
13 kinds of high-quality and inexpensive Chinese proprietary medicines, what principle to cure what disease is clearly explained, hurry up...

author:Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner Zhang Ruolin

13 kinds of high-quality and inexpensive proprietary Chinese medicines.

13 kinds of low-quality and inexpensive hospitals are not open, pharmacies do not want to sell, but our medical staff often use them. Today I will share it with you, including what principle it can cure and what diseases? Today I will explain it to you clearly, and collect it quickly.

The first three yellow tablets: its main function is to clear heat and detoxify, ephemeral fire and laxative. Three scorched fever caused by red and swollen eyes, sores in the mouth and tongue, sore throat, upset and thirsty and other symptoms. Their main role is dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, pain in both flanks, yellow urine and other symptoms caused by hepatobiliary humid heat.

13 kinds of high-quality and inexpensive Chinese proprietary medicines, what principle to cure what disease is clearly explained, hurry up...

The third is Huanglian supernatant tablets: its main function is to clear heat and relieve fire, disperse wind and relieve pain. It is suitable for dizziness, headache and dizziness, red eyes, tinnitus, mouth ulcers, swollen and painful gums, dry stool and other symptoms caused by heat poison and wind and fire attack.

The fourth is blood circulation and stasis: mainly headache caused by qi pain relief, congestion internal obstruction or chest pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, insomnia, dreaminess, panic and irritability. The main function of Jin Kui Kidney Qi Pill is to warm up kidney yang and dissolve qi and water. It is mainly suitable for symptoms such as edema, waist and knee soreness, cold intolerance, and unfavorable urination caused by dry kidney deficiency.

13 kinds of high-quality and inexpensive Chinese proprietary medicines, what principle to cure what disease is clearly explained, hurry up...

Xia Sangju granules: Its main function is to clear the liver and clear the eyes, and dissipate heat from the winds. It is mainly suitable for colds, dizziness, tinnitus, sore throat and other diseases due to wind and heat.

The seventh is the Tianma hook vine granules: its main function is to calm the liver and calm the wind, clear the heat and calm the spirit. It is suitable for headache, dizziness, tinnitus, dizziness, tremor and other symptoms caused by hepatic yang hyperactivity. People with high blood pressure to improve symptoms.

13 kinds of high-quality and inexpensive Chinese proprietary medicines, what principle to cure what disease is clearly explained, hurry up...

The eighth is Lung Clearing Pill: its main role is to clear the lungs, relieve cough and phlegm, apply dry lung fever, cough, sputum is more viscous and other symptoms.

The ninth is Gui Peony Dihuang Pill: its main role is to nourish the liver and kidneys, replenish yin serum deficiency heat. It is mainly suitable for dry throat, hot flashes in the afternoon, dizziness caused by tinnitus, heel pain and other symptoms.

The tenth is Wuzi Yanzong Pill: its main function is to tonify the kidney and pelvic essence. Premature ejaculation, low back pain, incomplete urine and other symptoms caused by kidney sperm deficiency.

The eleventh is Gui Fu Dihuang Pill: its main role is the waist and knees caused by insufficient kidney yang, cold intolerance, and frequent urination.

13 kinds of high-quality and inexpensive Chinese proprietary medicines, what principle to cure what disease is clearly explained, hurry up...

The twelfth is Samling Baishu Pill: its main role is to strengthen the spleen and pelvic qi. It is mainly suitable for symptoms such as loss of appetite, loose stool, poor spirit, lack of breath and lazy speech caused by dry temper weakness.

The thirteenth is Erchen Pill: its main role is to dry and humidify phlegm, regulate qi and stomach. Cough, sputum, chest swelling, nausea and vomiting due to sputum stagnation.

The above are the 13 kinds of good quality and cheap things shared today, have you learned?