
Old historical photos: During World War II, the German army stripped Jewish women naked and drove them to the bottom of the valley to be executed!

author:Xiaolong Miscellaneous Commentary

Give civilization to the years, not to civilization. The Historical Photo Museum records that moment of history...

In World War II, the Germans stripped Jewish women naked and drove them to the bottom of the valley for execution!

The German army occupied the Ukrainian region in 1941, and in the months after occupying Ukraine, Ukraine became a purgatory on earth, all kinds of violence, massacres were happening every moment of every day, and the German army began the "cleansing campaign" of Jews in Ukraine, the German army searched for Jews in every house, gathered together and then slaughtered.

Old historical photos: During World War II, the German army stripped Jewish women naked and drove them to the bottom of the valley to be executed!

The stripped Jewish woman was about to be executed

The Jewish women in the photo were raped off their clothes by the Germans and were gathered at the foot of a mountain, and they were greeted by a bloody butcher knife, each of them showed endless panic and despair on their faces, some covered their faces and cried, and even some women held her child, yes, they didn't even let the child go! The whole picture exudes an air of gray despair, as if all life has come to an abrupt end.

An American soldier faces the corpses of Chinese volunteers during the Korean War!

When the Korean War broke out in June 1950, the Chinese volunteers resolutely rushed to the Korean battlefield in order to defend their homes and defend the country.

Old historical photos: During World War II, the German army stripped Jewish women naked and drove them to the bottom of the valley to be executed!

American soldiers face the corpses of volunteers all over the field

This historical photograph clearly records the tragedy on the battlefield at that time, a US soldier with a low expression facing the corpses of Chinese soldiers everywhere, the victory of this battle did not make him show happiness, but faced these corpses with a deep respect. Yes! How heroic they are, although they are dressed in rags, wearing cloth shoes and straw shoes, and holding backward weapons, they are still resolute, they did not flinch in the face of the powerful US army, and the former servants fell in a pool of blood, this is the Chinese People's Volunteers!

A family massacred by the Japanese army in Nanjing, the mother wanted to feed the child the last milk before she died!

In 1937, Nanjing fell to the Japanese-occupied area, and in the next month or so, Nanjing turned into a purgatory on earth, and the Japanese army began to start a planned and premeditated massacre of the people in Nanjing, and the Japanese army ran amok in the city, killing and setting fire, and robbery, which is a history that the Chinese nation can never forget!

Old historical photos: During World War II, the German army stripped Jewish women naked and drove them to the bottom of the valley to be executed!

Before she dies, the mother wants to feed her child her last milk

The family in the photo was brutally slaughtered by the Japanese army, the men in the family had fallen in a pool of blood, and the women were also slaughtered after being raped by the brutal Japanese army, but one of the mothers used her last strength to open her clothes with her hands before dying, allowing the only surviving child to eat the last milk. This scene makes people cry! Mothers are such great, even before they die, they still think of their children, let's pay tribute to mothers!

During World War II, Japanese monks did not eat fasting Buddha, but they were training with guns on their shoulders!

During World War II, eroded by militaristic ideas, monks in Japan also began to go to the battlefield, and the Buddhist culture they believed in became empty, took up a butcher knife and slashed at all sentient beings, and the monks of Pudu sentient beings became murderous demons...

Old historical photos: During World War II, the German army stripped Jewish women naked and drove them to the bottom of the valley to be executed!

Japanese monks during World War II are training

The Japanese monks in the photo are expressionless and serious, without a trace of the benevolence of the monks, carrying spears and training in unison.

The black slaves who escaped from the plantation had layers of whip marks on their backs that were shocking!

In the slave trade, a large number of blacks in Africa were transported and sold to the plantations of the United States, and the blacks on the plantations became slaves, working for the slave owners every day, and were tortured and whipped without saying a word. This is a small microcosm of America's dark history.

Old historical photos: During World War II, the German army stripped Jewish women naked and drove them to the bottom of the valley to be executed!

A black slave with whip marks on his back

The whip marks on the black man's back in the photo are layered like a cold and dark snowflake, which is shocking, and I don't know what kind of torture he endured before escaping the fate of the black slave on the plantation!

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