
One of the most brutal wars in human history - the First World War: more than 30 million casualties!

author:Whimsical medical student

This war is the most extensive, widespread, and with the largest number of casualties in the history of mankind. The West's fight over the issue of interests has involved human civilization in a great catastrophe.

One of the most brutal wars in human history - the First World War: more than 30 million casualties!

Shelling of British positions for several hours continuously

So what is the problem of interests that make the West kill each other? This is to clarify the world background at that time: the colonies and semi-colonies of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Oceania were basically divided among the great powers; Against the backdrop of intensified contradictions between old and new colonialism, unbalanced economic development of various imperialists, and unequal division of order, emerging countries, such as Germany, are not satisfied with the land and resources they have, and challenge the old colonial empires of Britain and France.

One of the most brutal wars in human history - the First World War: more than 30 million casualties!

The advancing German army

Let's look at these pictures to better understand the time of the First World War:

One of the most brutal wars in human history - the First World War: more than 30 million casualties!

Let's understand that the Allies and the Entente are two organizations—that is, sides between nations.

One of the most brutal wars in human history - the First World War: more than 30 million casualties!

Next, let's talk about the trigger of this war - the Sarajevo incident. At the beginning of the 20th century, Austria-Hungary began to step up its encroachment in the Balkans to prevent the unification of Serbia and Poland and Montenegro. In 1908, Austria-Hungary took advantage of the revolution in Turkey to announce the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which aroused great anger among the Serbian people. Russia was ready to support Serbia in its war against Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary also gathered troops on the border, and war was about to break out, when Germany came to support Austria-Hungary. On March 21, 1909, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Russia, demanding immediate recognition of the fait accompli of Austria-Hungary's annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, or war with Serbia. Russia, weakened after its defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, did not receive the support of Britain and France, and had to make temporary concessions. Austria-Hungary, with German support, had ambitions to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina.

One of the most brutal wars in human history - the First World War: more than 30 million casualties!

In 1914, with strong German support, Austria-Hungary decided to hold large-scale military exercises in Sarajevo, Bosnia, near the Serbian border. The date was chosen for June 28, the anniversary of the Serbian conquest by the Turks (June 28, 1386). The exercise, which used Serbia as a hypothetical enemy, sent two corps led by the Finandis (close confidants of the Austro-Hungarian emperor), an act that greatly stimulated Serbian nationalists.

One of the most brutal wars in human history - the First World War: more than 30 million casualties!

The Fernandi couple were assassinated

When the Ferdinands' car drove around a corner, young Serbian nationalists immediately rushed forward and shot at the Ferdinands. As a result, both Ferdinand and his wife died in the assassination.

One of the most brutal wars in human history - the First World War: more than 30 million casualties!

The advancing German army

This event not only gave Austria-Hungary the opportunity to annex Serbia, but also gave Germany the hope of carving up the world.

One of the most brutal wars in human history - the First World War: more than 30 million casualties!

Austro-Hungarian ultimatum to Serbia

  • Then the war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia broke out rapidly, and Russia and France sided with Serbia, and they immediately launched a general mobilization for war. On July 31, Germany offered an ultimatum to Russia and France to stop the general mobilization, which was flatly rejected. Germany declared war on Russia on 31 July and France on 3 August.
  • On August 2 of the same year, the German General Staff sent an ultimatum to Belgium asking for permission to allow the Germans to fight the French through Belgium, which Belgium refused.
  • On August 4 of the same year, Germany blatantly broke the treaty guaranteeing Belgium's permanent neutrality, and four German troops invaded Belgium. Upon learning of Germany's intention of invading Belgium, Britain issued an ultimatum to Germany on August 4, demanding that Germany unconditionally respect Belgian neutrality.
One of the most brutal wars in human history - the First World War: more than 30 million casualties!

The advancing German army

But the German prime minister claimed: "International treaties are nothing more than a piece of waste paper. Britain then declared war on Germany on the pretext that Germany had undermined Belgian neutrality. In just one week, Europe's two major military blocs appeared amid the clamor of war, embroiled in a four-year war. The world war began.

One of the most brutal wars in human history - the First World War: more than 30 million casualties!

This war, which brought human civilization into the abyss, not only brought Europe into darkness, but also brought despair to China far away in Asia. (For references to my other articles – Why Can't China Take the Capitalist Road?) The next issue of Why China Cannot Take the Capitalist Road (II) continues, and this issue is the first article about the First World War.

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