
Duguxin: This father-in-law is really a cow, and the three sons-in-law have all become emperors

author:Life is also bright

When it comes to Duguxin, it is not widely known. But if Yang Jian is his son-in-law and Li Yuan is his grandson, is it impressive to him?

In fact, Duguxin's three sons-in-law were all emperors and belonged to different dynasties.

The eldest son-in-law was Yuwen Yu, the emperor of Northern Zhou; The fourth son-in-law was the father of Li Yuan, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and was posthumously named Emperor Yuan, known as Emperor Sejong; The little son-in-law is even more proficient, it is Yang Jian, the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty.

The three sons-in-law were so prominent that they had to admire his vision of choosing a son-in-law. So, what kind of person is Duguxin? What is your family background?

Duguxin was born in 502, the third year of the Jingming Dynasty of Northern Wei, and belonged to a tribe of Xianbei.

As a minor official, his family had been guarding Wuchuan Town, Yunzhong County (present-day Wuchuan County, Inner Mongolia). Duguxin, who grew up in this environment, has been good at riding and shooting since he was a child, both civilized and martial, brave and resourceful.

When Emperor Xiaowu of Northern Wei moved west to Guanzhong Province, Duguxin ignored the safety of his family and followed him alone, and Emperor Xiaowu was very moved, and immediately gave him a good horse and named him the Duke of Fuyang County, and since then he has entered the emperor's field of vision and been appreciated by the emperor.

Duguxin: This father-in-law is really a cow, and the three sons-in-law have all become emperors

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Northern Wei had just moved to Luoyang, known as Western Wei. When the regime was still unstable, Duguxin made many miraculous achievements.

The military town of Jingzhou was occupied by Eastern Wei, and the emperor sent him to regain the lost territory, and the soldiers and civilians of Jingzhou were grateful for Duguxin's former favor, so the defenders of Jingzhou turned against each other, and Duguxin recovered the lost territory with less than 1,000 troops.

In Longyou, due to improper governance by officials, the people were miserable and their grievances were boiling. The emperor once again sent Dugu out of the horse, and he took a series of measures: indoctrinating the people, persuading the peasants and sang, and standardizing governance. Soon the area became prosperous, and the displaced people were finally able to live and work in peace.

The emperor was very happy and successively named him a hussar general and a great sima, and Duguxin entered the fast lane of promotion step by step at this time, and his career could be described as thriving.

In the fourteenth year of the reign of Western Wei (548), under the actual controller Yuwen Tai's meritorious deeds, the power center of Western Wei was born, symbolized by the emperor and controlled by twenty people, namely the Eight Pillars State and the Twelve Generals.

Duguxin is one of the Eight Pillar Kingdoms, and Duguxin's sons are also rewarded one by one. The second son Dugushan was made the Duke of Weining County, the third son Dugu Mu was made the Marquis of Wenhou County, the fourth son Dugu Zang was made the Marquis of Yining County, the fifth son Dugushun was made the count of Xiangcheng County, and the sixth son Dugutuo was made the count of Jianzhong County.

At this time, Dugu Xin was only 46 years old, and he relied on his personal ability to turn the Dugu family from a declining aristocracy from humble and marginalized to the most important gate force in Western Wei. At this time, Duguxin can be described as an extremely powerful minister and has a prominent status.

Duguxin: This father-in-law is really a cow, and the three sons-in-law have all become emperors

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Duguxin is not only talented, but also handsome.

There is an allusion to him as a "side hat flow", saying that Duguxin went out hunting when he was young, and the hat was blown crooked by the wind and did not have time to sort it out, and then immediately triggered the whole city to imitate, which shows that Duguxin was a trend-leading existence at that time. The Book of Zhou recorded: "Believe in beauty instruments, good at riding and shooting." Positive light end,...... Xinhao self-grooming, the uniform is different, and the military number is Dugulang. ”

Such a solitary letter, his children's appearance and talent will not be bad.

At that time, in order to gain a foothold, the Xianbei people who migrated west chose to enter into a political marriage with the nobles of the Guanlong region.

The purpose of the political marriage: the humble and marginalized aristocracy to warm up with the powerful forces in the Guanlong region.

The basis of political marriage: strength and power.

Through mutual marriage, everyone can be closer together, the interests will be bound, and mutual trust will be increased.

Against this background, Duguxin achieved the three most successful marriages with strength and unique vision. The three daughters were married to Yuwen Yu, Yang Jian, and Li respectively, and the future performance of the three sons-in-law proved that they were all dragons and phoenixes among people.

Duguxin: This father-in-law is really a cow, and the three sons-in-law have all become emperors

Duguxin's eldest daughter married Yuwen Yu, the son of Yuwen Tai.

