
Marlon, don't get into trouble!

Marlon, don't get into trouble!

This time, Zhang Jike detonated a hot search, not as an athlete.

Gambling addiction, debt non-payment, taking ex-girlfriend's private photos as collateral... Every associated word is a bomb that blows people away.

Netizens talked about it, after all, in the notorious entertainment industry, this behavior also broke through the bottom line of human nature.

Fans also don't want to believe how a teenager who once won glory for the country can become a desperate gambler.

The national flag he once wore became his fig leaf.

Coincidentally, the list of participants in the Durban World Table Tennis Championships was recently announced, and the 35-year-old Ma Long got the singles qualification and is about to go to the arena.

Five years ago, Ma Long and Zhang Jike, who were the same age, were also known as "National Table Tennis Twins", carrying the common hopes of the audience.

Looking back, the fates of Ma Long and Zhang Jike are like two intersecting lines, and after a short intersection, they move towards different futures.

Seeing him rise from the Zhu Building, seeing him banquet guests, seeing his building collapse.

Although Zhang Jike classified his silence as "not wanting to stand on the cusp of the storm", he already had to stand on the cusp of the wave.

It all started on March 29.

On this day, some netizens moved a screenshot on a forum, which wrote that Zhang Jike broke up with his ex-girlfriend because "Zhang Jike did not pay gambling debts and exposed his private photos with his ex-girlfriend to the creditor."

On March 30, Zhang Jike's studio issued a statement stating that Zhang Jike himself "has no debt disputes, let alone damage the privacy of others for self-protection," and finally claimed that it will file a lawsuit against key infringing users.

According to reporter Li Weiao's self-statement, it was this statement of "thieves shouting to catch thieves" that made him send his first Weibo in anger, confirming the news that Zhang Jike passed the private video of his ex-girlfriend to others.

The first Weibo posted by Li Weiao

In fact, Li Weiao is not a nameless amateur.

According to Baidu Encyclopedia, he has been in journalism since 2003 and is now the chief reporter of the Economic Observer, and his status as an investigative journalist has added credibility to his statement, and public opinion has begun to ferment.

Subsequently, Li Weiao posted again, disclosing more details, and also issued a suspected Zhang Jike "loan contract" on his personal public account, with clear Zhang Jike's signature and fingerprint information, but did not write the name of the creditor.

Li Weiao said that the creditor used a private video to blackmail his ex-girlfriend with 22 million, and later reduced the amount to 17 million, the woman reported the case, the creditor was arrested, and sentenced to 7 years in prison.

This is no longer a simple celebrity gossip, but involves a criminal offense - in addition, some lawyers analyzed that if Li Weiao's revelation is true, Zhang Jike will be involved in a number of violations, including extortion.

As of press time, Zhang Jike and other parties have not responded.

The loan contract exposed by Li Weiao

Since April 3, a number of brands endorsed by Zhang Jike have announced the termination of business cooperation with Zhang Jike, who not only faces the storm of public opinion, but may also have huge liquidated damages.

Coincidentally, the Durban World Table Tennis Championships participation list was also announced on the same day, and the 35-year-old Ma Long qualified for singles through the first straight competition, which was also the eighth time in his career to participate in the World Table Tennis Championships.

As a two-lap Grand Slam winner, Malone remained humble in the interview, saying: "I am happy and proud to be shortlisted, playing once less than once on such a stage, I hope there are no regrets. ”

Group photo of the Chinese men's table tennis team preparing for the World Table Tennis Championships

The third from the right is Malone

Although he has not appeared on the field for nearly five years, and although he has been confirmed by the Table Tennis Association to retire, Zhang Jike has never officially announced the news of his retirement.

Liu Guoliang once revealed in an interview that Zhang Jike's dream is to retire with Ma Long.

After all, Zhang Jike and Ma Long were equally dazzling "twins" on this planet.

Looking back now, it only makes people sigh.

Zhang Jike was very special as soon as he was born.

He was born in Qingdao, Shandong, and his father Zhang Chuanming said that Zhang Jike's crying was particularly loud and his lung capacity was high, and he was a good seedling for sports at first glance.

From the age of 5, Zhang Jike studied table tennis with his father, and then entered an amateur sports school to participate in training.

When he was 8 years old, his father asked him who his idol was, "I don't have an idol, I want others to use me as an idol," Zhang Jike replied.

Zhang Jike as a child

Father Zhang Chuanming is an extremely strict person.

