
A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face

author:Ink Xuanzi

All the children in this domestic film are not professional actors, they are real poor children in the mountains, but this film won the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival. Wei Minzhi, the star of the film, was also changed by the film, from a poor child in the mountainous area to an international director of overseas study today.

A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face

The story takes place in a poor primary school in a remote mountain village, where there is only one teacher with gray hair, a class, 28 students, originally 40, but the rest are dropped out of school by the family. The teacher needed to take a month off to go home because his mother was sick, and he asked the village chief to find a substitute teacher. In the end, the village chief only found a 13-year-old female doll named Wei Minzhi, who did not go to junior high school, singing five tones is not complete, and nothing will be.

A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face

The teacher was very worried, before leaving, afraid that Wei Minzhi would waste chalk, instructed her to use only 26 pieces of chalk a month, and finally the teacher was afraid that there would be students withdrawing from school, and said to Wei Minzhi: "These students, none of them can be less", Wei Minzhi agreed.

A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face
A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face

At first, she couldn't control the students, everyone disobeyed her, she could only copy the texts on the blackboard, let the children copy, she did not supervise, closed the door, sat outside and waited for school. At this time, the most mischievous Zhang Huike played and knocked down the podium, the chalk was scattered on the ground, the chalk was trampled between the pushes, and the study committee blamed Wei Minzhi and Zhang Huike, and Wei Minzhi asked Zhang Huike to apologize to the study committee.

A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face

Wei Minzhi found that Zhang Huike was missing, the classmate said that he was no longer in school, and was called away by his parents, Wei Minzhi remembered the teacher's instructions, so he went to Zhang Huike's home, it turned out that he was called to work in the city, his father died early, his mother was sick in bed, the family owed a lot of money, so she was ready to go to the city to find him, she asked the village chief for travel expenses, and the village chief refused.

A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face

In order to raise money, Wei Minzhi mobilized everyone to go to the brick factory to move bricks, and finally raised 15 yuan, only to find that it was far from enough at the station, and finally she walked towards the city on her legs. Finally found the place where Zhang Huike worked, asked the compatriot who brought him, but said that he was lost at the station, and then did not care about him.

A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face

Wei Minzhi spent money to hire people to go to the station to find people, did not find, to the broadcaster for help is also in vain, helpless she walked on the street, very hungry but reluctant to spend money, she used all the money to buy pens and paper in the stationery store, crouched in the seat of the station to write a search for people' revelations, a writing is a night.

A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face

Finally someone asked her to go to the TV station, she walked again, walked for several hours and finally arrived, but was turned away by the security guard and receptionist, helplessly she was guarding at the door, a person asked if it was the station director, and did not find it at the end of the day.

A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face

At night, he was so hungry that he went to the night market to secretly eat other people's leftover meals, and then slept on the street, and went to the TV station at dawn, and the station director heard that someone had waited for him for a day and a night, so he promised to help.

A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face
A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face

On the other side, Zhang Huike, who had been wandering for many days, met a kind restaurant owner, who let Zhang Huike watch a TV broadcast, and he cried for the first time. In the end, the two were sent back to the village by the TV station, and gave a lot of social donations, and finally had a perfect ending.

A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face

The title of the film is "No One Can Be Less", and how dedicated a 13-year-old substitute teacher is, she has taught many people a deep lesson. #None of them can be less##Movie Recommendations##电影 #

A 13-year-old village teacher, how many people have been punched in the face