
"Out of the move to see the sword" was released, and the master and apprentice Dou Pan Si Daxian were released, starring Si Si for 5 minutes offline

author:South Wolong

Costume fantasy comedy movie "Let's Make a Move!" Don't look at the sword! "" has been released on the online video platform, the film by Wang Chengsi, Yu Kaining, Wang Salaryru, Shi Daxian, Liu Qinshan, Shang Na and other people co-starred, mainly tells the fake demon catcher Ma Xiaoyuan master apprentice went to Pansi Cave to ambush the king of ten thousand demons Pansi Daxian a series of hilarious stories!

"Out of the move to see the sword" was released, and the master and apprentice Dou Pan Si Daxian were released, starring Si Si for 5 minutes offline

Gold Medal Green Leaf King Chengsi firmly occupies the "Move! Don't look at the sword! The C position of the promotional poster, I thought that this time he was finally going to be the male number one, but after watching the movie, I found that Wang Chengsi only starred in friendship, and after the opening five minutes, he was completely offline. I have to say that the current online movies are too good at engaging in "false propaganda", no matter how many scenes, only you have great fame, high traffic, and many fans to occupy the C position steadily. In contrast, the audience is very miserable, after watching the propaganda poster, rushing to see the movie so-and-so, but the favorite star is "fleeting", this feeling of being deceived is really uncomfortable!

"Out of the move to see the sword" was released, and the master and apprentice Dou Pan Si Daxian were released, starring Si Si for 5 minutes offline

Let's take a look at "Let's Make a Move!" Don't look at the sword! Synopsis of the plot: The world's martial arts are only fast and not broken, the shadowless excalibur is invisible, a slash of ten thousand demons, a sword gives birth to all things, the king of ten thousand demons Pansi Daxian wants to seize this sword to reborn in the demon world, at a critical moment, the shadowless door Master Zu (played by Wang Chengsi) re-emerges from the jianghu, the master uses the shadowless sword to seal the Pansi Great Immortal, after this battle, the shadowless excalibur disappears, the shadowless door is not as good as a generation, and the generation of the disciple Sun Ma Xiaoyuan is even more based on pit deception. Later, in order to get close to the goddess Biyun, Ma Xiaoyuan disguised himself as a demon catcher and went to Pansi Town to catch the demon, and when ma Xiaoyuan accidentally hit and bumped into him, ma Xiaoyuan actually killed the praying mantis essence, centipede essence, and butterfly essence that came to provoke, becoming the big hero of the town, and Biyun was even more in love with him. Unexpectedly, the Pansi Immortal who broke through the seal revealed Ma Xiaoyuan's identity as a liar and captured Biyun. Is it greedy for life and afraid of death to continue to be a liar? Or do you want to be a hero? Ma Xiaoyuan was caught up in a choice...

"Out of the move to see the sword" was released, and the master and apprentice Dou Pan Si Daxian were released, starring Si Si for 5 minutes offline

"Let's Make a Move!" Don't look at the sword! The plot trend and story concept of "" is like most fantasy movies, the male protagonist appears as a small person, but he is destined to be the son of heaven. By chance, he was pushed into the clouds, the deception was exposed and then fell to the bottom, and the woman he liked was also captured by the big BOSS, in order to bravely pursue love and for the sake of the world, the little people regained their confidence and changed their lives against the sky. Finally, the same "female protagonist sacrifices the heavens, mana is boundless" setting, the female protagonist falls in order to save the male protagonist, at this time the grief-stricken male protagonist will have an epiphany in an instant, and then a big move to kill the big BOSS, "Out of the move!" Don't look at the sword! The plot of "" is also this routine!

"Out of the move to see the sword" was released, and the master and apprentice Dou Pan Si Daxian were released, starring Si Si for 5 minutes offline

However, unlike most fantasy movies, "Let's Make a Move!" Don't look at the sword! " is a complete comedy, whether it is a decent or villain is born for funny, the male protagonist Ma Xiaoyuan is abducted and cheated by selling fake shadowless swords for a living, he bears the title of shadowless door to make up all kinds of lies, and the sales performance has repeatedly reached a new high and earned a lot of money. Just when he and his partner joined hands to deceive, the real youkai came, and the unknown Ma Xiaoyuan killed three stupid and cute monsters in succession under the wrong yin and yang, and instantly became the big hero of Pansi Town. And Ma Xiaoyuan's master is even more no one, he has only taught Ma Xiaoyuan how to escape all his life, and finally shot when Ma Xiaoyuan was subdued by the Pansi Daxian, and when he was in danger, the master passed the real shadowless sword to Ma Xiaoyuan, but because his hand shook and stabbed himself, so his last words were not finished before he lost his breath...

"Out of the move to see the sword" was released, and the master and apprentice Dou Pan Si Daxian were released, starring Si Si for 5 minutes offline

Several monsters are also worthy of the name of the funny responsibility, who to send out the horse still has to rely on voting, and Ma Xiaoyuan was defeated because he was too excited to fight, and the centipede spirit even played with Ma Xiaoyuan with a hundred pairs of hands and played fifteen or twenty...

"Out of the move to see the sword" was released, and the master and apprentice Dou Pan Si Daxian were released, starring Si Si for 5 minutes offline

And Wang Chengsi, who starred in friendship, will also carry out the funny to the end, look at the weapons he uses, one is called "ballpoint pen", one is called "Niangniang Gun", one is called "Shadowless Sword", and the comedy people who are happy and twisted have the same characteristics, that is, they are particularly good at "harmonic terriers"! Wang Chengsi's line is even more funny, after seeing that Pansi Daxian is a beautiful girl, he shouted: The old man has a bright and upright life, why do he always "push" this kind of monster to me? Is catching a demon the same as swiping a small video? What do you like the system push to you?

"Out of the move to see the sword" was released, and the master and apprentice Dou Pan Si Daxian were released, starring Si Si for 5 minutes offline

Even the cameo villagers can't help but be amused, here Ma Xiaoyuan just announced the viciousness of Pansi Daxian and the mayor of Pansi Town, the villagers decided to take revenge with Ma Xiaoyuan, excited Ma Xiaoyuan was a pioneer, but when they reached the door of Pansi Cave, this group of villagers collectively stopped, and they wanted to cheer Ma Xiaoyuan at the mouth of the cave! After Ma Xiaoyuan killed the Pansi Immortal, he hugged the seriously injured Biyun and prepared to stir up emotions, at this time the villagers came in with hoes and whipped at the corpses of the monsters, too late to be happy or too late to be sad, and this group of villagers was enough!

"Out of the move to see the sword" was released, and the master and apprentice Dou Pan Si Daxian were released, starring Si Si for 5 minutes offline

"Let's Make a Move!" Don't look at the sword! Although the plot of "" is old-fashioned, as a comedy movie, there are still many laughs. Well, welcome to leave a message in the comment area below, click to follow up to push more wonderful content!

"Out of the move to see the sword" was released, and the master and apprentice Dou Pan Si Daxian were released, starring Si Si for 5 minutes offline