For example, because the shape of shrimp resembles an "arc circle ball", Zhang Jike was forced to eat a lot of shrimp, and when he grew up, he would only eat this food again under the pressure of his father.

For example, Zhang Jike's "father's holiday" is only on the first day of the new year, and he has to practice with his father at other times, and if the training does not meet the expected goals, his father will ask Zhang Jike to run two kilometers behind his bicycle until he returns home.

When he was 10 years old, Zhang Chuanming and Zhang Jike agreed: "When you grow up, you will earn money for your father, a house, a car, and add 1.8 million." Later, Zhang Chuanming happily told the media that Zhang Jike always remembered and had done so.

Zhang Jike as a child

At this time, in Anshan, Liaoning, 600 kilometers away from Qingdao, Shandong, a 5-year-old boy named Ma Long was also playing table tennis.

But he grew up weak and sick, and his parents let him play in order to "exercise".

The mindset of parents towards their children determines many things.

Table tennis was very popular in China at that time, it was convenient to learn, "not easy to get hurt", Ma Long took the opportunity to carry a small school bag and walked into the Children's Palace.

Marlon as a child

Malone's father once told the media about Malone's childhood, and in his narration, Malone's personality has been gentle since childhood and does not need to worry about his parents.

Go to school in the morning, practice in the Children's Palace in the afternoon, and write homework in the evening without being urged, "any kind of child he can play with, his most beloved toys, others ask him, he will give them."

There is one exception, and that is losing. When he was a child, Malone played against players who were bigger than him, and after losing, he would wipe his tears with one hand and chase the other side with a pat in the other hand for another game.

As a child, Malone (back row, first left) participates in training

In 1999, at the age of 11, Ma Long entered the Liaoning Provincial Sports School to learn table tennis, and two years later, he was taken to Beijing by Guan Huaan, the coach of Beijing Xicheng Sports School.

Guan Huaan recalled the first time he saw Ma Long, when the coaches were having dinner, and Ma Long sat on the side with a small game console, not interjecting or making trouble.

Guan Huaan's evaluation of Ma Long is: "After knowing him, I think that he is very peaceful, and nothing happened that made you understand him all at once." The excellent places are not the best, and they are not remarkable. Not talkative, but always smiling. ”

In 2003, at the age of 15, Ma Long entered the national second team through training and selection. Less than three months later, he finished second in the relegation and relegation competitions and entered the national first team.

At that time, Ma Long's parents would occasionally come to Beijing to see him, and his father remembered that he would always buy a few books for Ma Long, and he told Ma Long: "Being a person should be put first, and the ball should be put second." ”

Marlon in training

Also this year, the same 15-year-old Zhang Jike also came to the national team.

Since 2000, Zhang Jike entered the Shandong Luneng table tennis team, and on the same day, he wrote in his diary: "One year later, he entered the national second (national second team)." ”

Father Zhang Chuanming assured Zhang Jike: "Dad will definitely be able to send you to the professional team." ”

He formulated a detailed career plan for Zhang Jike, which can be summarized as: win the national championship first, so that the coach will pay attention; Next, "cross five", that is, step into the ranks of 5 main players; Finally, "Cross Three", take the singles world championship.

Zhang Jike did not live up to his expectations.

In 2000, Zhang Jike won the singles championship of the North China Junior Finals, and in 2002, he was promoted to the national second team, the first competition was the first Hungarian World Junior Challenge, Zhang Jike won the singles, doubles and team championships. A year later, he was promoted to the national first team.

Group photo at the 2002 World Junior Challenge in Hungary

Zhang Jike (front row, second from left)

Compared with Ma Long's warm swallowing, Zhang Jike is obviously sharp.

Ma Long's head coach, Qin Zhijian (jiǎn), recalled: "At that time, Ma Long and he (referring to Zhang Jike) could not be compared. However, this passionate opening was quickly put to an end.

In October 2004, 16-year-old Zhang Jike was expelled from the national team and returned to the provincial team - an experience that was vaguely described as a "violation of team rules" after many years, but according to a later "Sports Weekly" report, Zhang Jike "borrowed the bank card of a certain table tennis celebrity to participate in a betting 'game', and after losing money, he did not see his big brother and ran away from the team."

Everything seems to be traceable.

Screenshots of related reports

In 2006, the team competition of the World Table Tennis Championships in Bremen, Germany.

The "cross five" place that was cherished by Zhang Jike's father temporarily left Zhang Jike, and 18-year-old Ma Long became one of the five main players of the Chinese team.

In Bremen, Ma Long followed the Chinese men's table tennis team and won the gold medal in the team competition.

