
Field classes are more fun

author:Bright Net
Field classes are more fun

On April 10, children from Dongfanghong Kindergarten in Wusheng County, Guang'an City, Sichuan Province, caught fish in a rice field in Longnu Town.

In the spring, many schools carry out field classroom activities, and children go into the fields to experience the joy of labor.

Xinhua News Agency (photo by Xia Junlin)

Field classes are more fun
Field classes are more fun

On April 10, students from Liangtun Central Primary School in Dongjiuzhai Town, Zunhua City, Hebei Province, experienced weeding labor in a peach tree orchard.

Xinhua News Agency (photo by Liu Mancang)

Field classes are more fun

On April 10, technicians introduced the knowledge of peach tree growth to students from Liangtun Central Primary School in Dongjiuzhai Town, Zunhua City, Hebei Province in Peach Tree Orchard.

Field classes are more fun

On April 10, students experienced farming at the labor practice base of Sangyuan Middle School in Huailai County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province.

Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Sun Huijun)

Field classes are more fun

Source: Xinhuanet