Yuwen Yu has been sensitive and studious since childhood, well-read, and when he was an official, he was loved by the people, and his military talent was outstanding, and he personally led troops to repel the invasion of Tuyuhun, and later succeeded to the emperor's throne, later known as the Northern Zhou Ming Emperor, can also be regarded as a generation of Ming monarchs, the "Book of Zhou" recorded: "The emperor is broad and benevolent, and the nine ethnic groups are harmonious, and there are kings." Young and studious, well-read, good at writing, and gentle in words. ”

The eldest daughter Dugu died in childbirth, and Yuwen Yu posthumously crowned her empress after succeeding to the throne. After the death of Emperor Yuwen Yu of Zhouming, he was posthumously named Empress Mingjing and buried together in Zhaoling.

Duguxin's fourth daughter married Li Hu, the son of Li Hu, who was also one of the Eight Pillar Kingdoms.

Duguxin: This father-in-law is really a cow, and the three sons-in-law have all become emperors

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Li has studied martial arts hard since he was a child, can fight good battles, has outstanding battle merits, and has made great contributions to the unification of the country, and because of his meritorious merits to inherit the title of Duke of the Tang State of Tang by his father Li Hu, he was named a general of the State of Zhu.

After his son Li Yuan established the Tang Dynasty, he was posthumously honoured as Emperor Shizong of Tang, and his mother Dugu was posthumously honoured as Empress Yuanzhen.

Dugu Xin's youngest daughter, Dugu Garo, was married to Yang Jian, the eldest son of Yang Zhong, one of the twelve great generals.

Duguxin is a pillar country, Yang Zhong is a general, the door is not matched, Yang Jian is still young, and he does not appear particularly outstanding, but Duguxin has a keen eye and believes that this person will become a great weapon in the future, so he took the initiative to be a matchmaker and gave his youngest daughter Xu to Yang Jian. The Book of Sui recorded: "Believing that Gaozu had a strange watch, he became a wife at the age of fourteen. ”

Because Duguxin lost in the political struggle, it also affected the Yang family, but the Yang family did not break the marriage contract, but married Dugu Garo.

Yang Jian and Dugu Garoen fell in love and met to go to Baishou together.

Duguxin: This father-in-law is really a cow, and the three sons-in-law have all become emperors

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In 581, Yang Jian accepted the concession of Emperor Jing of Northern Zhou and founded the Sui Dynasty, making Dugu Garo empress.

Yang Jian has always been very fond of Dugu Garo, who loves to read and has extraordinary knowledge, and has given Yang Jian decisive advice on many issues. With the assistance of Dugu Garo, the Sui Dynasty soon stabilized the political situation and developed production.

Dugu Garo and Sui Emperor Yang Jian worked together for more than 50 years, had 5 boys and 5 women with a total of 10 children, and died in 602 AD at the age of 59, nicknamed Empress Wenwen, and was buried with Yang Jian in Tailing.

Yang Jian's greatness is not only because he ended the hundreds of years of chaos in China since the Jin Dynasty and established a unified Great Sui Dynasty, but also because of his institutional innovation, the talent selection system "imperial examination system" that influenced the next millennium and the scientific bureaucratic governance institution "three provinces and six ministries system" were all single-handedly implemented and founded by Emperor Wen of Sui.

Duguxin: This father-in-law is really a cow, and the three sons-in-law have all become emperors

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In history, no one can compare to Duguxin's vision of choosing a son-in-law. It's a pity that Duguxin, the highlight moment of the other two sons-in-law, did not see it with his own eyes.

In the third year of Emperor Gong of Western Wei (556), the Yuwen clan deposed Emperor Gong of Western Wei and established the state of Zhou, with the capital at Chang'an, historically known as Northern Zhou.

In the early days of the establishment of Northern Zhou, Yuwen Tai's younger brother Yuwen Hu monopolized the imperial government, killing Emperor Xiaomin Yuwen Jue and deposing Emperor Yuwen Yu. Zhao Gui, one of the Eight Pillar Kingdoms, was dissatisfied and plotted to kill Yuwen Gou.

However, the matter was revealed, Zhao Gui was executed, Duguxin was also implicated, and Yuwen protected Duguxin's reputation and did not dare to directly attack, so he forced him to commit suicide at home. Duguxin was only fifty-five years old when he died.

Duguxin lived in a troubled world, and spent his life fighting horses, turning a declining and marginalized family into an important gatekeeper force. His three sons-in-law grew up to become emperors, and his three daughters enjoyed the glory of the empress, so he was also known as the "old man of the ox in history".

Duguxin's success is by no means accidental, and has nothing to do with his handsome appearance, but his character, merit and vision.

Duguxin: This father-in-law is really a cow, and the three sons-in-law have all become emperors

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He was appreciated for his loyalty, for his talents, and for his wisdom he made legends. These three points have created Duguxin's extraordinary life!