After the match, Ma Long told coach Qin Zhijian that his goal was the Grand Slam (winning three singles gold medals in the World Cup, the World Table Tennis Championships and the Olympic Games).

The young man was angry and waved Fang Xuan.

In 2006, the Chinese team lifted the World Table Tennis Championships team trophy

From left to right: Wang Liqin, Ma Long, Chen Xuan, Liu Guoliang, Wang Hao, Ma Lin

Also this year, Zhang Jike reached the quarterfinals of the national championship, and with this result, he reopened the door of the national team.

At the 2008 National Championships, at the age of 20, he even defeated the then popular "two kings and one horse" (referring to Wang Liqin, Wang Hao, Ma Lin) and won the championship.

Zhang Jike sprang up and soon entered the outbreak period.

In 2009, Zhang Jike won the men's team championship of the Austrian Table Tennis World Cup, winning the first world championship of his career. In 2011, he won the singles championship of the World Table Tennis Championships, and in the same year, he defeated Wang Hao in Paris, France, and won the World Cup singles championship.

In 2012, he defeated Wang Hao again at the London Olympics to win the Olympic title – and thus he achieved a Grand Slam in just 445 days.

This year, Zhang Jike was 24 years old, and he was also the fastest table tennis player in history to win a Grand Slam, and the record has not been broken.

London 2012 Olympics

Champion Zhang Jike (left) Runner-up Wang Hao (right)

Because of his domineering style and strong aggressiveness, he was known as an "outlaw" by the outside world, and Liu Guoliang also gave Zhang Jike a nickname: "Tibetan Mastiff" - fierce and difficult to control.

Indeed, Zhang Jike is a famous "problem youth" in the national table tennis team.

In addition to being expelled from the provincial team in 2004, in 2009, when the head coach Zhong Yong asked for a timeout at the "Direct to Yokohama" team trials, Zhang Jike refused to step off the court, which directly lost his singles opportunity at the World Table Tennis Championships in the same year.

In 2011, Zhang Jike won the World Table Tennis Championships in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, excitedly tore his shirt, and was fined 200 yuan by the national table tennis team.

Later, he responded to the high-profile celebration, saying: "I think this moment of the athlete is the moment that the audience wants to see." ”

Marlon, don't get into trouble!

2011 World Table Tennis Championships

Zhang Jike "tears clothes to celebrate"

This has happened more than once.

In 2014, Zhang Jike won the World Cup again, and the moment he won the game, he ran to the sidelines and kicked two billboards - he was punished by the ITTF and lost the $45,000 prize money earned by the championship.

Afterwards, Liu Guoliang came forward to apologize for Zhang Jike.

But a month later, in the doubles final of the National Table Tennis Championships, Zhang Jike made a mistake in receiving a smash from Xu Xin, so he dropped the racket in his hand on the table, got a yellow card, and the venue was booed.

And in the report of this competition, "Malone did not perform well" was a bit dazzling.

Marlon, don't get into trouble!

2014 National Championships

Zhang Jike dropped the racket in the middle of the game

In fact, in the years of Zhang Jike's rapid progress, Ma Long is deeply trapped in the trough of his life.

In 2006, after the 18-year-old Malone told his coach about his Grand Slam dreams, his best result for a long time was only a gold medal in singles at the 2012 World Cup.

From 2009 to 2013, in three consecutive World Table Tennis Championships, Ma Long lost to Wang Hao in the semifinals and stopped in the final four, which became the nightmare of his career.

In 2014, Zhang Jike played the World Cup final where he broke the billboard, and it was Ma Long who defeated him.

After the London Olympics, Zhang Jike once said in the media footage: "I also hope that Ma Long and Xu Xin can form a confrontation with me, only this is interesting." ”

Being young is inevitably frivolous, but Zhang Jike's unruliness, Ma Long seems to be difficult to learn.

He rarely argues with people and always likes to stand back even when taking group photos.

Coach Kwan Huaan once commented that he was "not domineering enough": "He plays games and rarely throws rackets and kicks the platform. When a large team member bullied him, let him go out to buy things, or wash clothes, socks, and shoes, he endured it and did not complain to me. ”

Head coach Qin Zhijian said even more grimly: "At his age, he shouldn't be particularly calm. ”

Marlon is like a pony, restrained, hard-working, steady, but also slow and difficult.

Ma Long and Xu Xin

The veteran Yu Wei is still there, and the threat from his teammates has intensified, and even the youngster Fan Zhendong has defeated him at the National Championships, and Ma Long said he has thought of retiring after the 2014 World Cup.

