
SAIC Volkswagen Weiran Night Spot Color Conch Award announced, Li Xiaoran Best Actress

author:Junior Deficit Group

On the evening of March 31, the 3rd New Era International TV Festival Bancai Luo Award SAIC Volkswagen Weiran Night Award Ceremony was held in Macao, and various awards were announced on the spot, "The World is Long" won 5 awards for Best Director, Best Producer, Best Supporting Actor, Best Costume Drama and Most Influential Actress, and "Happiness to Ten Thousand Homes" won 3 awards for Best Drama, Best Director and Best Realistic Drama.

SAIC Volkswagen Weiran Night Spot Color Conch Award announced, Li Xiaoran Best Actress

Among the actor awards that have attracted much attention from fans, Li Jiahang won Best Actor, Li Xiaoran won Best Actress, Huang Xiaolei won Best Supporting Actress, and Su Ke won Best Supporting Actor. Lan Yingying won the most popular actress, and Tan Jianci won the most popular actor. Other awards also have their own attribution.

"The World" won five awards and became the biggest winner

The scope of the 3rd New Era International Television Festival Bancai Luo Award is Chinese-language dramas broadcast on mainstream TV stations and video websites in Chinese mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau from January 1 to December 31, 2022.

The expert jury of this year's Bancai Luo Awards was chaired by the famous actor and director Chen Jianbin, and 23 famous film and television figures such as Wang Jinsong served as expert judges. The award ceremony of the night was star-studded, with Ge You, Huang Zhizhong, Wang Jinsong, Ma Shaohua, Zhang Chenggong, Gong Hanlin, Tian Hairong, Wen Jun, Huang Baiming, Wu Yufang, Tao Huimin, Li Xiaoran, Li Jiahang, Huang Xiaolei, Su Ke, Lan Yingying, Zhang Ting, Liu Xuesong, Yao Yuzhu, Cheng Taishen, Feng Lei, Fan Ming, Li Kun, Sun Qian, Yang Lina, Zhou Still, Zhou Yiran, Ma Zehan, Liu Yongxi, Zhao Zihua, Zhou Xuan, Du Yuhang and many other famous film and television personalities attended. Fan Ming and Li Kun served as moderators.

The reality masterpiece "Happiness to Ten Thousand Homes" won the best drama and best realistic drama, and the directors of the drama Zheng Xiaolong, Liu Xuesong and Yao Yuan won the best director. When Liu Xuesong took the stage to accept the award, he especially thanked director Zheng Xiaolong and the producer for their trust in him, and finally said "May happiness be sprinkled like sunshine everywhere in thousands of households".

"The World" won 5 awards for Best Producer, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor, Best Costume Drama and Most Influential Actress. When the producer of the play, Yao Yuzhu, took the stage to accept the award, he thanked all the staff, judges and audience, especially the director and screenwriter of the play, Zhang Ting, and the starring actors Huang Zhizhong, Luo Jin, Yin Fang and so on, "Just now Mr. Gong said that the producer is like a mother, I feel that I am really like my mother in "The World is Long", and all every step is me and the team walking together! ”

Director Zhang Ting said when accepting the award on stage that he hoped to use this TV series to let the audience know how many people have paid their lives to control the Yellow River, "When we told this story, everyone was moved, so so many excellent actors came."

Li Jiahang won Best Actor and Li Xiaoran won Best Actress

Li Jiahang won the best actor for his outstanding performance in the TV series "Breaking Elite". When he gave his speech, he first said that he was very excited to see Wang Jinsong and Huang Zhizhong, and he was especially lucky to win the award, "Breaking Elite" is a pure comedy, thanks to director Wei Zheng and all members of the crew, "I hope to bring you more, more vitality and artistic expression of the screen image in the future!" ”

