
The only way for humanity to avoid destruction

author:Explore the source of unconsciousness

The emergence of ChatGPT has made many people worry about artificial intelligence generating consciousness and threatening mankind, including some world-class celebrities. So is there such a possibility?

I have the absolute right to say the answer to this question. Because I was exploring the causes of suffering and going inward, exploring the subconscious, and reaching a level of transparency, I had a series of personal experiences that subverted my worldview.

For example: freely leave the body as you wish;

For example, clearly see that people are composed of three well-defined living beings of consciousness, mind, and body (including the brain), and see their cooperative relationship. Consciousness and mind are beings lower than the body and genes, and it can be clearly seen that actions and thoughts are the source driving forces lower than genes for what reasons and purposes, and the body and brain are mobilized;

Wait a minute;

I am a scientific researcher in science and engineering, but a series of personal experiences have opened up a new world. Deeply aware that current science has very important flaws in exploring the truth of the universe. To believe in science is not to firmly believe in existing scientific views, but to believe in the spirit of science, scientific concepts, and to constantly explore unknown areas. There are countless scientific ideas that have been overturned in the past, and the development of science is accompanied by the process of constantly overturning old ideas.

The conclusion is that not only artificial intelligence, but also any other technology, will not in itself threaten humanity. Only humanity can threaten humanity. What do people do with technology? War? Destruction of ecology? Or is it a real benefit to humanity.

Why don't so many tech celebrities see the right answer? Because there is no understanding of consciousness. The way science is done today is flawed, so I haven't been able to understand what's going on?

The flaw of human science is that it has always only explored outward, and tracing the roots inward is where the higher truth lies. Otherwise, mankind will never see the truth of the universe. The brain is an instrument of consciousness, and consciousness is deeper than the brain, not the brain that produces consciousness. If you dig inward to a certain depth, you will naturally find it.

Although technology itself does not threaten human beings, human beings have indeed reached a crossroads of life and death. But if you find the right direction, there is salvation.

First, the crisis of humanity

The competition in human society has never been more fierce. So despite the unprecedented abundance of human material conditions, the happiness experienced by most people has not improved, and stress, anxiety, and depression are tormenting more people.

Various social problems are constantly emerging. Despite the efforts of many people to repair it, it is still full of holes and does not improve.

Countless people feel that the world is suffering.

The international situation is also full of crises, a third world war is constantly brewing, the whole world is under the shadow of nuclear darkness, and the crisis is approaching day by day.

At the same time, the rapid development of science and technology has made the ability to damage the ecology more and more significant, and extreme weather has become more and more frequent. However, on the one hand, there is economic development that affects competitive strength and the survival of the country, and on the other hand, the earth's ecology shared with the enemy, and the trade-off is obvious.

Humanity is facing a crisis of extinction. The world is very complex and the situation is very serious, and humanity is currently unable to meet these urgent and existential common challenges.

How long do you think humans have left?

Disaster will not stop coming because some people feel that the years are quiet, but only make them suddenly unbelievable when it happens: yesterday was fine.

From my own experience, I advise you: destruction is not the road to liberation, and death is not the end of destiny!

Second, the way out for mankind

All social problems are actually human problems, and human problems ultimately lie in human nature.

With the development of human material science and technology to this day, the ability to harm each other and destroy the ecology has threatened human survival. If you want to avoid destruction, there is only one way to survive: to upgrade the quality of spiritual civilization and change human nature.

This is not only the path to avoid destruction, but also the path to true happiness from the sea of suffering.

Changing human nature? Just kidding!

Countless famous people have said: Human nature cannot be changed.

Is what celebrities say must be right? What is their basis?

The experience of "reading countless people and looking at the long river of history".

Is this method of empirical induction reliable?

According to empirical induction, countless people have felt that the earth is flat for thousands of years, because no one has ever seen a circle of a round ball that can stand a person;

According to empirical induction, people in the past would not believe that they could talk and video in seconds after thousands of miles apart.

Don't be limited by experience, but explore in the spirit of science.

What is the essence of human nature? Where does humanity come from?

If these fundamental questions cannot be studied and understood, it is very hasty and unscientific to conclude whether "human nature can be changed".

How do I see through this? You also have a chance to do it.

Rationale: Nothing comes out of thin air, there is a driving force behind all actions, thoughts, emotions and emotions, and there is a driving force behind the driving force, all the way to the source.

The only way for humanity to avoid destruction

Therefore, the way to see clearly is to go against the direction of the driving force. Be aware of all the outlets of the driving force and block them as close as possible to allow the driving force to flow back.

Then be aware of the obstacles on the way back and find a way to open them.

In this deepening process, attention has been focused on the inner and connected to the mind.

Just like a pipe with many one-way valves in the middle, if you want to let the water flow back to the source, you need to be aware of all the outlets, and block them as much as possible, and then find and open the one-way valve through the depth of awareness and adjustment ability, so as not to block the energy in the middle.

