
Zhang Jike: Achievements are only a temporary business card, and character is the armor of a child's life

The ultimate goal of education is not to become a talent for all, but for everyone to become an adult.

Instead of raising an excellent child, we should cultivate a child with good character and three views.

Author | Maple

These days, the Zhang Jike incident has been fermenting.

The beginning of the incident, from netizens broke the news.

Someone posted that Zhang Jike sent a private photo of a certain actress to the creditor to settle the debt.

Soon, Zhang Jike's studio refuted the rumors, saying that the matter was "pure fabrication" and said that it would file a lawsuit against the infringing users.

When the rumors were difficult to distinguish between true and false, investigative reporter Li Weiao sent N short Weibo + a long article with a public number:

First, Zhang Jike was not only addicted to gambling, but also borrowed huge amounts of bad debts from many people.

Second, in order to pay off his gambling debts, Zhang Jike used 3 private videos and 1 video screenshot of his ex-girlfriend as a bet to mortgage Mr. S.

Li Weiao made it clear that Zhang Jike's debt and video problems are no longer just "gossip", because they have triggered a serious criminal case.

It can be said that it is a hammer of words.

The spirited Olympic champion of the past collapsed overnight!

For a time, many brands that cooperated with Zhang Jike terminated their contracts one after another.

The brand side fled, and the official media also came down to interpret the Zhang Jike incident.

From the champion of the table tennis world to "selling his girlfriend to pay off debts", while sighing, it is inevitable to make people think: Why did Zhang Jike come to this step?

Zhang Jike has been practicing since he was 3 years old.

His father is a table tennis coach and a typical strict father.

When he couldn't reach the table, Dad would tie a line to the ceiling and hang a ping-pong ball, let him take the racket and keep hitting the ball against the wall, and so on.

From the age of 5, Zhang Jike began the devil training arranged by his father:

15 pots of table tennis must be played a day;

After playing, there are 3 more hours of practice;

After training, I have to run home from the training site every day;

You can't stop training with a fever below 38.5 degrees...

Such devil training, Zhang Jike persisted for 6 years.

In the past 6 years, his rest time has only added up to 6 days, but this has also made Zhang Jike's skills improve a lot.

At the age of 12, he entered the Shandong Luneng table tennis team.

At the age of 14, he entered the national second team.

At the age of 15, because of his outstanding performance, he entered the national first team and studied under Liu Guoliang.

At the age of 16, Zhang Jike was expelled from the national team because he participated in illegal gambling, ran away after losing money.

This is the first time Zhang Jike has "fallen".

But Father Zhang and Zhang Jike did not wake up, but trained, trained, and retrained.

Therefore, although Zhang Jike returned to the national team again with excellent professional results, he did not rehabilitate.

In 2015, German media broke the news that he had sneaked out of the hotel to the casino while participating in the competition.

After that, he became addicted to gambling, and he owed debts and borrowed money everywhere...

These actually foreshadowed his end today.

It's just that when he had the championship in hand and all kinds of honors, he never felt that these were problems.

On his way up, no one told him:

A person's long-term future needs a good moral foundation.

This also exposes a common mistake that most parents make:

Only focus on achievements, honors, achievements, but ignore the most should cultivate character.

But if there is no good character and correct three views, no amount of achievements and glory will eventually disappear.

The end of the child will be a failure after all.

As a mom boy, I feel deeply because I have made similar mistakes before.

I used to be a chicken mom with only grades and grades in my eyes.

When my son was still in kindergarten, I asked him to finish the first grade.

In elementary school, he didn't have extracurricular time to play, what Olympiad class, composition tutoring class, thinking improvement class, I signed up for him.

After the double minus, I was not idle either, and I searched everywhere for a lot of rolls for him to make.

I was very strict with him, and as long as I didn't do well in the exam, I would tear up all his homework to deter.

At the beginning, my son's grades were indeed very top-notch, but he thought he was good at studying and often laughed at some of the classmates for being stupid, but I didn't feel wrong, but told him to stay away from these poor students.

He was also complained about pulling his classmates' braids, and I only thought it was just a joke among classmates.

Because of my indulgence, he became more and more unscrupulous.

During an exam, because he felt that he had smashed the exam, he tore the roll on the same table.

In the office, the son held his head high and his neck curled, not only refusing to admit his mistake, but also "reasonable":

"He has been shaking his legs, so that I can't think quietly."

"Anyway, he fails every time, what else to take?"

The head teacher shook his head and said seriously:

"You have excellent results in the examination room in school, but in the examination room of life, you are still too far behind!"

