
Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

author:Cinematic life

When it comes to Japanese dramas, what comes to mind? Is it the large-scale taboo picture full of screens in "Day Face", or the plot setting of destroying the three views in "My Dangerous Wife", or the small fragments of the ordinary life of "Kai's New Life", and the story of the youth of the teenagers in "I Am Big Brother"?

I have to say that Japanese dramas are good at too many themes, no matter what type of emotional story, they can be properly grasped, and the point that most touches the audience is discovered from it.

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

Recently, there is another well-made Japanese drama "This is Love!" Bad Boy and the White Cane Girl is online. The rating soared to 8.9 in the first two weeks of broadcasting, and it rushed to the 5th place in the global word-of-mouth drama list of Douban in one week. Youth love theme, face value explosion story sweet to cry, loyal dog small milk dog x yuanqi girl's character is to poke the audience cute point, an episode will make people head.

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

The story begins with a girl named "Yukiko". Because of her illness, Yukiko changed from normal vision to amblyopia, and could only see the blurred light and shadow of things. White canes (guide canes) must be relied upon for life travel to avoid falls.

On the other side is a boy named "Morio". Because of the bad original family, Morison grew up without his parents, thus forming a rebellious personality, fighting all day and mixing up society, becoming the most annoying bad teenager in the population.

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

Between Yukiko and Moriko, there were originally two parallel lines that did not intersect. But under the gears of fate, the two meet: Yukiko, who is anxious to go to school in the morning, meets Morison who is blocking the blind road, and when asking Morison if he can make concessions, Yukiko hits "Komorisei" by mistake, and the happy story development trend makes the audience laugh.

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

Immediately after that, Yukiko learned from the two friends next to Morio that "Morio has a scar on his face", so that Yukiko, who was already guilty, felt even more guilty, and held Mori's face to see where the scar was.

For Yukiko, this is just an ordinary concern. But for Sen Sheng, who had never been really valued by others, it was a sudden panic and heartbeat.

At this point, the love story between the girl and the teenager officially opened, high sweet and hilarious and healing...

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

On October 6, "It's Love!" Bad Boy and the White Cane Girl was broadcast in Japan, with a cast of Sugi Hana and Sugino Haruka.

The two actors have super high looks, and the CP sense of the scene overflows the screen, allowing the audience to call out for their eyes. In the series, the loyal dog and the little milk dog x yuanqi girl are sweet to cry, and the depiction of the two major marginalized groups of "amblyopia group and bad teenager group" is even more healing and profound.

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

The key words of the daily life of loyal dogs and small milk dogs and yuanqi girls are hilarity and high sweetness——

Because it was the first time, Mori's way of expressing his feelings was very clumsy: either he stayed on the road that Yukiko passed when he went to school, and obediently said good morning to Yukiko like a schoolboy; or because he wanted to convey his feelings too much, he wrote dozens of pages of love letters, and finally remembered that Yukiko was weak and could not see too small words. One after another, the audience was very happy to see.

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

To outsiders, Morison always looks fierce, but in front of Yukiko, he becomes a "loyal dog and a small milk dog". She smiles happily the first time Yukiko calls her name, and obediently transforms into a humanoid white cane when Yukiko needs her help. Even if you feel ashamed, you obediently listen to Yukiko's words and say "super refreshing" loudly when admiring the flowers. Straight-ball candy dots like these are one after the other, and it is not too much to say that they are sweet enough to cry.

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

Although the series has only aired 3 episodes so far, Yukiko and Morison have completed the process of "from acquaintance to mutual heartbeat", and the pace is very fast.

In the first half, Mori's clumsy pursuit of behavior makes the audience feel very moved, and in the second half, the yuanqi girl Yukiko takes the initiative, confirms her intentions and responds warmly to Mori's emotions, saying the healing words of "Morisei is a very warm person" when everyone around her feels that Morisei is a bad teenager who should be avoided.

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

From here, the series enters another, more profound stage, that is, the deconstruction and attention to "socially marginalized groups".

Everyone around believes that the scars on Sensheng's face are a bad symbol, and such a person is not suitable for deep intercourse. Only Yukiko saw Mori's pure heart and understood that Mori just didn't know how to get along with the world properly.

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

It's like the "Oolong Police Station Incident" in the first episode of the premiere. Morrison's original intention was to move vehicles that should not be left on the road to the parking lot, but he was mistaken by the owner and the police as stealing cars. Although Yukiko misunderstood at first, after learning the truth, Yukiko quickly and sincerely and frankly apologized to Mori.

This apology is the process of Yukiko letting go of the "prejudice against Morison's bad teenagers", and it is also the beginning of mutual healing and mutual redemption between the two.

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

On the other hand, there is the description of the "amblyopic group" represented by Yukiko in the series, a group portrait of the marginalized people in society. When going out, you must take the blind alley, and in daily life, you always can't see who the person on the other side is and encounter all kinds of obstacles. Through the depiction of the episode, the audience has a deeper understanding of the low-sighted group.

Discover a blockbuster Japanese drama! Three episodes soared to 8.9, loyal dog puppy x yuanqi girl sweet to scream

At the same time, the series also completes the profound theme of "the marginalized groups of society are not strange people but normal people, and they live in the same world as everyone" in the process of Yukiko and Morrison getting closer to each other and healing each other, so that the audience can't help but feel tears when they look at it.

Even the social marginal groups of "bad teenagers" who are amblyopic and misunderstood by the public are full of vitality to face life, so that the audience can find the courage to face life. Such a profound blockbuster Japanese drama should not be missed~