
Cross-talk examination: Cross-talk family "high gate" Liang Houmin

author:Sincerely, the key

Xiangsheng Examination 105: Xiangsheng family "Gaomen" Liang Houmin

Cross-talk examination: Cross-talk family "high gate" Liang Houmin

Liang Houmin, born in 1940, is a native of Yutian, Hebei.

Liang Houmin has loved literature and art since he was a child, and at the age of six, he will memorize allegro, and has also acted in flute and flute solos, folk dances, commentaries, Peking opera, dramas, Shandong fast books, cross-talk, allegro books, etc. Of course, his favorite is the Allegro, Liang Houmin also likes Shandong Fast Book, and also participated in Gao Yuanjun's Shandong Fast Book Study Class. Later, he turned to the allegro book, and he was known as the "proud son of the allegro book" who became self-taught. He taught himself allegro, imitated the allegro master Li Runjie, and memorized a whole anthology of Allegro books by Li Runjie. Unexpectedly, many years later, he did not form a master-apprentice relationship with Li Runjie, but instead formed a brotherhood with Li Runjie's son, Li Shaojie. In order to meet Li Runjie, in 1966 Liang Houmin rode a bicycle for 14 hours, from Beijing to Tianjin, and ran a total of three times. Sure enough, successful people have an unusual life, different from ordinary people.

Cross-talk examination: Cross-talk family "high gate" Liang Houmin

In 1960, Liang Houmin was admitted to the Geology Department of Beijing Institute of Mining and Technology. This was not his ideal school, but at the urging of his family, he still came to this school and entered the school's literary troupe. I really can't imagine that at that time, the literary and labor troupes were flying all over the sky, and no matter what kind of units, there were literary and labor troupes. It was also in the tempering of the cultural troupe that he successfully joined the Beijing Rural Culture Task Force after graduation, and later went to the Beijing Cultural and Labor Troupe, where he mainly performed allegro books.

In 1967, Liang Houmin became famous with "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment". It was also from this year that Liang Houmin's allegro book artistic life began, and he integrated more elements of music and art into the allegro, including dance, opera and recitation; he enriched the expression and technique of the allegro book. I have to say that he is a very thoughtful person, but also a person who dares to think and dare to do. Liang Houmin also transformed the allegro, enlarged the head of the board, added a sound wall, and hollowed out the board. It's an attempt and an innovation. Of course, all the reforms have different voices, and many people think that he is fooling around and ruining allegro art, but his innovation is welcomed by the people.

In 1969, Liang Houmin worked as an Allegro book actor in the Beijing Qu Art Troupe.

In 1972, Liang Houmin's "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment" was broadcast nationwide. From 1967 to 1972, Liang Houmin revised the book twenty times in five years, and performed more than 600 times.

In 1974, Liang Houmin attended a reception celebrating the 25th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, which was a great encouragement to a music performer.

In 1985, Liang Houmin visited Gao Fengshan and became brothers with Shi Fukuan, Bi Xuexiang, and Li Shaojie. Some people also say that Liang Houmin should be tied with Wang Fengshan and Li Runjie to become the fourth faction of the Allegro, the Liang faction. Liang Houmin was Gao Fengshan's apprentice, so how could he form a faction of his own? Gao Fengshan played a crucial role in the development of the Allegro book, allowing a person to be rescued from half-kneeling and able to stand and perform the Allegro. Besides, Liang Houmin's Allegro book was greatly influenced by Li Runjie, and it was difficult to become a faction of its own.

In 2003, Liang Houmin first opened the mountain gate and accepted 7 apprentices, including Yang Zichun, Li Jing, Li Hongjun, and Li Baoguo. Li Jing, who is familiar to everyone, founded the Beijing Cross-Talk Conference with Guo Degang and Zhang Wenshun, which was later renamed Deyun Society in 2003. Li Jing withdrew from deyun during the "Black August" period in 2010, together with He Yunwei. In fact, Li Jing followed Liang Houmin to learn allegro books from the first grade until she graduated from college, and studied for about ten years before and after. It is said that it is fate that Liang Houmin rode a motorcycle in violation of the law and was arrested by the police, which found that the driver's license was not examined. When he was examining with his driver's license, he was discovered by Li Jing's mother, who worked at the car management office, so she asked for Liang Houmin's phone, and then Li Jing often went to Liang Houmin's home for advice.

Cross-talk examination: Cross-talk family "high gate" Liang Houmin

In 2003, Liang Houmin took a group photo with teacher Li Wenhua at the acceptance ceremony

Cross-talk examination: Cross-talk family "high gate" Liang Houmin

On his 70th birthday in 2009, Liang Houmin took a group photo with his apprentices, apprentices, students and family

In 2009, the Beijing Qu Artists Association awarded him the title of Outstanding Achievement Artist.

On May 20, 2011, Liang Houmin took in Wang Qihong, Huang Yuhua, Feng Mianhan, Zheng Lei, Cai Zhaobo, Guo Yang, Guo Liang, Zhang Wei, Zheng Sijie and 9 others. Guo Yang Guo Liang is a pair of twin brothers, the two went to Li Jing's Starry Night CrossTalk Hall to say cross-talk, and it is also this layer of relationship, the brothers were introduced by Li Jing, and also worshiped under Liang Houmin's door. At miaofu's recommendation, the two brothers worshiped under Jiang Kunmen and became Jiang Kun's closed disciples.

Cross-talk examination: Cross-talk family "high gate" Liang Houmin
Cross-talk examination: Cross-talk family "high gate" Liang Houmin

On November 22, 2013, the famous movie star Liang Tianbai became a closed disciple of Liang Houmin under Liang Houmin. Liang Tian said that the worship master is not for the sake of cross-border allegro, but to do something for the allegro book he has loved since childhood, hoping to use his film and television expertise to shoot feature films and documentaries of allegro books to protect this traditional art that is about to disappear.

On September 7, 2017, Liang Houmin died of illness at the age of 76.

Liang Houmin's representative works "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment" and "The Great Trouble at the Yaowang Temple".

Liang Houmin won the Peony Award at the 2nd China Quyi Festival.

Liang Houmin has a nephew named Shi Aidong, who studied Allegro books with his uncle. Shi Aidong later came to Deyun Society, partnered with Yue Yunpeng and Kong Yunlong.