
Women who can dress up are not afraid of age, these color matching + matching skills have been learned, fashionable

author:Quiet fashionista

As long as you can match, then you can not be afraid of age, not afraid of the change of seasons, especially ordinary women, in fact, as long as you improve your matching ability, learn some personalized dressing skills, you can effortlessly become fashionable and foreign, becoming a temperament goddess is also a matter of minutes, and in this spring and summer everyone must understand the following color matching and dressing skills, master these correct ways of dressing, let you become fashionable.

Women who can dress up are not afraid of age, these color matching + matching skills have been learned, fashionable

Part I, Color Matching Recommendations

1. Wear more clothing with low saturation colors

Regarding the choice of color, in fact, the popular colors in the fashion circle this year are basically based on low saturation, because low saturation colors are softer, the brightness will not be particularly high, wearing on the body is more conducive to modifying the skin, reducing the sense of aging, especially those red and purple clothes, really not too advanced, it is easy to wear a sense of cheapness.

Women who can dress up are not afraid of age, these color matching + matching skills have been learned, fashionable

2, popular color recommendation

Speaking of popular colors, the first thing to recommend you to try is this beige, beige is a very gentle color, its color is between beige and yellow, is a relatively mild warm color.

Beige is also a color with a sense of tenderness and vitality, like some girls are older, want to wear a sense of youth, blindly wear pink, afraid of appearing naïve, you can switch to this beige clothes.

Women who can dress up are not afraid of age, these color matching + matching skills have been learned, fashionable

In fact, for many Asian girls, the problem of dull and yellowish skin is indeed difficult to solve, in addition to makeup, we can also use clothing to adjust your skin state.

For example, you can wear cool clothes, of which sky blue is a very soft color, this sky blue item for yellow-skinned girls has the effect of brightening the skin tone, improving dullness, making our skin look more translucent and fairer.

Women who can dress up are not afraid of age, these color matching + matching skills have been learned, fashionable

Light blue is indeed a relatively refreshing color, and its color is the same as the color of the blue sky and the sea, which can always give people a fresh and vulgar feeling.

Wearing this light blue piece will give a new feeling this spring or even into summer, and it will not look tacky.

Women who can dress up are not afraid of age, these color matching + matching skills have been learned, fashionable

Cherry blossom pink, this color is also the color we can consider in spring and summer, some girls will feel that pink is suspected of being tender, but in fact, like this nude pink and cherry blossom pink color is not highly saturated, wearing on the body is still relatively gentle.

And this pink color does make the whole person feel more girly, even if you are 40 years old, you can wear it.

Women who can dress up are not afraid of age, these color matching + matching skills have been learned, fashionable

The second part, collocation techniques

(1) The upper and lower lengths reflect the long legs

Let's talk about matching skills, in order to appear thin and tall, one of the most worthy skills is to be short and long, choose a short top on the top, and match the high-waist bottom below.

Using this way of short and low length to improve our waist ratio will have a better adjustment effect on small people, and the matching method of this shirt tucked into a high-waist skirt will also effectively highlight the curve of the waist.

Women who can dress up are not afraid of age, these color matching + matching skills have been learned, fashionable

(2) The collocation is clearly layered

When matching specifically, we should also pay attention to creating a sense of layering, such as coats and underwear, tops and bottoms must not be blurred between these items, if the pile is very heavy, wearing on the body will look old.

It can also lead to a feeling of bloat, like this simple coat with a basic underwear, layered, and will not feel complicated.

Women who can dress up are not afraid of age, these color matching + matching skills have been learned, fashionable

(3) Bold skin exposure

In the spring and summer, girls should be bold in their outfits, do not completely wrap themselves, at this time girls can try a variety of skin-revealing outfits.

Stockings with shorts, short skirts, show off our long legs, play your body advantage is not a matter of minutes.

Women who can dress up are not afraid of age, these color matching + matching skills have been learned, fashionable

The temperamental and dressable little sisters have arranged these fashionable items this spring and summer, as well as these personalized dressing skills, if you are not good at dressing, then I suggest you can learn some small skills.