
Regarding the fall of Lei Feng Pagoda, my generation should be self-reliant

author:Lao Wang also said two words

In the 21st century, there are two biggest lies, one is "globalization" and the other is "technology knows no borders".

Globalization itself is a lie, a pretext and a beautiful rumor for US imperialism to infiltrate global politics, economy, science and technology, and culture.

Regarding the fall of Lei Feng Pagoda, my generation should be self-reliant

Now the whole world is full of American atmosphere, American elements, American imperialism, with its own high technology to suppress countries that are different from them for no reason and no excuse.

With the help of their trademarks, patents, they exploit weak countries. It makes it a machine for the United States to work, squeezing the labor of these countries and allowing them to generate more profits for the United States cheaply

On the one hand, the United States opens the door to other countries' markets by promoting "science and technology without borders", and on the other hand, it implements "supply cut" suppression for specific enterprises.

The United States faced the rise of my telecom 5G industry, showing a hideous face,

Regarding the fall of Lei Feng Pagoda, my generation should be self-reliant

On April 16, 2018, ZTE suffered a US embargo crisis, and 89 days later, ZTE paid a $1 billion fine, $400 million in bonds, and the resignation of 14 executives in exchange for the lifting of the ban on ZTE by BIS in the United States.

On December 1, 2018, Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Vancouver, Canada, and the United States asked Canada to extradite her, and a Canadian court is scheduled to hold a bail hearing on the matter on December 7, 2018. On December 11, 2018, a Canadian court ruled granting Huawei's CFO Meng Wanzhou's bail application.

While the United States promotes that science and technology have no borders, it also attacks other countries, and its double-standard method is shocking.

In the reform and opening up of the seventies, we all grew up in the environment of strong America, American democracy, American freedom, and democracy.

Today's practice allows us to see its evil face, and it is really shocking to think about what the United States has done in recent years. In recent decades, the United States has been cloaked in democracy, and dozens of wars have taken place in the name of the United Nations, which is really heinous

Regarding the fall of Lei Feng Pagoda, my generation should be self-reliant

Afghanistan War (2001–present): As a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States invaded Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban regime and fight al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations. The war lasted 20 years and became one of the longest in U.S. history.

Iraq War (2003-2011): The United States invaded Iraq in 2003 to overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime and eliminate the threat of Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction. Despite Saddam's overthrow and execution, the war resulted in massive civilian deaths and destruction.

Libyan war

Regarding the fall of Lei Feng Pagoda, my generation should be self-reliant

(2011): The United States conducts an airand missile strike campaign against Libya with other NATO members to support the Libyan opposition in overthrowing the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. Gaddafi was eventually overthrown, but Libya was also mired in a long period of political and economic chaos.

Syrian War (2014–present): The United States has joined the Syrian civil war and backed a U.S.-backed opposition coalition to fight extremist groups such as the Syrian government and the Islamic State. The war has resulted in a large number of civilian casualties and destruction.

Yemen War (2015–present)

Invasion of Grenada (1983)

Panama Invasion (1989)

Gulf War (1990–1991)

Operation Somalia (1992-1995)

Balkan Wars (1995-1999)

Algerian Civil War (1992-2002)

Somali War (2006–2009)

Look at how many shady things the US imperialists have done over the years, using a bag of laundry detergent as an excuse to slander Iraq for having chemical weapons. Leading the United Nations army to openly burn and loot a sovereign country, robbers are really complete robbers.

Those who think that the upper echelons of Western democracies should wash up and sleep.

Switzerland is recognized worldwide as a neutral country and symbolizes peace, justice and democracy. For their own benefit, the status of a neutral country has been repeatedly canceled.

On March 23, the Swiss Parliament decided to reinstate its status as a "permanently neutral country" again. But less than a week later, on March 29, Switzerland announced its full accession to the 10th round of EU sanctions against Russia.

On the same day, the Swiss Federal Council issued a statement to fully join the 10th round of sanctions imposed by the EU on Russia from now on!

This means that in less than a week, Switzerland once again gave up its status as a "neutral country" and rejoined economic sanctions against Russia. I wonder when the next time Switzerland declares a "return to neutrality" will be?

When "neutral countries" can live like children, they can enter when they want to enter and go out when they want. Which door is this "neutral".

Regarding the fall of Lei Feng Pagoda, my generation should be self-reliant

The West, democracy, a beacon of freedom, where is democracy? Where is freedom? Technology knows no borders, where is the country? Where are the boundaries? Everything is an artificial game.

A considerable number of people on the mainland, using the United States as a beacon, believe that the sun in the West is round, the West is scientific, and the ruler of democracy is time to wake up.

You don't see it, some rich people, after achieving fame, changed their nationality and went to the United States.

Some officials and scholars also yearned for this beacon of democracy and immigrated their families to the West in advance.

Some actors, domestic tycoons, also transferred their nationality and quietly immigrated to the United States.

After decades of development, the mainland has made brilliant achievements, although the per capita income level is still low, but as long as everyone has a patriotic heart, we will be able to stand tall in the east of the world and shine forever!