
Read 321 books a year! Lin Xintong, an 11-year-old student, became a borrowing master in Gaoming District

author:Two or three miles of information Foshan
Read 321 books a year! Lin Xintong, an 11-year-old student, became a borrowing master in Gaoming District

Women love to read more than men? There are many books, which is the most favorite one for readers? Yesterday, from the 2020 annual reading report of Gaoming District Library, the reporter analyzed the reading situation of Gaoming citizens around the reading content, reading methods, reading appeals and other content.

Youth become the main force of reading

The reading report of Gaoming District Library shows that the youth group is the main borrowing force of Gaoming Library. Among the active readers of gaoming district libraries (readers with records of borrowing books), the proportion of 30-59 years old is the largest, accounting for 39%, a total of 20,338 person-times. The proportion of people under the age of 12 is relatively small, only 8%, a total of 4355 person-times.

He Minxia, director of the Gaoming District Library, analyzed that many young people are helping children borrow books, and people of this age group are in the stage of career climbing, and the demand for self-improvement is even stronger.

For Mr. Zeng, who has just entered a laser company in Yanghe Town as a department director, reading reference books, teaching aids and practical books is an urgent need. He spends more than 3 hours in the library almost every weekend, laying a solid foundation of knowledge and relieving stress through reading.

Read 321 books a year! Lin Xintong, an 11-year-old student, became a borrowing master in Gaoming District

In the Gaoming District Library, readers are borrowing books.

On the question of whether women love to read more than men, the report shows that 42% of male borrowing records, a total of 21,898 people, and 58% of female borrowing records, a total of 29,760 people. Overall, the number of female readers has continued to grow in recent years, with borrowing records slightly higher than men.

The report counts the relevant personal data, and Lin Xintong, a fourth-grade student of Hecheng Primary School, has become a smart borrowing master in 2020 by borrowing 321 books in the library last year. Lin Xintong said that he prefers detective and literature books, and usually borrows 20 books from the library at a time to go home and read them carefully.

Literary books are the most popular

Check the borrowing records of Gaoming District Library, the most popular "C-bit" book types are literature, history, current politics books, of which mainly literary novels.

According to the data, the top three favorite books of smart readers are "Deer Ding", "Blitzkrieg" and "Yilin", followed by literary publications such as "Phoenix Weekly" and "Reader"; the favorite authors of readers are Liu Liangcheng, Xiong Yuqun, Jin Yong and so on. It is not difficult to see that word-of-mouth masterpieces and literary history novels are more popular with readers.

Cultural hotspots are an important factor affecting library lending data, and the linkage effect of film and television literature has also been more obvious in recent years. Last year, "Deer Ding" starring Zhang Yishan caused a hot discussion after it was broadcast on CCTV, and Jin Yong's novel "Deer Ding" once again ranked among the most popular books of the year. In fact, Jin Yong's martial arts novels have always been loved by high-minded readers, and have now ranked first in the number of high-level library loans for three consecutive years.

Read 321 books a year! Lin Xintong, an 11-year-old student, became a borrowing master in Gaoming District

Readers are flipping through newspapers.

Last year, based on the needs of different readers, Gaoming District Library increased the frequency of recommending new books with the service channel of "you choose books, I pay for them" to strengthen the interaction with readers. Taking into account the needs of students, local troops and other groups for cultural, military and other theme books, the district library has also launched special services such as collective lending and batch rotation, and sent nearly 10,000 books to the above groups in batches to facilitate their long-term borrowing.

Borrowing of electronic resources increased

With the diversification of reading methods, in addition to traditional reading methods, more and more citizens choose electronic reading and audio reading. Last year, the number of visits to digital resources in the Gaoming District Library reached 239,600 times.

E-reading is loved by readers for its convenience. Liu Jiaying, who works at the Yanghe town government, said that on the half-hour commute from Hecheng to Yanghe every day, you can use reading apps, listening software and other readings. "The pace of life is getting faster, and listening software provides more flexible access to knowledge, which is more in line with the needs of modern readers." Liu Jiaying said.

Although the proportion of electronic reading is gradually increasing, traditional paper books are still the mainstream way of reading. The reporter conducted a random survey in the district library, and nearly 80% of the respondents believed that e-books had problems such as eye damage, insufficient reading comfort, and inconvenient recording.

Around the topics of books that cannot be read without borrowing, buying books like mountains, and reading books such as drawing silk, the respondents also expressed their own opinions. Some people frankly say that this is their own, some people think that this feeling is not obvious, because reading is an update of their own knowledge system, and some people think that the key to insisting on reading lies in self-discipline.

Citizen Zeng Li's answer is representative. She said that she has been reading since college, "don't think about the use of reading these books now, it may bring inspiration to your life in the future." For the problem of slow reading, she feels that the key is to choose the appropriate reading carrier and method.

Original title: Young people have become the main force of smart reading, and literary publications are the most popular among readers

At the age of 11, he borrowed 321 books a year

Source| Foshan Daily

Wen | reporter Feng Huiwen

Photo | reporter Hong Hai

Editor| He Xinhong

Source: Foshan Online

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