The only way for humanity to avoid destruction

After penetration, you will find that the total source of all driving forces is the same, which is deeper than the gene.

The problem with humanity is that it has always only explored outward. Going inward is where the truth lies.

When you can trace all the actions labeled human back to their original source, you will discover the essence of human nature.

The principle is not complicated, but it takes perseverance to figure it out.

The method is not much, but the degree of effectiveness and the depth of application. Many people like to put a bunch of knowledge into their brains, and then think that they have mastered it, and the method is just a tool to achieve the goal.

Some people like to use the way of analyzing dreams to understand the subconscious, not impossible, but with half the effort, it is also very easy to make mistakes. Consciousness cannot be involved in real time, and it is impossible to explore deeply. Stay at the brain level to analyze with reason, trying to match the many wrong theories left by the predecessors. These are all problems.

With the improvement of the ability to see the mind, it will not only make you more and more aware of the essence of the problems of yourself, others, and society going deep into the bottom. There may also be special experiences that will naturally emerge to help you learn more.

After transparency, you will find:

Human nature is not innate, not genetically determined.

Human nature is formed for both a cause and a purpose.

Human nature is a tool formed in the process of growth that directly or indirectly serves the subconscious source.

All the negative human nature that people satirize, affect human civilization, and hinder human happiness, none of which is innate, has a way to fundamentally change.

Many cultural works have told the process of "blackening" people. People know to some extent the importance of the environment, and the group magnetic field of all people is really important, but this cannot be changed directly, everyone has been shaped for decades, ingrained.

It's normal to have problems, and it doesn't matter, because we have a very important tool for solving problems – culture.

But what if the culture that serves as a standard to correct problems is unaware of its many serious problems?

This is very important!

However, throughout history, although different races and different times have had many different cultures, there are often many unaware common defects and errors, which have shaped the common fundamentals of human nature, resulting in human nature that has not changed, thus presenting a rather confusing illusion: human nature is innate and unchangeable. Acquired human nature has always been mistakenly called "nature". These problems are all due to a lack of deep understanding of the subconscious, and they only know the skin of their various human natures, and do not know the roots.

The only way for humanity to avoid destruction
The only way for humanity to avoid destruction

What cultures are problematic? How should this change?

People who cannot see clearly and see through the subconscious mind are unlikely to get accurate answers, even if their IQ reaches the human limit, they are 50,000 cars rich, and they are well versed.

No matter what kind of country or cultural background it has, as long as a group of people with clear views and clear subconscious can appear, they will lead the world with the culture of heavenly path. The difference it can bring is unprecedented.

Otherwise, even if it is restarted, leaving only the first 10,000 people with the highest virtue on the earth, in a few generations, the pattern of human history will still be repeated.

What is Heavenly Dao?

As mentioned earlier, the source driver is a deeper existence than genes. So where does the source drive come from? The nature of the source driving force and behind it lies in the way of heaven.

Then the question arises: culture is such a thing as a hundred schools of thought, even if it is the way of heaven, and not everyone can witness it personally, why can it become dominant?

Because this culture is not just lip service, but based on new scientific research. Some scientific, repeatable and verifiable ways can be found to confirm a series of previously virtual things and unsolved mysteries.

It is also because people can feel the benefits and accept them from the beginning.

What will the new world look like after reshaping culture with the way of heaven and realizing the upgrading of spiritual civilization?

First mankind can avoid destruction, and then it can achieve great harmony and prosperity.

The cruel historical pattern of human repetition will come to an end, and the competitive society of fierce struggle and lack of happiness will gradually evolve into a creative society in which everyone is self-realized, and truly happy.

War has completely become history, the earth's ecology is no longer wantonly destroyed, and any development of science and technology will only benefit mankind and will no longer threaten mankind. The subconscious obstacles affecting individual talents will be gradually eliminated, the huge losses caused by competitive society far beyond the imagination of ordinary people will be greatly reduced, and all kinds of livelihood problems will no longer be a problem.

Instead of struggling to live a life or oscillating between pain and boredom, people enjoy life in a sense of true happiness they have never experienced. True, reliable happiness comes from the soul and is long-lasting, not as easily numbed by the adaptability of the human body as the happiness brought about by neurological and hormonal stimulation.

All kinds of spiritual sufferings in the world will be gradually lifted, and no one will feel human suffering anymore.

Many people who say too much are not yet able to believe, and may feel that it is a fantasy. Because the world has always been in tatters, human nature has always been unbearable, and most people are deeply limited by their own upbringing and the historical patterns that have always been so.

Just like "the day does not understand the darkness of the night", the night does not understand the white of the day.

Of course, sea change takes time, but if you find the right direction, you will feel significantly better and better every year.

Otherwise, the unbearable status quo is already quite good among the bad.

Whether a group of people with clear views and clear subconscious minds can emerge, and Kuang Zheng culture is in line with the way of heaven and achieves a great upgrade of spiritual civilization is related to the fate of mankind.

