
After visiting the tomb, a family of 6 was urgently admitted to the hospital! Alerts are issued in multiple places

Source: Shaanxi Traffic Radio

On April 1, in Didong Town, Sheng County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, Ms. Zhang's family of six returned to their hometown to visit the grave, and after that, they picked a pound of "blood skin vegetables" in the field and took it to a restaurant for processing. When I went to the hospital, I found that my family had mistaken the grass that could only be applied externally for a blood skin vegetable.

On April 2, Ms. Zhang told reporters that the family immediately washed the stomach after being hospitalized, and the whole family is still hospitalized, and the situation is relatively stable, "The CDC also came to us to popularize science, and the herb we eat is used to apply external compresses to reduce swelling, which has the effect of activating blood circulation and removing stasis." ”

After visiting the tomb, a family of 6 was urgently admitted to the hospital! Alerts are issued in multiple places

Ms. Zhang introduced that she usually lives in Chengdu, Sichuan, and this time she specially returned to her hometown to visit the grave. On the afternoon of the 1st, Ms. Zhang's family of 6 went to Didong Town, Sheng County, Yibin City to visit the tomb, and at the end encountered wild vegetables that were very similar in appearance and color to blood skin vegetables, so the family picked about 1 kilogram of wild vegetables and took them to the town restaurant for processing.

"The taste is similar to ordinary vegetables." About 10 minutes after eating wild vegetables, Ms. Zhang began to feel dizzy and vomit, "At first, I didn't think that there was a problem with wild vegetables, but later the family had vomiting and vomiting, we hurried to the hospital in the town, only to know that we had eaten the grass as a bloody vegetable by mistake." ”

Ms. Zhang introduced that on the 2nd, the staff of the local CDC came to the hospital and gave them a popular science about the effect of Hua Er Grass, "Hua Er Grass" leaves have curly teeth on the side, more slender than blood skin vegetables, put in the mouth chewed with bitter taste, it has the effect of activating blood circulation and removing stasis, can be applied externally but can not be edible, eating more will produce dizziness, diarrhea and other symptoms, serious will also lead to food poisoning.

The reporter's search found that the Health Bureau of Naxi District, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, had posted an article in the public account "Healthy Naxi", reminding everyone that the problem of accidentally eating chemical grass was very serious.

It is mentioned in the article that the scientific name of Huaerwei is impossible to verify, but its appearance is very similar to that of bloody vegetables. Looking closely at the curly teeth on the leaves of the grass, which are more slender than the blood-skinned vegetables, this plant is known as swelling and swelling, and it was often used as an abortion pill in the past.

After visiting the tomb, a family of 6 was urgently admitted to the hospital! Alerts are issued in multiple places

The symptoms of poisoning by ingestion of infant grass mainly include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and limb weakness.

If you mistakenly ingest Infant grass, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible, and if the poisoning is serious, call an ambulance immediately. In addition, to induce vomiting and catharsis, the time of eating is within 1-2 hours, and artificial vomiting can be carried out; If you eat for more than 2 hours and are in good spirits, you can take laxatives to promote the excretion of poisoned food as soon as possible.

Multi-place reminder:

Don't eat these things indiscriminately

Now in the spring, when stepping outdoors, green parks and hillside fields often become "vegetable gardens" for some citizens to find wild vegetables, and incidents of poisoning by eating wild vegetables are not uncommon. In this regard, Wang Xiaogang, chief physician of the Beijing Emergency Center, reminded the public not to pick and eat wild vegetables easily, such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness and other discomforts after eating wild vegetables, and should seek medical attention immediately.

When some citizens go out to play, they tend to pick wild vegetables and eat them based on their own experience, thinking that wild vegetables may have higher nutritional value. Wang Xiaogang said that in fact, there is no evidence that wild vegetables have higher nutritional value, some wild vegetables contain microtoxicity, the types of wild vegetables are also very complex, some toxic plants are similar in appearance to wild vegetables, it is difficult for non-professionals to accurately identify, and there is a risk of poisoning when eating wild vegetables.

On the other hand, the unsafe factors of eating wild vegetables also come from the external environment. Wild vegetables that grow on the side of the road next to sewage ditches and have car exhaust may contain toxic and harmful substances. In spring, many parks and gardens will regularly spray herbicides, insecticides, etc. to prevent diseases and pests or remove weeds, and if you eat wild vegetables contaminated with drugs, it will cause great harm to the human body.

The reporter combed and found that many places across the country have recently issued tips not to eat wild vegetables and fruits at will, and there have even been cases of death.

On April 5, it was reported that many provinces and cities were poisoned by eating "chestnut", and after investigation, it was confirmed that the poisoned patients were not eating chestnuts, but "tung oil fruit" that resembled chestnuts. Recently, experts from the Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition of the Wuhan CDC reminded that wild vegetable poisoning mainly occurs in homes and farmhouses and other places, and wild fruit poisoning is mostly caused by children and field workers mistakenly picking and eating, so do not pick or buy wild vegetables and wild fruits in parks, roadsides or wild places to eat.

After visiting the tomb, a family of 6 was urgently admitted to the hospital! Alerts are issued in multiple places

On March 17, according to the Guangdong Provincial Health Commission, in February 2023 (0:00 on February 1 to 24:00 on February 28), Guangdong Province reported 1 large-scale public health emergency, which was a foodborne disease incident caused by accidental ingestion of tree roots mixed with hook kiss and soaked wine in Wuhua County, Meizhou City, with 3 cases of illness and 1 death.

After visiting the tomb, a family of 6 was urgently admitted to the hospital! Alerts are issued in multiple places

Hook kiss, known as "broken intestine grass", the whole plant is highly toxic, the main toxic substance is hook kiss alkaloids, the wrong eater is light breathing difficult, heavy is fatal. 5-8 leaves can put down an adult, and the toxicity should not be underestimated.

After visiting the tomb, a family of 6 was urgently admitted to the hospital! Alerts are issued in multiple places

A few days ago, the Food Department of the Huzhou City Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Zhejiang Province issued a document reminding the public that wild vegetables are not selected correctly and may be poisoned. For example, yellow cauliflower, yellow cauliflower is a type of daylilies, except for yellow cauliflower, most of the rest are inedible. For example, daylilies or daylilies that are seen in flower beds every day. Daylilies contain colchicine, which is difficult to remove during cooking and processing, and poisoning symptoms such as dry mouth, diarrhea, and dizziness will occur after ingestion.

See clearly!

These wild vegetables are highly toxic!

Can't pick!

After visiting the tomb, a family of 6 was urgently admitted to the hospital! Alerts are issued in multiple places
After visiting the tomb, a family of 6 was urgently admitted to the hospital! Alerts are issued in multiple places
After visiting the tomb, a family of 6 was urgently admitted to the hospital! Alerts are issued in multiple places
After visiting the tomb, a family of 6 was urgently admitted to the hospital! Alerts are issued in multiple places

Source: Beijing Daily, People's Daily, Yangcheng Evening News