
The child lost alopecia areata and was cured after using two medicines for half a year

author:Strive to go to poetry and distance

In August last year, the child's hair began to fall out, and a month later, the hair loss process accelerated, one by one, the hospital examination was alopecia areata, I was worried that I tossed and turned and couldn't eat and sleep, and even thought that he couldn't marry his daughter-in-law in the future, fortunately went to Nanjing Hospital, and now the child's hair is completely grown.

The child lost alopecia areata and was cured after using two medicines for half a year
The child lost alopecia areata and was cured after using two medicines for half a year

Let's see what the hair looks like after it grows:

The child lost alopecia areata and was cured after using two medicines for half a year

Last summer, the child learned to swim, and in August began to lose hair, at first faintly not obvious, two weeks later you can see a small piece of scalp obviously light, at first I didn't take it seriously, but then every day almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, the scalp bald several pieces, less than a month, the hair on the left side of the head, almost lost. I quickly took the child to the dermatology department of the local hospital, did a lot of examinations, spent a lot of money, did not find the cause of hair loss, only got a diagnosis, it was alopecia areata.

At that time, my legs were soft, the child was so small, how could he lose alopecia areata? I thought about swimming, and I asked the doctor if the water in the pool was not clean and irritated the scalp, so it caused hair loss? The doctor couldn't tell the reason, only said to let the child eat compound licorice tablets to see the effect.

After eating for a month, the child's hair continued to fall out one by one, just like the little flower dog, there was no good place on the head. I panicked to death, took the child for a follow-up examination, and the doctor gave the child six injections of hormones in the head to stimulate the scalp.

After waiting for another month, there was no sign of hair growth at the place where the hormone injection was given, but the hair loss process accelerated again. I really don't know what to do anymore.

I heard from relatives that the Nanjing Institute of Skin was very effective in treating skin diseases, and I immediately took my children to Nanjing Institute of Skin. The doctor asked for a dermoscopy after seeing the child's condition, did not do other examinations, the doctor said that there was no problem with the child, that is, alopecia areata, the doctor comforted me not to worry, as the child's immunity increased, the hair would slowly grow, and two more drops were prescribed for the child to apply once a day.

The child lost alopecia areata and was cured after using two medicines for half a year

The examination fee and medicine cost a total of more than two hundred, really thank this doctor, is a big good person!

I returned home with my children. Three months later, the child's hair was basically grown, and he began to play mischievous again, watching the child laughing and laughing, I sighed again:

As long as the child is safe and healthy, I am willing to give everything! I sincerely wish that all children in the world will have a dependent child and grow up surrounded by love!

This is not an advertisement, to share the real experience with everyone, I hope it will be helpful to people with hair loss.