
It is not recommended that kindergarten children sign up for 4 types of interest classes, which cost money and pit babies, don't blame me for not reminding you

author:Rice rice mom childcare

In the matter of signing up for interest classes for my children, I have always belonged to the more "Buddhist" parents. When the mothers in the community discuss what interest classes to apply for their children, I tend to quietly be a "listener" on the sidelines.

It is not recommended that kindergarten children sign up for 4 types of interest classes, which cost money and pit babies, don't blame me for not reminding you

There are also "warm-hearted" mothers who once asked me: "What interest classes did you sign up for your children?" When they learned that I had only enrolled my children in an English initiation course, they couldn't help but show a surprised expression and said in disbelief: "Just this one"?

Seeing me nodding resolutely, they often can't help but give a lot of "class registration experience" and persuade them to say something like, "If you don't study now, when your child goes to elementary school, there will be no time." " and so on.

It is not recommended that kindergarten children sign up for 4 types of interest classes, which cost money and pit babies, don't blame me for not reminding you

It's not that I don't love my children, it's not that I don't pay enough attention to the cultivation of children's interests, the reason why I can maintain this "Buddhist lineage" is purely because I think that kindergarten children are still too young and want to wait.

Because for kindergarten children, many interest classes not only occupy their weekend rest and play time, but also have a very low "cost performance", which is a waste of time and money.

Parents in the kindergarten stage are often like "chicken blood", full of "chicken baby" enthusiasm, and sign up for several interest classes for their children at once.

There are several children I know, and they are packed with hobby classes on weekends. Kindergarten children have 3-4 interest classes each, as if it has become a "standard".

It is not recommended that kindergarten children sign up for 4 types of interest classes, which cost money and pit babies, don't blame me for not reminding you

Regardless of whether children are really interested in these interest cultivation, the cost of these interest classes alone is not a small amount, and it is a lot of economic pressure for parents of ordinary families.

It is indeed a good phenomenon that parents are attentive to their children's education and are willing to invest in their children's education. However, for kindergarten children, not all interest classes are suitable for them.

Some people who have stepped on the pit remind parents: there are several interest classes, parents better not to report to their children, because it not only costs money, but also has an impact on the child's physical development.

It is not recommended that kindergarten children sign up for 4 types of interest classes, which cost money and pit babies, don't blame me for not reminding you

What interest classes should kindergarten children sign up for? People come over to remind: avoid these 4 categories, spend money and pit babies

Category 1: Olympiad class (will make children lose interest in mathematics)

Piaget, a famous child psychologist in Switzerland, in his cognitive stage theory, kindergarten children belong to the pre-arithmetic stage of 2-7 years old. The characteristic of children at this stage is that their thinking activities are concrete, not abstract.

Therefore, it does not make much sense for parents to let kindergarten children learn Olympiad except to waste their own money and waste their children's time.

Because it is difficult for them to understand the logical relationship behind the Olympiad problems, most of what they learn is the "routine experience" summarized by the teacher. Teaching children Olympiad too early may also make children lose interest in mathematics prematurely, which is counterproductive.

It is not recommended that kindergarten children sign up for 4 types of interest classes, which cost money and pit babies, don't blame me for not reminding you

If parents want to give their children a mathematical enlightenment, don't take too big a step and choose the Olympiad class.

In kindergarten, there are many ways parents want to give their children a mathematical enlightenment.

For example, reading some picture books to cultivate mathematical thinking with children and buying children some toys that exercise mathematical thinking ability, creativity, and spatial imagination ability for children not only saves money but also has obvious effects.

Category 2: Calligraphy class (easy to develop bad writing habits)

The book "Children's Communication Skills Are Stimulated" mentioned that if children are asked to write too early, children will not only have difficulty in mastering the pen, but also develop bad writing habits, and will also damage children's eyesight.

It is not recommended that kindergarten children sign up for 4 types of interest classes, which cost money and pit babies, don't blame me for not reminding you

Being able to write well can indeed give children a great advantage. However, parents are more anxious to learn to write, and remember not to let kindergarten children go to hard pen calligraphy classes or soft pen calligraphy classes.

Kindergarten children have not yet developed their finger joints and have poor pen control ability, which is a great challenge for them. In addition, children at this stage have insufficient wrist strength and do not meet the requirements for writing well.

"Raising a smart baby is so simple" mentioned that writing an activity that requires very high fine motor requirements, therefore, parents cannot rush to let children write before the age of 6, and the matter of practicing words should wait until the child goes to elementary school!

It is not recommended that kindergarten children sign up for 4 types of interest classes, which cost money and pit babies, don't blame me for not reminding you

Category 3: Dance class (irreversible injury to the body)

After our daughter was born, my husband and I talked about our daughter's "nurturing plan." We all want to cultivate our daughters in the direction of "little fairies" who can "sing and dance".

But after seeing the news that a few years old children were paralyzed in the process of learning a dance move, we hesitated and wanted to wait until our daughter was older to think about it.

It is said that children should learn dance as soon as possible, and the sooner the child's physical flexibility is better. But in fact, as a parent of girls, I do not recommend that you send kindergarten children, especially kindergarten children, to dance training institutions.

It is not recommended that kindergarten children sign up for 4 types of interest classes, which cost money and pit babies, don't blame me for not reminding you

Because the child is still young, has poor control of the body, and has a limited understanding of the teacher's instructions, it is likely that an irreversible serious impact on the body will be caused by a wrong practice move.

Category 4: Piano class (may cause finger deformation)

Are there such parents around you, who hurriedly buy pianos for their children and sign up for piano training classes when their children are just in small classes.

Why is it not recommended to enroll kindergarten children in piano lessons? There are many reasons, first of all, kindergarten children's finger joints are developing, in the process of piano practice, if the force is not correct, it is likely to deform the child's fingers.

It is not recommended that kindergarten children sign up for 4 types of interest classes, which cost money and pit babies, don't blame me for not reminding you

In addition, children now have a high rate of myopia, and piano practice often requires children to sit for hours. If kindergarten children spend several hours a day looking at the sheet music up close, it hurts their eyes.

Many "qinwa" have not made much progress in their piano playing skills, but their eyes have learned "money", and they have consumed their precious farsighted reserves in advance.

In addition to the impact on children's eyesight, finger development, etc., learning the piano is also a particularly "costly" thing. Therefore, parents should also think carefully before sending their children to learn the piano.

It is not recommended that kindergarten children sign up for 4 types of interest classes, which cost money and pit babies, don't blame me for not reminding you

Because the cost of learning the piano is not small, not only on the purchase of the piano, the training cost of learning the piano has always been at a high level in various training courses. It is recommended that children start learning the piano after the age of 5.

Write at the end

For kindergarten children, the best course is the nature experience class. Parents may wish to take advantage of the spring light to take their children out to understand the world, which can not only broaden their horizons, but also protect their children's eyes and exercise, which is very beneficial.

(The pictures in this article are all from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted immediately)