
Happy June Day | May the child's heart always be there, brave the sea of stars

author:Spread the earth
Happy June Day | May the child's heart always be there, brave the sea of stars

Today is Children's Day.

This is a festival full of childlike fun, not only for children, but also for adults.

Every year on June 1st, the air seems to have a sweet smell of popcorn, and the sound of childhood playing in the park is haunting the ears, which is the call of childhood.

Today, The Land Communication also sent you a Children's Day poster, our logo changed into the shape of a lollipop ~ add some sweetness to everyone's life ~ I hope that everyone in the light and shadow, always maintain a childlike heart, follow the dream, unlimited vitality Oh!

Happy June Day | May the child's heart always be there, brave the sea of stars

Today, I would also like to introduce you to some Children's Day movies, so that we can feel childhood again in the flowing light and shadow.

Spring for cattle herding classes

Happy June Day | May the child's heart always be there, brave the sea of stars

Director: Christopher Bharati

Time: 2004

Starring: Gérard Junio / Jean-Baptiste Monier / François Beleon / Cade Maillard / Jean-Paul Bonaire

The film tells the story of Matthew, a music teacher who has never met, who comes to the co-nursing home and faces not ordinary students, but a group of wild boys who have been abandoned by adults, and Matthew changes the child and his own destiny.

This movie has a high score of 9.3 by more than one million people on Douban, and it is also a top 16 movie in the recorded movie.

Unlike the general tragic movies that use sadness to desperately stir up emotions, or the hilarious comedies that are extremely exaggerated and funny, "Spring of the Cattle Herding Class" is a movie that makes people cry because of joy.

This also created a new concept of French cinema – the sunshine emotional film. This film, which has no beauty, violence; no commercial elements such as action and murder, has become the heart-warming film of choice for the French for more than a decade.

Miracle Boy

Director: Stephen Zoborski

Time: 2017

Starring: Jacob Trembla / Julia Roberts / Izabela Vidovich / Owen Wilson / Noah Yuppe

Based on the novel by R.J. Palacio, the film tells the inspirational story of a young boy with facial defects who enters a normal school and regains self-confidence and faces life positively.

Many people understand through this film that miracle is actually referring to how the boy subtly affects the people around him - he is a pivot, a driving force for kindness.

He taught people that even if they are tormented by their own suffering, they can learn to be kind to others.

Because everyone is struggling with life.


Happy June Day | May the child's heart always be there, brave the sea of stars

Director: Hayao Miyazaki

Time: 1988

Sound distribution: Noriko Hidaka / Chika Sakamoto / Shigesato Itoi / Ryomi Makimoto / Akira Kitabayashiya

The film tells the story of Kusabei Tatsuro's wife, Yasuko Kusakabe, who is ill and hospitalized, and he takes Kusabee Gaoyue and his four-year-old sister Kusabe Mei back to live in the countryside. The characters are cute, the picture is fresh, and the story is full of innocence and childlike fun.

Since its release in Japan in 1988, the film has radiated from Japan to the world, and has been released in 27 countries and regions such as the United States, France, Spain, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, Italy, Iceland, South Korea, and Sweden, and has won 24 top film and animation awards around the world.

For more than 30 years, the popularity of "Totoro" has not diminished in the slightest, and it also enjoys a high degree of popularity in China, and is deeply loved by readers and audiences of all ages.

In 2018, "Totoro" officially landed in Chinese mainland 30 years after its release in Japan, which was also the first time that Studio Ghibli's work was released in Chinese mainland theaters, breaking 100 million at the box office in just 4 days.

The Lion King

Happy June Day | May the child's heart always be there, brave the sea of stars

Director: Roger Allers / Rob Minkov

Time: 1994

Voiced by: Jonathan Taylor Thomas / Matthew Broderick / Jeremy Irons / James Earl Jones

It was the first Hollywood cartoon to be introduced into China, known as the animal version of Hamlet.

The story tells that Simba the Little Lion, the legal heir to the throne, was framed by his uncle Scar and banished from the steppe. The Fallen Lion King is bullied by dogs, and Simba meets Peng Peng the Warthog and Dingman the Mongoose in a foreign land, these two friends, with wit and humor, heal Simba's wounds, and the three grow up happily.

As an adult, Simba returned to the steppe, defeated his enemies with justice and courage, regained the throne and glory, and also gained love and new life.

In this dangerous world, only sincerity and bravery are invincible weapons.

Walk with me

Happy June Day | May the child's heart always be there, brave the sea of stars

Director: Rob Reiner

Time: 1986

Starring: Rivan Phoenix / Will Wheaton / Corey Feldman / Jerry O'Connell / John Cusack

"Walk with Me" is an adaptation of Stephen King's novel.

The story takes place in the small town of Oregon in the United States in the fifties, and every boy has a dream of running away from home. In the small Town of America in the 1950s, four boys completed the trip at the age of 12.

On the way, the boys encountered many tests such as vicious dogs, bridges, poisonous insects, etc., understood the rules and the preciousness of life, and also exposed different personalities in danger: weak, strong, kind, and irritable.

The disparity in the background of growth can only make them a short-term playmate, and after many years, everyone has embarked on a very different life trajectory. Life will eventually be different, fortunate to have that friendship years.

Small shoes

Happy June Day | May the child's heart always be there, brave the sea of stars

Director: Majid Majidi

Time: 1997

Starring: Farah Amir Hashmiyan / Mohammed Amir Najib / Bahari Siddić / Nafis Jafar-Muhammadi / Ferreshte Sarabandi

Ali, who came from a poor family, lost his sister's shoes, and the brothers and sisters could only hide from their parents and take turns wearing their brother's shoes to school.

At this time, the city held a long-distance running competition, and the prize for the third place was a pair of sneakers. Ali broke through all odds and participated in the competition, but unexpectedly won the first place and lost the new shoe.

The chaotic daily picture of the family, schools, shops, streets, contains vivid and full worlds: precocious poor children, misunderstandings of teachers, generous assistance from strangers, self-discipline and human relations in religious society.

The companionship of the brothers and sisters is the simplest human emotion: two young beings, trusting each other in poverty, guarding a secret together, and clinging to the little hope in their hearts.

The above movies are the Children's Day movies recommended by Dadi Communication for everyone.

Everyone has a child in his heart, who dares to run wild in the rain, shout against the wind, and dare to tell the world the love and hatred in his heart.

Tonight, may you find the original innocence, simplicity and touching in the world of light and shadow.

Happy June Day | May the child's heart always be there, brave the sea of stars