
Sincerely reduce grain and bring back the dead

author:Brave little autumn

Huang Jian'an of Taicang, a famous virtue, saw that the people of Susong were troubled by the large number of taxes, and they were worried every day; every morning when worshipping the Buddha, he would pray to heaven to request exemption from the grain collection of the two counties. He also presented the specific situation to the person concerned, and with all his strength, people laughed at him for not measuring his strength. Geng Yin fell ill in autumn, and by the winter, the disease became more and more serious, and by the end of November, the rice had not stained his lips for a few days. One night, at five drums, I suddenly dreamed that I was summoned to the main hall by Emperor Wenchang, telling him that according to your fate, you should have died a long time ago, because Zhicheng reduced food, so you must extend your life. So he personally taught him an edict, repeated three times Huang Jianan remembered, when he opened his eyes to see, he knew that he was still in the hospital bed

Sincerely reduce grain and bring back the dead

But the spirit is already strong, and the old disease is suddenly eliminated. He hurriedly got up to wash his hands and light lamps to polish ink. At this time, the family was sending a funeral to Huang Jianan's deceased sister, leaving only an old woman to guard the door, and she suddenly saw the owner who had been in bed for several months, sitting in front of the lamp and writing, and she was very surprised in her heart. After dawn, his cousin Guo Xian and Kong Erzhong came to visit the house and were also shocked to find this situation. Then Huang Jianan sat on his shoulders and went to the funeral with everyone. Entertain friends and family

Sincerely reduce grain and bring back the dead

Running through the streets, there is no tiredness, and the food and drink are suddenly the same. People who know about this are all beautiful talks. At the age of seventy-seven, he gave up his life, fasted to study Buddhism, and after a few years, he died without illness.

Reading the prayer of the Wenchang Emperor roughly means: Gentleman Li Virtue, rare and rare, a life of dazedness, independence and unwavering, although into the red dust, ambition is high, old age, unwavering, three hundred years of relief for the needy people, determined to hundreds of millions of households in the promised land, Daren (people who understand things see through everything here is derogatory) Mo laugh ah. The mayfly wants to shake Mount Tai, Jingwei wants to reclaim the sea, only the ambition remains the same, and the water droplets can also penetrate the stone. Iron pestles can also form needles. Courage to move forward and never retreat, the way of heaven and earth, self-improvement, the merit of sages, there is no advance or retreat, and strive not to change your heart. From this, we can know that Huang Gong's affairs lie in the actions of people's hearts, such as the results of people's efforts when they go up the mountain.

Sincerely reduce grain and bring back the dead