He had to constantly hint to himself with one sentence: "Don't forget your own good because of the good of others." ”

The flow of water does not compete for the first, but for the gushing.

After the 2012 Olympic Games, Zhang Jike stood in the spotlight.

He recalled that his state at that stage was a bit of a trance, "For example, this afternoon scheduled training at three thirty, suddenly received some activities, or the arrangement of the team, the distribution of energy will be greatly affected."

During that time, he lost to Belarus' Samsonov in succession, Chinese Taipei's Chen Jianan, and teammate Yan An.

The media began to sing the downfall, saying that Zhang Jike was just a flash in the pan. During that time, he struggled and gave up a lot – the 2014 World Cup was the World Series he finally won after months of slumps.

At this time, the injuries that accompanied the athlete also made him miserable.

In May 2015, when the Suzhou World Table Tennis Championships opened the summary meeting, because of a serious back injury, Zhang Jike could only lie on the massage table to take notes, and later, he was diagnosed with bilateral lumbosacral crack, "at the beginning it was a left lumbosacral crack, and now the same problem has appeared on the right, and it is easy to misalign when the training volume is large."

Zhang Jike is treating a back injury

But it was also this year that the German magazine Der Spiegel reported one thing -

As early as March, during the National Table Tennis competition in Germany, Zhang Jike was found to have sneaked out of the hotel and left with a group of people, "their destination is the casino".

This year's Suzhou World Table Tennis Championships was known as the turning point in Zhang Jike's career, and since then, his condition has begun to decline, and at the same time there has been a serious contract dispute with Shandong Luneng because of the distribution of bonuses, and in the second half of the year, he lost 5 foreign battles in 100 days.

Perhaps it wasn't just a back injury that limited him.

Similarly, the turning point of the Suzhou World Table Tennis Championships is also Ma Long's.

This year, 27-year-old Ma Long finally won the gold medal of the World Table Tennis Championships, and the moment he won the competition, he jumped on the table excitedly - after 6 years of failure, he has waited too long for this championship.

But soon, he came to his senses and realized that this behavior was inappropriate.

That night, Ma Long sent a text message to Fang Bo, his opponent at that time, expressing his apologies: "Dabo, I'm sorry... This is disrespectful to you, and I hope to ask for your forgiveness. ”

Fang Bo was surprised and replied to him: "I really didn't take it seriously, but if you win me in the game, I will definitely take revenge on the field." ”

In the 2016 Asian qualifiers, Ma Long defeated Fan Zhendong to win the championship, winning a men's singles ticket to the Olympics for himself, and he was finally one step away from the grand slam of his dreams.

In the men's singles final in Rio, Ma Long and Zhang Jike met again.

Later the story became known, Ma Long defeated Zhang Jike 4-0, ushering in his Grand Slam, which lasted 4 years.

Rio 2016 Olympic Games

Ma Long and Zhang Jike

At the same time, since the media began to rise, fierce traffic flocked to the Olympic athletes, and the first to taste this wave of sweetness was Zhang Jike.

Because of Liu Guoliang's sentence "wake up, this is the Olympic Games", Zhang Jike became a phenomenal "Internet celebrity athlete". According to "Table Tennis World", during the 2016 Olympic Games, Zhang Jike's search popularity exceeded 400 million, and related words reached 70+, becoming the most popular athlete, with more than 8 million Weibo fans. As the champion, Ma Long's search popularity is only 130 million.

Traffic is surging, popularity is booming, and advertising endorsements are coming.

Zhang Jike received more than ten endorsement advertisements that year, ranking second in the Chinese sports wealth list with an income of 60 million yuan, second only to Sun Yang.

Liu Guoliang spoke to Zhang Jike

It was also from this year that he gradually faded off the court.

In 2017, at the age of 29, he won the team championship of the Asian Championships with the men's table tennis team; In 2018, he withdrew from the National Games due to a shoulder injury; In January 2019, because there was no systematic training, he withdrew from the direct competition of the World Table Tennis Championships...

Instead, he began to make frequent appearances on variety shows.

According to incomplete statistics, since 2016, Zhang Jike has participated in more than 20 variety shows such as "Crossover Singer King", "Spit Conference", "Daughters in Love", "Let's Fall in Love", "Run Brother" and so on, and some media reports say that his endorsement fee has risen to the level of tens of millions of yuan per year.

He was good at performing table tennis in different shows, and later he opened the live broadcast room and brought the stage here.

