
The liver is not good, and 4 signals appear in the mouth! 1 fruit is the cause of liver disease, advise you not to eat!

author:Beijing hepatologist Ma Lie

The liver is an obscure organ in the body whose main function is detoxification and metabolism. The liver has a strong compensatory ability, even if only 30% of the healthy liver is left, it can complete the most basic physiological functions, so there will be no obvious symptoms after liver lesions, but this does not mean that there is no trace. When the liver is bad, the mouth will have 5 signals, see if you have a trick. #肝脏 #

The liver is not good, and 4 signals appear in the mouth! 1 fruit is the cause of liver disease, advise you not to eat!

What are the manifestations of the mouth when the liver is bad?

1. White lips: Lips are actually organs that are particularly easy to be ignored, plus usually makeup or lip balm, it is difficult to detect the abnormality of the lips. However, there are a lot of blood vessels on the lips, if their liver hematopoietic function is normal, the lips will be pink, but if the liver hematopoiesis is abnormal, it will make the lips white, of course, if the body is seriously dehydrated, this phenomenon will also occur.

2. Obvious peeling: Many people see their mouths peeling in autumn and winter. The first is to guess that it is the reason for the dry climate, if you drink more water and still do not improve, this situation indicates that there is a problem with your liver metabolism, garbage toxins can not be excreted normally, it will accumulate on your mouth, and the mouth will have molting and peeling.

The liver is not good, and 4 signals appear in the mouth! 1 fruit is the cause of liver disease, advise you not to eat!

3. Bad breath: When you often have problems, it will make people have bad breath, but when there is a problem with the liver, it will also make people have bad breath. Because the liver plays a role in detoxification, the metabolic function becomes poor, and a lot of garbage stays in the body will produce nitrogen and ammonia, and there will be bad breath emitted through the respiratory system.

4, the number of mouth ulcers increased: everyone should be familiar with mouth ulcers, although the wound is very small, but the pain is very large, many people feel that mouth ulcers are lack of vitamin C. When the liver has lesions to make its hematopoietic function problems, its own blood components will exist, and the skin inside the mouth is very delicate, there will be ulcers, and the healing speed of this mouth ulcer is still very slow.

The liver is not good, and 4 signals appear in the mouth! 1 fruit is the cause of liver disease, advise you not to eat!

Which fruit is the trigger for liver disease?

Although fruits contain vitamins and trace elements and have high nutritional value, moldy and spoiled foods cannot be eaten. Rotten fruits contain aflatoxin, which is a first-class carcinogen that can directly act on the liver, causing liver cells to degenerate or die, which in turn induces liver lesions or causes liver cancer. It is worth reminding that even if the fruit is rotten at all, you can't eat it, because the naked eye can't tell the extent of mold spread at all, so try to throw it away for safety.

The liver is not good, and 4 signals appear in the mouth! 1 fruit is the cause of liver disease, advise you not to eat!

How to protect the liver?

1. Use drugs with caution

At present, at least 1200 drugs can cause drug-induced liver damage, including food additives, health products and home remedies. We should pay full attention to drug safety and not abuse drugs. In the process of medication, the doctor's guidance should be followed, and liver function should be reviewed regularly in order to detect liver damage in time.

2. Regular physical examination

Regular physical examination can help early detection of fatty liver, hepatitis, liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, liver cancer and other liver diseases, especially obesity, alcoholism, infection with hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus, family history of liver disease, etc., are all high-risk groups and are very prone to liver disease. In daily life, if there are symptoms such as anorexia, fatigue, poor energy, abdominal distention, long-term low-grade fever, edema, liver discomfort, etc., you should be highly vigilant and seek medical attention in time.

The liver is not good, and 4 signals appear in the mouth! 1 fruit is the cause of liver disease, advise you not to eat!

3. Standardized management of liver disease

The standardized management of liver disease includes correct diagnosis and scientific treatment under the guidance of doctors, on the other hand, patients need to maintain a good lifestyle. If liver disease is present, it is necessary to make a diagnosis under the guidance of a specialist based on the patient's uncomfortable complaints, family history, past history, blood biochemical and immune index tests and imaging tests, and then give relevant treatment. In addition, it is necessary to prevent various complications to prolong the life of patients and improve the quality of life.

The liver is not good, and 4 signals appear in the mouth! 1 fruit is the cause of liver disease, advise you not to eat!

Tips: 23 o'clock to 1 am is the time when blood flows through the liver, at this time should be in a deep sleep state, so that the liver can get enough blood nourishment, conducive to liver cell repair and regeneration, so avoid staying up late, must fall asleep before 23 o'clock. Always pay attention to personal hygiene and do not share razors and syringes with others. Go to the hospital at least once a year for liver function tests, and you can find abnormal liver function in time. Hepatitis B or C, as well as liver cirrhosis patients with hypo-alpha-fetoprotein and B-ultrasound examination every 6 months, can screen liver cancer in time. #Health Science Qualifying ##Amazing Doctor##Headline Creation Challenge##我要上头条 #

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