A word awakens the dreamer.

That day, the head teacher also talked to me a lot, such as:

At Harbin Institute of Technology, Yang was not only expelled from the school for cheating on the exam, but also lost his job with an annual salary of 300,000.

At Beijing University of Technology, Zuo was disqualified from research admission and expelled from the university for making inappropriate remarks.

At the University of South China, He was disqualified from graduate school because of the pornographic photos of classmate P, and returned to high school.

Case after case tells us:

What determines a child's life is not scores and glory, but character and three views.

Mr. Nan Huaijin also said: "Don't think that you can get a college diploma or a doctorate, this is not a success. You know, the purpose of education is to be successful as a person. ”

Achievements are only a temporary business card, and character is the armor of a child's life.

Those flowers and applause that are in a hurry will one day fade, and the love, kindness, integrity and upbringing engraved in the bones can determine how high and far the child goes.

After careful consideration, I set 6 rules for my son and carefully read them with him several times.

I hope that my son will not only have impressive achievements, but also a shining personality.

1. Bear the consequences for your mistakes, which is responsibility

Remember the last time, you were found by the teacher to confiscate your mobile phone because you brought it to school privately.

Your first reaction is not to think about admitting your mistakes, but to lie and make excuses, and beg me to help you deal with the aftermath.

Son, making mistakes is actually not terrible, avoiding mistakes is terrible.

If you make mistakes, you must learn to bear them yourself.

Having the courage and action to dare to take on is the most powerful responsibility of a man.

2. Know how to respect women, this is cultivation

Although women are physically weak and not strong enough, this is not a reason why you can do whatever you want:

Girls' skirts can't be lifted, girls' braids can't be pulled, and what you think is a joke is a harm to girls.

No matter how tall or thin, what clothes and makeup you wear, you can't evaluate it at will.

When a girl says no, it means no, and the girl's wishes must be respected.

The boy's power is used to protect women, not to bully.

Knowing how to respect women is a necessary quality and cultivation for boys.

3. Don't always think about yourself, it's kindness

You can learn not to be top-notch, but be sure to be a warm boy.

Don't feel that kindness is not important, keep a trace of kindness in your eyes, and stretch out a pair of hands in one step.

Every goodwill you release may not be immediately rewarded, but it will be rewarded in another way one day.

Life is an echo, kindness is a reincarnation, and when you have others in your heart, all good will naturally tilt for you.

4. Adhere to the bottom line of morality, which is the principle of being human

Manhood should "do something, don't do something".

What can be done and what cannot be done, there must be a measure of right and wrong in the heart.

For example, do not cheat, do not hit people, do not speculate, do not pit people, do not gamble, do not involve pornography...

Only by guarding the bottom line can we preserve character, dignity, and face.  

Be frank and clean, in order to achieve a successful self and a successful life.

5. Hurtful words will rot in the stomach, this is upbringing

Good words are warm in winter, and bad words hurt people in June cold.

Language, there is a temperature. No matter who you communicate with, never say hurtful things.

Because no matter how good the relationship is, it can't withstand the repeated wear and tear of hurtful words.

Don't cause harm to others and leave regrets for yourself because of the momentary moment.

To be a talker, you must not only use your mouth, but also use your heart.

6. Don't break your trust easily, this is integrity

If you borrow something from someone else, you must pay it back. If you promise someone else's things, you must do it.

As a human being, we must not lose our faith in others.

A person's biggest bankruptcy is the bankruptcy of credit.

A person's greatest wealth is reliable integrity.

Believing one's words and doing one's deeds is the foundation of a person's existence in the world.

Truly smart people will never overdraw their own credit or live up to the trust of others.

The president of a training institution once did such a study:

Most of the students in school who are kind, courteous, honest, brave and decisive, regardless of their excellent grades, will be able to gain a place in society when they grow up.

On the other hand, some students with strange temperaments or reaching out to hit people and bursting into mouth, despite their excellent grades, are still the same after many years, and some can't even find a decent job.

Parents want their children's lives to be smooth, but often it is not his score that determines their child's fate, but his character.

Compared with letting children have a beautiful report card, it is more important to educate the child's character and morality, which is the ultimate goal of parent education.

As Professor Li Meijin said: "Human nature education is more important than intellectual education, and character really determines destiny." ”

Good moral character is the most favorable business card for children, and it is also the best feng shui for children.

May every child become an adult before becoming an adult, shining brightly, and have a smooth journey.

Let's do it together!

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