Everyone's fate is affected by it.

Heaven or hell? Now there is still a chance to choose.

3. Other issues

1. About reading and learning

There are many people who like to study and read, but most people ignore the best books in the world - their own hearts, which is the best one, not one.

Many books do have high value, but there are often some mistakes, books are only revelatory references, the heart is fundamental, if not based on the heart, the more you read, the farther away you may be from the truth.

Isolated from the heart, trapped in a brain cage, knowledge poisoned people are quite a lot.

When you penetrate your heart, its value is better than memorizing all the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign classics.

2. Problems in the field of psychology

Psychology has made great contributions to the world and accumulated a lot of wisdom. Especially in terms of practical experience. But there are also quite a few mistakes. Many of the underlying assumptions are problematic.

Even the psychoanalytic school of psychology, the discipline that pays the most attention to the unconscious now, its cutting-edge theories are still shallow in the study of the unconscious mind, and there are some errors.

If psychology wants to make a breakthrough and exert a significant impact on human society, it must be studied deeply. Otherwise, even if it is assumed that all the psychological or spiritual problems in the world can be solved, the fate of mankind will not be changed, and the happiness of mankind will not be qualitatively improved.

If you do not explore and understand the subconscious mind, and find that the way of heaven reshapes the culture, people who produce various psychological and spiritual problems will continue to appear, and there will be more and more.

For example, the psychoanalytic school:

Why do you need defense for so many invisible stimuli? What is defended? How can it be done without defense? How do invisible stimuli have a huge impact on the invisible spirit?

For example, the well-known CBT, which emphasizes distorted cognition and false beliefs, is indeed good.

But where did those mistakes come about?

A lot of it wasn't learned.

As long as you have a little awareness and ask yourself a few whys, many people themselves can discover their distorted cognition and false beliefs.

Why is it that many times the brain's cognition is correct, but the belief that it runs automatically is ridiculously wrong?

Why is it useless to adjust some very obvious false beliefs?

No one person in the world can solve all problems by cognition alone.

Distorted cognition and false beliefs are not only "causes", but also "effects" in many cases. What drives his distorted perceptions and false beliefs? What is the purpose? Deep in the subconscious mind will give you the answer.

If there is a person with clear views and clear understanding of the subconscious in the field of psychology, large and small schools, whether 100 or 200, how many can be unified, psychological chaos will become history, psychology will become a more recognized science, and play a decisive role in human society.

At present, the controversy between different genres is like the allusion of blind people touching elephants, those who touch elephant legs say that elephants are like a pillar, those who touch their ears say that elephants are obviously like a fan, and those who touch their bodies say that elephants are like a wall.

Those who are transparent to the subconscious will be able to see the elephant in its entirety.

Don't always rely on brain analysis to summarize some cases and come up with a hypothetical theory, this kind of practice is very error-prone, do not stay at the brain level, but go deep into the heart.

I know these answers very well. But many people are stuck in a brain cage. Understanding is not moving, but it is easy to take for granted to understand, harmful and beneficial, you need to explore inward first. If you are a big man in the field of psychology and ** world, not just by learning other people's theories, but inward exploration is very in-depth and enlightened, welcome to communicate privately at any time.

3. About**

Many ** people follow the method of "think and stop, think without following" or similar.

This type of method is very good and has a positive significance for personal improvement.

But if you want better clarity, you can't just "break", because all thoughts arise for a reason and purpose, and if you just try to cut it off, you can't find its cause and purpose.

This is one of the key reasons why countless people** have always achieved fruitful results and great achievements, which have positive significance for the world, but also have great limitations, and are one of the key reasons why they cannot truly discover the root cause of the problem and thus solve human problems on a large scale and fundamentally.

Fourth, you can help

Sending me headlines and attracting the attention of some research institutions, I can find scientific ways to prove a series of disruptive new sciences that can be repeatedly verified for the world.

Send me to the headlines and watch me talk to elites from all walks of life.

There are countless people with extraordinary abilities, but the current dilemma is unsolvable, the key is that the vast majority of people are deeply limited by the perception shaped by the past historical model, mistakenly believing that this is the only model, so their behavior pattern is also naturally promoting the repetition of the old pattern.

The wisdom of many people in life is: study the law and act according to the law. No problem. But what is more needed to change the world is: to explore the underlying laws that form the upper laws, correct the upper laws that are not conducive to human beings according to the bottom laws, and form a new healthy upper law. Otherwise, mankind will surely repeat the cruel old historical pattern until "virtue" cannot carry "things" and is destroyed. Human time is really running out.

As soon as a series of new theories are scientifically proven and the world is presented with hope for new models, great change will begin to happen.

A small compass can affect the course of a 10,000-ton ship.

It's hard, but you can. It's about everyone's well-being and it's well worth it.

I just need a chance to send me to the headlines, and leave the rest to me! You can just watch the play