
Children frequently blink, shrug their shoulders, clear their throats, beware of childhood tics!

author:Pediatrician Meng Qing

With the development of society and the acceleration of the pace of life, the incidence of children's tic syndrome in children is increasing year by year. According to statistics, for every 1000 children, 2~22 suffer from this disease, mostly boys.

As children grow up, they may experience involuntary movements such as frequent blinking, shrugging, and throat clearing, accompanied by some inappropriate sounds and language expressions, which are typical symptoms of children's tics. #抽动症 #

Children frequently blink, shrug their shoulders, clear their throats, beware of childhood tics!

Childhood tics, also known as multiple tics, are a common neurodevelopmental disorder. Its main feature is the inhibitable appearance of various muscle twitches, such as blinking, opening the mouth, shaking the head, shrugging the shoulders, etc., accompanied by some inappropriate language expressions, such as swear words, inappropriate sounds and words.

The disorder is a constant challenge for children and families, causing social difficulties and attention problems.

What causes tics?

The cause of children's tics is not fully understood, but research suggests that genetics, chemicals, and environmental factors may all play a role.

Tics is a genetic disorder that can be passed in families; At the same time, some chemicals and drugs may also have an effect on children's tics, for example, certain antipsychotic drugs. In addition, pregnancy factors and early life experiences may also contribute to the development of tic disorders in children, such as hypoxia, infection, and trauma.

Children frequently blink, shrug their shoulders, clear their throats, beware of childhood tics!

What are the symptoms of tics?

Symptoms of tics in children mainly include twitching of facial and neck muscles, throat clearing, etc. These symptoms usually appear around the age of 5 and can last for months to years.

In addition to muscle tics, childhood tics can also be accompanied by inappropriate behavior such as swearing, making inappropriate sounds and words.

Common manifestations are as follows:

Most of these are simple, involuntary motor tics, and very few are simple vocal tics. The symptoms and severity of tics vary from person to person and may change over time. It should be noted that the above symptoms do not necessarily indicate that you have tics, and if these symptoms occur, you should seek medical attention in time to confirm the diagnosis.

Children frequently blink, shrug their shoulders, clear their throats, beware of childhood tics!

What should my child do if he or she has tics?

When the child shows symptoms of tics, parents are first advised to consult a professional doctor in time for serious diagnosis and treatment. Treatment for tics usually includes medication, psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, and physical therapy, depending on the severity of the child's symptoms and individual circumstances.

Of course, reducing children's stress, changing the environment, changing eating habits, increasing exercise, etc., can also relieve children's symptoms.

Children frequently blink, shrug their shoulders, clear their throats, beware of childhood tics!

At the same time, parents should give children enough emotional support and understanding, in the face of tics, children usually feel inferior, anxious and lonely, if parents can show care and support, and let children make it clear that they are not alone, then children will become more confident and cheerful.

In addition, parents can let their children participate in some beneficial activities, such as playing sports with other children, participating in interest classes such as music, etc. These activities can help children learn to control their emotions and behaviors and boost self-confidence.

In conclusion, children's tics need to be seriously treated and paid attention to build good communication and trust between parents, doctors and children. Through joint efforts, children can overcome tics and grow up healthy.

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Children frequently blink, shrug their shoulders, clear their throats, beware of childhood tics!