
In his place, (not) seek his rule

author:The other side is not far away2222

As everyone knows, during this period in Guangzhou, the first stream is very serious, and the classmates in the child's class have not been all members, and about 10 people take leave every day, and there are more than 30 people in the class. Not only children, but also adults are also recruited.

In his place, (not) seek his rule

Two days ago, my child also began to have a fever, and for no reason, he suddenly had a fever. Dad was still lucky that he actually bought oseltamivir when he bought medicine, but the pharmacy stipulates that the same person can only buy one box, anyway, eat it first. The child ate for two days, but the fever became more and more serious, and the fever lasted for two days, and oseltamivir could not be bought in the pharmacy outside, so he could only go to the hospital, but he did not expect that the hospital did not either.

In his place, (not) seek his rule

The next day, the child insisted on going to school, fortunately, the school had an infirmary, you could take medicine, prepare medicine and a treatment book for the child, and went to school. After a while, the teacher sent a message that a registration form was needed to take medicine, and I was worried that the child would not be able to take the medicine in the morning, so I immediately filled it out and sent it to the teacher. Then I went out, continued to visit the pharmacy, ran more than 30, and finally bought oseltamivir.

When I received the child in the evening, the child said that he was not given medicine in the morning and evening, that there was no registration form in the morning, and that he would go home and eat by himself in the evening. I was speechless.

In his place, (not) seek his rule

The next day, I brought oseltamivir and other medicines to the child, looked at it, thought that the school had registered, and put the medical book at home, hoping that the child would finish taking the medicine today and get better quickly. But who would have thought that when I received the child at night, as soon as I pulled my little hand, I found that it was not right, the child had a fever again, and the child said that I had not taken medicine for a day today. My anger rushed straight into the sky and immediately contacted the child's homeroom teacher.

In his place, (not) seek his rule

After chatting with the head teacher, my heart felt better.

My child is a late nursery, the child returns home after eight o'clock, taking medicine can not be fasted, and it is too late, dinner is taken at school, evening medicine should also be taken at school. The child did not give medicine the next day, saying that he did not bring a medical record book, and when he brought it the first day, did they not have a record in the infirmary (before going to kindergarten, the school would record it on the first day, and there was no need to bring it from the next day)? Just no, find a way to contact the child's parents, any teacher in the child's class can contact the parents, can't send the child casually, don't give the child medicine, what should I do if my child faints with fever? Even if the school has school regulations, but everything is still based on the premise of the child's health, how can this inaction and death rule of the infirmary be endured?

Fortunately, the head teacher was very efficient, and all the problems were solved the next day.

In his place, (not) seek his rule

The doctor in the school infirmary should actually have two identities, one is as a doctor, the child is sick, taking care of the child to take medicine, is your job, because of the lack of documents, the child is sent casually, regardless of the child's pain, this is a lack of medical ethics; First, as a teacher, you have to ensure that the needs and needs of every child who comes to the infirmary are solved as soon as possible, and you can't just send the child, a 7-year-old child who is only in the first grade! At the very least, you have to do it – in his place, in his own way.