Flip the ball with a water bottle, teach a blind date female star to play, and serve as a sparring partner for Internet celebrities in the live broadcast room... Table tennis is always spinning, and people can only glimpse the last shadow left by a generation of legendary athletes from this ball.

Marlon, don't get into trouble!

Zhang Jike performs a bumping ball

But for Mallon, the legend continues.

Zhang Lei, the coach of his Beijing team, once told such a story in an interview: After the Rio Olympics, Ma Long also followed the team's arrangement and received some advertising endorsements, but it didn't take long for him to tell his coach that he still wanted to focus on the field of athletes, "He told me that he didn't sign an agency, he didn't want to be tied down, and he didn't want to take up his training time."

From good as climbing, from evil as collapse. Many things are decided in the moment of temptation.

The invasion of injury is a dilemma that athletes cannot avoid.

Yu Zhang Jike is, Yu Malong too.

In 2017, 29-year-old Ma Long won the World Table Tennis Championships again, and after the 2019 World Table Tennis Championships, Ma Long became the second third consecutive World Table Tennis Championships men's singles champion in history after Zhuang Zedong.

The curse of the World Table Tennis Championships that once trapped him is gone, but new pains are beginning to emerge.

As early as the 2018 ITTF Bulgarian Open, Ma Long was out because of a knee injury, and after the Open, Liu Guoliang and coach Qin Zhijian took Ma Long to see authoritative doctors of the knee joint across the country, using almost all the treatments, but with little effect.

"I could feel it hurt more and more when I slept, and I woke up from the pain, and finally I could only turn my head to sleep, support my legs on the wall, and put a fitness ball underneath."

Before the 2019 World Table Tennis Championships, he went to the hospital four times to extract fluid from his knee.

Marlon, don't get into trouble!

2019 World Table Tennis Championships

After winning the championship, Malone said: "I'm made in China!"

After the World Table Tennis Championships, less than a year before the scheduled Olympic Games, he had no choice but to go to the United States to undergo knee surgery.

Everyone is worried about whether the world-class athlete can return to his original status after surgery - this year, Malone is 31 years old, has passed the golden age of athlete.

Malone said: "I chose surgery not just to play in the Olympics, I thought that I liked to play, and even if I didn't play in the Olympics, I could play for another two years after surgery. ”

Marlon, don't get into trouble!

2019 Malone underwent surgery

While Ma Long was undergoing surgery, Zhang Jike was speaking for a tea brand called "Monkey's Savior."

According to the milk tea shop's promotional materials, by the end of March 2019, the milk tea shop had opened nearly 100 stores in 17 days, covering 21 provinces and 56 cities across the country.

And the brand's description of itself in the public account is: Zhang Jike co-founded the fruit tea brand.

In fact, Zhang Jike has not really participated in the "monkey's rescue", a franchisee told the media that the company's investment promotion personnel told him that because Zhang Jike's identity is inconvenient, so relatives hold the equity on his behalf.

However, the actual controlling person refuted this statement, only saying that Zhang Jike was invited as a spokesperson.

Promotional materials related to "Monkey's Rescue"

According to the Tianyancha APP, Zhang Jike has only one company associated with him, which is Beijing Flying Mastiff World Trade Co., Ltd., in which he accounts for 35% of the shares.

It is worth mentioning that this company once launched a "gold medal gift champion wine", the page shows a price of 1880 yuan a bottle, which is still on sale today.

Zhang Jike's promotional picture for "Champion Wine"

Rich and charming eyes, but the dream of money is not solid.

In May 2021, "Monkey's Rescue" was acquired by a state-owned enterprise, and Zhang Jike appeared at the signing ceremony, saying that he would become the chief brand strategy officer. In September, some franchisees said that they opened two milk tea shops for Zhang Jike's fame, but not only did not wait for the franchise service, but they were also owed loans and lost nearly one million yuan.

Zhang Jike's propaganda Weibo (currently deleted)

In 2021, just when Zhang Jike was caught in the milk tea scam, the Tokyo Olympics came.

This is Ma Long's fourth Olympic Games (Ma Long participated as a sparring partner at the 2008 Beijing Olympics), and no male table tennis player has ever won two consecutive Olympic gold medals.

Making history, or living up to expectations, Malone admits that his psychological pressure is not great.

"Actually, after winning the first Olympic gold medal, I was even more nervous, because people felt that after winning the Olympic championship, you couldn't lose."

Not to mention that before that, he returned to the game with consecutive losses.

