
Sound the alarm: a 9-year-old girl is 153 tall, but the remaining space is only 3 cm!

author:Dr. Gao Wang, Chief of Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yesterday I saw a girl, 9 years and 7 months tall 1.53 meters, weight 47 kg, very tall, 100 children can stand in the top 3 in line!

Sound the alarm: a 9-year-old girl is 153 tall, but the remaining space is only 3 cm!

I also saw that her parents' height was 173 and 158 respectively, and calculated that the genetics were between 154.5 plus and minus 5 centimeters, and 100 children could only stand in the back 10 in line, and the current height and genetic ratio were too different!

There must be something abnormal in this situation, and then ask to learn that the child has been menstruating for nearly 1 year, and it is really rare to see a girl who menstruates so early!

Then I asked the child's mother to take her to shoot a bone age, and the film came out to see it, it was broken! The bone age has reached 13 years old, the picture below is her bone age film, you can take a look together:

Sound the alarm: a 9-year-old girl is 153 tall, but the remaining space is only 3 cm!

Now use the 13-year-old bone age to compare the height of 153, in the 25th percentile, the lifetime height is about 156, and the remaining growth space is about 3 cm, which is too far from the 165 expected by the mother.

The mother is very unconvinced, she thinks that the child has grown so fast in the past 2 years, how can it be only 3 centimeters left, the child is only 9 and a half years old, it is impossible not to grow!

Sound the alarm: a 9-year-old girl is 153 tall, but the remaining space is only 3 cm!

I know that this is also a common question of you who are reading the article, but this is the case, the bone age is here, no matter how surprised you and I are, no matter how I believe it, the result is also like that.

But in front of the child can not say so sure, she needs hope, this is related to her self-confidence and future life attitude, future life, must not break the child's confidence, so I deliberately told my mother not to worry, should be able to grow to more than 1 meter 6 did not run!

This child is a wake-up call, ring to her and ring to you, thousands of precocious appearance! It doesn't matter if it's a girl or a boy!

Sound the alarm: a 9-year-old girl is 153 tall, but the remaining space is only 3 cm!

If girls are earlier than 8 years old and boys are earlier than 9 years old, chest and testicular development occurs, it is called precocious puberty, and its direct harm is accelerated development, rapid bone age changes, compression of height time and space, so that children can not even grow genetically!

If the child is found early, hurry up and use Chinese proprietary medicine to inhibit the development process first, commonly used such as Zhibai, Danyan, Da Tonic Yin, etc., if the short height is old and the bone age is large, you can consider injections, or even doubles!

Sound the alarm: a 9-year-old girl is 153 tall, but the remaining space is only 3 cm!

Returning to girls, once the breasts develop, then by the time of her menarche, it is 2 to 2 and a half years, and most children are like this.

Therefore, a girl is like a flower, once it opens, her flowering period is more than 2 years, so the time of flowering, that is, the age of breast development, is very important, which is related to how much room for growth and height.

Sound the alarm: a 9-year-old girl is 153 tall, but the remaining space is only 3 cm!

When it is found that the child is really precocious, in addition to the drug inhibition mentioned above, there must be a corresponding means to promote growth, because simple inhibition will not only make the bone age grow very slowly, but also reduce the growth rate of height, and simple inhibition may lose its meaning.

Therefore, it is necessary to give the means of growing tall at the same time, eat Chinese medicine decoctions or granules, such as prince ginseng, skullcap, poria, baiju, licorice, etc., to enhance the inhibition effect while regulating the growth height, with Chinese medicine growth ointments and patches, etc., to promote growth and height, observe for about 3 months, and decide whether to inject to grow taller.

Sound the alarm: a 9-year-old girl is 153 tall, but the remaining space is only 3 cm!

This practice,

The above is an explanation and program ideas for precocious children, I hope this case will have a reference and help for everyone.

Sound the alarm: a 9-year-old girl is 153 tall, but the remaining space is only 3 cm!

Note: The content is for reference only, please seek medical attention offline if you are unwell. #2023育儿季 #

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