
The emperor summoned luck, and the concubine happened to come for a holiday, and she had a wit: The maid will do it for me

author:The glowing housewife

That night, Liu Qi (Emperor Jing of Han) drank a few more glasses of wine, and he was full of heat, so he asked Cheng Ji to come and sleep.

Cheng Ji's face turned red, and she quietly said to the intimate palace maid: "It's really unfortunate, I'm here to decoct water, you can do it for me today." ”

Unexpectedly, her inconvenience this time indirectly allowed the Han Dynasty to continue for nearly 200 years!

The emperor summoned luck, and the concubine happened to come for a holiday, and she had a wit: The maid will do it for me


Liu Qi was the grandson of Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, the son of Liu Heng, the emperor of Hanwen, and his mother was of the Dou clan. When he was born, his father Liu Heng was not yet an emperor, but only a substitute king in the kingdom, and he was in the middle of his father's sons.

Dad is not an emperor, he is not a concubine, and it is said that he will never have the opportunity to inherit the throne!

However, if you are lucky, pies will fall from the sky - his father Liu Heng was proclaimed emperor, and all four of the acting queen's sons died, and the acting queen died later.

In this way, Liu Qi handed over the luck, and after the death of his father Emperor Wen of Han in the sixth lunar month in 157 BC, he inherited the throne for Emperor Jing of Han.

On this day, the Hanjing Emperor Liu Qi attended a banquet, drank a few more cups, and his heart rippled, and when he returned to the palace, he would summon a concubine to sleep. He was drunk and hazy, and picked Cheng Ji, who had just entered the palace and had a relatively low rank.

The emperor's summoning of luck was naturally unattainable for young concubines, and many women even fought over the emperor's favor. Therefore, there were many palace fighting dramas later.

The emperor summoned luck, and the concubine happened to come for a holiday, and she had a wit: The maid will do it for me

However, when Cheng Ji heard Zhao Xing, she suddenly panicked - because her body was not clean, she came to menstruation.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, every month eunuchs would record the concubine's menstrual events, and careful eunuchs would ask in a low voice, for fear that the inferred menstrual events were not accurate enough. According to the record, the eunuch of the honoring room will avoid this concubine, and he will remove the concubine's brand before turning the card. In this way, you can avoid the embarrassment of the concubine being turned over by the emperor at the time of menstruation.

The emperor summoned luck, and the concubine happened to come for a holiday, and she had a wit: The maid will do it for me

Besides, the ancients were very superstitious, and it was considered unlucky for the emperor to have a room with the concubine of this situation, and the emperor would be angry when his temper came up, and it would be difficult to make a big accident.

But the harem system of the Han Dynasty was not perfect, and during the concubine's menstrual affairs, in order not to sweep the emperor's prosperity, they would wear a gold ring on their hands.

Therefore, when the emperor came to the concubine's palace and saw that the concubine had a gold ring on her hand, the emperor could understand it. After drinking tea, the emperor will leave on his own and will not let the concubine sleep.

However, after all, Emperor Han Jing drank too much on this day, where could he care to see who was wearing a ring?


Cheng Ji was in a dilemma, not wanting to lose this opportunity, but also annoyed by the inconvenience of his body. When she saw the maid kneeling beside her, she quickly had an idea!

The girl's name is Tang'er, she is Cheng Ji's personal palace maid, her figure and appearance are similar to Cheng Ji's, very charming and beautiful.

Cheng Ji thought: His body is inconvenient, if he pushes the emperor to another woman, if the emperor is angry and ignores himself, it is better to let Tang'er replace him. In this way, you can not disappoint the emperor, but also not let other women take advantage of it, which is really the best of both worlds.

The emperor summoned luck, and the concubine happened to come for a holiday, and she had a wit: The maid will do it for me

Cheng Ji whispered to Tang'er: "It's really unfortunate, I'm here to decanoate, or else, you will serve Your Majesty for me tonight." ”

In ancient numerology books, non and dec belong to water - non water is yang water, dec water is yin water. Therefore, when a woman comes to menstruation, the more elegant term is called "decoction".

Tang'er's face turned red with shame, and she quickly said, "Then how can ..."

If in an ordinary person's house, maybe Tang'er will turn his face on the spot: a pure yellow flower girl, why should he serve your man for you, isn't this a bad thing?

But then again, after all, this man is extraordinary, he is the person that countless girls under the world dream of marrying!

Under Cheng Ji's repeated persuasion, Tang'er finally agreed with a frown - I'm sure that there is a high probability that she is stealing pleasure in her heart!

Tang'er dressed up carefully, put on Cheng Ji's favorite clothes, pulled up her hairstyle, and sat down on Jingdi's bed shyly.

At this time, Emperor Jing had long been impatient, smelled a woman's body fragrance, and did not care to see who the other party was, so he hugged Tang'er tightly in his arms...

