
Sugar and oil are not harmful to the body? Pay attention to 3 eating habits, if you account for one, change it quickly

author:Tomato health

With the changes and progress of the times, the biggest change that people can feel is the diet that is closely related to life. But in this era of more dietary options, the incidence of cancer is skyrocketing, and the old saying "disease comes from the mouth", which shows the problem.

Sugar and oil are not harmful to the body? Pay attention to 3 eating habits, if you account for one, change it quickly

At this time, some well-known scientific experts conducted a large-scale research on the relationship between poor eating habits and carcinogenic rates, and found that the real "dietary culprit" is not sugar or oil as most people think, but the top three eating habits, and nearly 70% of people died because of this.

1. High-sodium diet

Sodium is more indicated by salt with a high mirror rate. Normal adults have a reasonable intake of no more than 5 grams of color per person per day, while people now consume much more salt per day than the standard value.

Sugar and oil are not harmful to the body? Pay attention to 3 eating habits, if you account for one, change it quickly

Compared with a study that observed 10,000 healthy adults for 8 years, if you consume 2 or 5mg more per day, the sodium content in the urine will increase by nearly 1000mg within 24 hours, which is very harmful to the body.

2. Too little fruit intake

Now look at the fruits at home, I believe that most of them have been placed not fresh or even hairy. Scientists said that the daily intake of fruits per adult should be 200~350 grams.

If the body lacks the necessary nutrients, there may be no symptoms in the short term, but in the long term, it will bury hidden dangers, and once discomfort occurs, the situation is difficult to reverse.

Sugar and oil are not harmful to the body? Pay attention to 3 eating habits, if you account for one, change it quickly

3. Insufficient grains

In the past, there was no choice, but now people have a choice, but people leave the nutritious grains and coarse grains behind, and only the refined rice noodles in their eyes and stomachs. But compared with grains, rice flour is far less nutritious.

It is recommended that adults eat about 150 grams of coarse grains a day, and it is best to replace some fine grains with black rice, black sesame, black beans, etc.

Sugar and oil are not harmful to the body? Pay attention to 3 eating habits, if you account for one, change it quickly

How many of the above 3 ways do you have? If you don't have one, then congratulations on your good eating habits and continue to maintain it, if you occupy more than one, you should pay attention. Fortunately, it is not too late to find out, and from now on, change your eating habits according to the following 3 principles to avoid sudden physical discomfort and inconvenience to life.

1. Light diet

In addition to eating less high-oil, high-sugar foods, light diet refers more to salt. Therefore, it is necessary to deliberately reduce the salt when cooking on weekdays, or put it again when it comes out of the pot.

Sugar and oil are not harmful to the body? Pay attention to 3 eating habits, if you account for one, change it quickly

In addition, "hidden salt households" soy sauce, oysters and other seasonings should also be put less to avoid burdening the body. If you can't adapt to the light taste, you can gradually make it lighter every day than the previous day until you reach the standard value, and then maintain such good eating habits for a long time.

2. Increase fruit intake

Fruits are rich in polyphenols, fiber, and trace elements, and regular consumption can not only reduce the chance of discomfort in the body, but also prevent the occurrence of obesity.

Sugar and oil are not harmful to the body? Pay attention to 3 eating habits, if you account for one, change it quickly

However, people do not eat only their favorite fruits on weekdays, fruits are rich in types and the nutrients rich in each of them are different, so it is necessary to eat different fruits in diversity to make the body's nutritional intake comprehensive.

3. Eat more coarse grains

Compared with fine rice, noodles, coarse grains are slightly superior to vitamins, trace elements or dietary fiber, which can not only help the human body prevent the occurrence of diseases, but also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and make the body develop longer.

Sugar and oil are not harmful to the body? Pay attention to 3 eating habits, if you account for one, change it quickly

However, it is not necessary to replace all of them with coarse grains to avoid affecting nutrient absorption, and eat an appropriate amount every day. There are many coarse grains every day do not know what to choose, you can also prepare some coarse grain pastries such as seven-degree square five black cake at home, with black sesame, black rice, black beans and other grains instead of flour to make, two pieces a day, convenient and nutritional.

Sugar and oil are not harmful to the body? Pay attention to 3 eating habits, if you account for one, change it quickly

It has the "help" of seven degrees square five black cake, which can help free hands while better controlling intake, and compared with homemade, it adopts ancient steaming, drying and constant temperature baking and other precise temperature control processes, and the nutrients are better absorbed and digested. In this way, fine rice noodles and coarse grains will be consumed daily, which is the best.

Summary: The above 3 eating habits are physical discomfort, but can not find the reason is very hidden "diet culprit", if you have been "hit", change as soon as possible, maintain good eating habits, the body is no different, life is more comfortable and smooth.