Malone at the Tokyo 2021 Olympics

From 2019 to 2020, he lost outside battles, lost internal competitions, lost the World Cup, lost the Open, and did not even win the national championship.

At first, Malone would reassure himself that his body was still recovering, but gradually, the losing demons once again resided in his heart, and he desperately needed a victory to rebuild his confidence.

Until the ITTF finals at the end of 2020, he continued this courage, which also made him an unprecedented singles "six-time champion" in the finals.

It's just that the Olympics are very different.

In this world's top sports event, he not only represents the honor of the country, but also shoulders the expectations of the people of the whole country, not to mention, the status of the national table tennis has put him on a high place and does not allow him to be embarrassed.

Recalling the Olympics, Malone said the tension runs throughout.

"Every tension is full, there is no maximum. Nervous before going on the field, nervous when I go to sleep thinking about the next day's game, nervous when drawing lots, nervous in the game. ”

In the semifinals, he faced his old rival Ochalov, and after seven hard games, he won the match in the 81st minute, saying: "If you really lost at the Olympics, you can't forgive yourself."

In the final, his opponent was 97-year-old Fan Zhendong, who was ranked No. 1 in the world at the time.

In this way, Ma Long made history with a shadowy nervousness - after the Tokyo Olympics, Ma Long, who won the championship, became the only two-lap Grand Slam winner among male table tennis players.

The beginning of an era has never come to an easy end.

This year, Malone was 34 years old.

On his 34th birthday, he wrote on Weibo: "Persistence, I want to see more possibilities about love and dreams." ”

Ma Long at the Tokyo Olympics

At the same time, Zhang Jike also tasted the negative public opinion that had nothing to do with the stadium for the first time.

In 2017, he and his father Zhang Chuanming appeared on the variety show "The Amazing Race", in the show, he was lazy and fooled, pushing everything to his father, and later, when doing handmade comedy sports in Vietnam, the father and son chose to abandon the competition because the six they did were not qualified.

A report at the time wrote: "As a serving sports player, Zhang Jike should know that the core of sports competition is not to give up and not admit defeat. "But he didn't show that character.

2017 Screenshot of the "The Amazing Race" program

In 2020, he participated in a variety show, "Daughters in Love", in which he and Jin Chen "paired" to record the show, similar to the form of blind dates.

When chatting with Jin Chen, he often looked down at his mobile phone and cocked Erlang's legs, and the audience began to find that when this man faded the aura of world champion, he did not adapt to his identity as a newcomer in the entertainment industry.

The cameras on the field also do not show the stains in private life.

In 2020, Zhang Jike participated in "Daughters in Love"

In 2019, Liu Guoliang once posted a circle of friends:

"This Sunday morning I went to the table tennis hall to raid and see how many people were using Sunday to make up classes. Only one person on the men's first team was in training, with 29 of the 30 downspins. This is the legendary genius is not terrible, the scary thing is that the genius works harder than you. ”

This "genius" is Marlon.

Ma Long, 35 years old this year, is already the oldest member of the national table tennis team, and the world ranking has fallen to fourth, but he still has no plans to quit the arena.

After the Tokyo Olympics, he led the Chinese men's table tennis team to win the team gold medal of the World Table Tennis Championships again, and then to this year's World Table Tennis Championships singles competition, he won the qualification without dispute with the first place in the first men's singles in the direct competition.

In an interview, he imagined his future: "Try to play as often as you can, because when you put the racket down, it may be difficult to pick it up and hit again." If I really stop playing one day, I believe I will still be engaged in things related to table tennis. ”

"Because all of my is given by table tennis."

Ma Long and Zhang Jike

Athletes are dreamers in the arena, and this dream may be brilliant or broken, and no one can guess the end.

Every choice on the road of life affects the direction of the story, passing through different landscapes.

But it is undeniable that competitive sports teach us to face controversy head-on, not blindly escape.

For Zhang Jike, the thirteen needles of closure are true, the light won for the country is also true, the exposure of more than 20 variety shows is true, and the breakup with the actress is also true, is the revelation now true?

Open Zhang Jike's Weibo super words, and countless fans gathered here: "How can a teenager wearing a national flag and winning glory for the country become an adult with no bottom line?" ”

Viewers waiting for answers and fans who can't calm down need a truth.

Winning and losing on the court are temporary, and off-field life is another arena that an athlete cannot escape, in this arena, the fight is not simply achievements, honors.

As one brutal and wonderful game after another comes to an end, people will finally find that there are some things that are more important than the championship...

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