Li Xiaoran played the single mother Tan Jing in "With You in This Life", and won the Best Actress Award at this New Era International TV Festival for her excellent acting skills, especially the wonderful crying scene. When she took the stage to accept the award, she said: "I think a work is never the effort of one person. Actually, I don't come from an acting major, and I would like to thank my colleagues, my teachers, and the directors, producers, and cast members who have helped me over the years. I hope that my path can go longer, and this award is my best encouragement and encouragement! ”

Su Ke won the best supporting actor for playing the "confused clean official" Yu Zhenjia in "The World is Long", and he said happily: "This is really a beautiful night! It's so much fun to get this award! For this, he thanked many people, especially director Zhang Ting, "It was he who wrote this very typical character that is rare in other film and television works." At the same time, it was he who derived this vivid, three-dimensional and plump character Yu Zhenjia. ”

Huang Xiaolei, who won the best supporting actress for her role as Qiao Chunyan in "The World", said with excitement and emotion when she delivered her acceptance speech: "Really happy! I have been acting in a TV series for more than 20 years, and I won the award for the first time, thank you for the Bancai Luo Award! Just now I carefully looked at this trophy, this is the ancient marine life, colorful, there is a lot of light, I am just one of the lights, there are many supporting actors in "The World" are very exciting, so this award is also my representative of all the actors of "The World", whether it is the starring or supporting role, we shine together. ”

Liu Yifei and Chen Xiao won the award, and "Menghualu" won the best costume actor and actress

In the competition for the costume drama actor award, the well-known female costume inspirational drama "Menghualu" won a big victory, the female lead Liu Yifei won the best costume actress, and the male protagonist Chen Xiao won the best costume actor.

Liu Yifei played Zhao Paner in "Menghualu", and used increasingly mature acting skills to well interpret the character's self-reliance and generosity. Chen Xiao's role as Gu Qianfan, deputy envoy of the Imperial City Division in "Menghualu", has also won the love of many audiences, and his acting skills have also been recognized.

Lan Yingying won the most popular actress for "Don't Forget Time". Because the host Fan Ming had served as her homeroom teacher in the movie that night, she happily said to Fan Ming when she accepted the award: "Teacher, I won the award." Macau is really a blessing for me, and my first award in my life was won in Macau, for Best Supporting Actress. "Tan Kenji won the most popular actor with "Crime Hunting Guide".

Young actor Zhou Yiran won Best Newcomer Actress for "Twenty Not Confused 2", and Zhou still won Best Newcomer Actress for "Sanyue Has a New Job". That night, they all went to the scene to receive this heavy honor.

In addition, Xi Meijuan won the most influential actress with "The World is Long", and she couldn't rush to the award site because of something, and specially recorded VCR to thank her. Chen Baoguo won the most influential actor with "The Great Examination". Other awards also have their own attribution.

The Bancai Luo Award helps the spread and promotion of Chinese TV dramas overseas

The New Era International TV Festival is a TV drama selection event co-sponsored by mainstream media in Hong Kong and Macau, China, with strategic support from China Entertainment Industry Research Institute, China Film Academy and China City Research Institute.

The first New Era International Television Festival was held in Macao in December 2019, selecting the top 10 TV dramas, top 10 TV directors, top 10 TV screenwriters, top 10 TV actors, top 10 TV actresses, and top 10 TV golden songs since the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The 2nd New Era International Television Festival was held in Macao in December 2021 to select the National Outstanding TV Drama, Director, Screenwriter, Actor and Actress for the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China.

The 3rd New Era International Television Festival Spotted Colorful Luo Awards began to select outstanding TV dramas and TV workers of the year.

As a young Chinese-language TV drama award, the Bancai Luo Award is headquartered in Macao, and the organizers will give full play to Macao's geographical advantages and the institutional advantages of "one country, two systems", with the help of the central government's support for a series of favorable policies in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, to help the dissemination and promotion of Chinese-language TV dramas overseas, and at the same time strengthen cultural exchanges between Chinese-language TV dramas and TV dramas from all over the world.

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