by the official words, someone will soon receive a lawyer's letter. Some of the images currently posted on social media look like they were taken during Bungie's internal demo.

Future content of Destiny 2 leaked Bungie: Saddened by the betrayal of trust