
Fold a cute manta ray, also called a manta ray. He's a master glider in the sea.

author:Indomitable forest
Fold a cute manta ray, also called a manta ray. He's a master glider in the sea.

Manta rays, also known as manta rays, are named for their swimming posture similar to bats flying at night, and are the collective name of several marine fish in the cartilaginous fish class and manta ray family.

Fold a cute manta ray, also called a manta ray. He's a master glider in the sea.

The body shape of manta rays is irregular oval, the body disk is generally about 50~100 cm, the maximum can reach more than 8 meters, and the weight is up to 3 tons.

Fold a cute manta ray, also called a manta ray. He's a master glider in the sea.

In 2011, manta rays were listed in the Convention for the Protection of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), an international convention, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified manta rays as "endangered".

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