It is recorded in the "History": "Emperor Jing summoned Cheng Ji, Cheng Ji was reluctant to enter, and the attendant Tang'er made the night enter." ”

When he woke up the next day, Emperor Jing rubbed his eyes and found that it was not Cheng Ji who was lying beside him, and he knew that he had been transferred. But after all, the women in the harem are all his alone, which is nothing for him, what should he do after getting up.

There is no shortage of young and beautiful women in the harem, and Emperor Han Jing quickly threw this matter out of cloud nine, and it seems that it has never happened at all.

The emperor summoned luck, and the concubine happened to come for a holiday, and she had a wit: The maid will do it for me

This matter is very famous in history, and the ancients even called a woman's menstrual event "Cheng Ji's disease". Therefore, when we see a certain beauty with "Cheng Ji's disease" when we are studying, don't think that she has any serious illness, otherwise it will make a joke!


Emperor Han Jing forgot, but Tang'er herself couldn't forget it - soon after, her belly grew bigger! The woman in the harem is pregnant, and of course the child in her belly cannot be a eunuch, not to mention that there are records, and the emperor can't admit it if he wants to.

According to records, as early as the Zhou Dynasty, there were already officials in charge of the Son of Heaven's visit to the harem, called "Yin Ling". In the Han Dynasty, there was a court decree responsible for recording who slept that night. After the Eastern Han Dynasty, such matters were handled by eunuchs. After that, there must be a memorandum in the palace of each dynasty, which records the emperor's luck for future investigation.

In October, she was pregnant, and she gave birth to a prince.

Liu Qi then remembered that he had a skin-to-skin kiss with the girl named Tang'er and gave birth to a son for him. As soon as he was happy, he named this son Liu Fa.

The emperor summoned luck, and the concubine happened to come for a holiday, and she had a wit: The maid will do it for me

However, for Tang'er, who was from a humble background, Emperor Jing still did not pay much attention to her, treating her as air.

When Liu Fa grew up, he was assigned to Changsha as a prince. Don't look at the fact that Changsha is now a tourist attraction and beautiful scenery, but during the Western Han Dynasty, Changsha was a barbarian land and was very poor.

Liu Fa was dissatisfied in his heart: They are all the sons of the emperor, why did they put me in this place where birds don't?

So, when he returned to Chang'an in the second year of the Later Yuan (142 BC) to celebrate Emperor Jing of Han's birthday, Liu Fa offered a dance, "but with his sleeves raised small"—as if his hand could not be extended.

Everyone present laughed at him for being clumsy, and Emperor Jing also felt very strange and asked him what was going on. Liu Fa replied:

"The small land of the subject country is small, and there is not enough maneuver."

Emperor Jing immediately understood this son's thoughts, and placed Wuling Commandery, Lingling Commandery, and Guiyang County under the jurisdiction of Changsha State.

Liu Fa was very clever, he was not involved in the bloody struggle for the throne in the late reign of Emperor Jing of Han, and his mother Tang'er was not deposed like Lady Li, and both mother and son lived their lives safely.


The emperor summoned luck, and the concubine happened to come for a holiday, and she had a wit: The maid will do it for me

Although Emperor Hanjing and his father Emperor Wen of Han jointly created the "Reign of Wenjing", Liu Fa and Tang'er seemed to have little human touch, which was quite criticized.

In contrast, Liu Fa, the king of Changsha Ding, has a good reputation and is still a big filial son. He was thousands of miles away in Changsha, missing his mother very much, and could not meet him, so every year he had to select the best rice, ordered someone to ride it to Chang'an to honor his mother, and then transported back to Chang'an soil to build a platform in Changsha.

Year after year, the earth transported back from Chang'an was built into a high platform. Whenever the sun sets, Liu Fa goes to Taipei to look at it, sending his thoughts about his mother.

Later, "Dingwangtai" was also known as "Wangmutai", which became a must-go to Range Rover after the literati of the previous dynasties came to Changsha, and also left many excellent works.

More than 100 years after Liu Fa's death, the world was in chaos, and a man named Liu Xiu rose up to sweep away the princes of various parties, reorganized the Han Dynasty, and established the Eastern Han Dynasty. His fifth ancestor is this Liu Fa.

Therefore, Liu Fa became the direct ancestor of all emperors of the Eastern Han Dynasty, which indirectly led to the continuation of the Han family. If Cheng Ji had not been physically inconvenient and let his mother replace him, I am afraid that China's history would have been rewritten!


There are often some inconspicuous little things that often rewrite history, such as Cheng Ji's menstrual event - a normal menstrual holiday, which not only changed the trajectory of many people's lives, but also rewrote the history of a dynasty.

Think about it: without Tang Ji's coming month, there would be no Tang'er sleeping accidentally, and there would be no Liu Fa.

Without Liu Fa, there would have been no fifth grandson Liu Xiu, and perhaps there would have been no continuation of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The so-called creation of people, creation of things, this may be the creation of Liu Xiu and his ancestors!

The emperor summoned luck, and the concubine happened to come for a holiday, and she had a wit: The maid will do it for me

What do you think about this? Welcome to discuss!


"Book of Han, Volume 28", "Shiji Wuzong Family", Baidu Encyclopedia.