
Peter Capalti: The new Doctor Who is a little bit evil
Peter Capalti: The new Doctor Who is a little bit evil

Peter Capalti starred as the new Doctor Who

China Network Entertainment August 8 news, the BBC August 7 news, the national treasure drama "Doctor Who" season eight episode of the first episode has been released in the United Kingdom, Peter Capaldi (Peter Capaldi) starred in the new Doctor Who, he said "my doctor does not look very friendly."

"I have a strong feeling that the Dr. should be a little evil inside," he told the BBC reporter, "he's fighting himself, he wants to know who he really is."

Peter Capaldi, 56, who starred in "The Thick of It," is a cool and domineering press coordinator who uses profanity to the point of being magical. This appearance in Doctor Who made him one of the older time travelers.

But the Scottish actor joked that he was too young to play Doctor Who?

"I don't feel old at all, and I don't think Doctor Who is old, even though he's 2,500 years old."

"He has some kind of magic on him, so he doesn't look like he's 20 or 30 years old." Before Peter Capaldi, David Tennant and Matt Smith starred in the 10th and 11th Ph.D., making their debuts at ages 34 and 27, respectively.

"We never felt that the characters in The Wizard of Oz were outdated, nor did we think santa claus was old, because they were all magical characters, and these characters living around us added to their mystery."

The first episode of the eighth season, Deep Breath, has premiered in the British city of Cardiff and will be screened by the BBC on 23 August.

Peter Capaldi describes his phD as "witty, joyful, passionate, individualistic and fearless." ”

"Compared to the news coordinator in The Thick of It," he said, "The doctor who's character is closer to my personality. ”

He also revealed that he had met with previous PhD actors David Tennant and Matt Smith to discuss the personality of ph.D.

According to the descriptions of previous seasons, Doctor Who is a wandering freak, he can't even figure out his own name, but he is full of curiosity and enthusiasm for everything, and spends a considerable amount of time sleeping.

Capalti needs to show all of the above characteristics. In the first episode, Deep Breath, set in Victorian London, when Doctor Who and a running dinosaur emerge from the time machine at the same time, viewers can tell that Capalti's interpretation of the character is outstanding.

With an 80-minute lead, Capaldi's Doctor Who has plenty of time to explore his new identity. And Matt Smith's frenzied rhythms at that time seemed to be a thing of the past.

Screenwriter Steven Moffat used dialogue scenes to explain the Time Lord's changing face, talking about the causes of his facial wrinkles, gray hair, and eyebrow changes, and the Doctor's new Scottish accent was later ridiculed.

Jenna Coleman plays Clara, the Doctor's female assistant. Faced with the doctor who suddenly appeared in the time machine, Clara felt helpless and could only try her best to coordinate her work.

Hardcore fans may notice similarities with Doctor Who in the classical period, but the main theme of the new season is to look to the future.

Although Doctor Who looks old, the show has come back to life. Last year, Doctor Who just celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Earlier this year, due to staff negligence, parts of the script and unfinished scenes of the eighth season leaked online, which attracted a lot of attention.

In this regard, Capaldi said very calmly: "This spoiler is just an ordinary thing, not the end of the world." ”

He later added: "The show is only fully vital when it is fully completed, when the production value, sound effects and special effects will be fully displayed." ”

"I feel sorry for the entire cast and crew for this spoiler, but the fans have also given incredible support."

Speaking about his grasp of the role, Peter Capaldi said: "I have no choice but to do what I can. Everyone's style is different, I have my style, this is life. ”

"It's a very graphic character and I don't want to disappoint the audience. At the same time, I had to be true to my instincts as an actor and an artist. ”

The director behind Deep Breath is Ben Wheatley, a British director whose masterpieces include Kill List, Sightseers and A Field in England.

Actors Keeley Hawes, Michelle Gomez and singer Foxes will all make cameo appearances in season eight. (Compiler: Mou Yan)

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