
Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

author:New Hunan
Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death


At 7 p.m. on March 31, in the North 201 Zhixing Lecture Hall of Xiangtan University Library, a commemorative activity for Mr. Peng Yanjiao was held, with the theme of "Who is willing to say goodbye to beauty", and the documentary "Looking for Peng Yanjiao" was played, and teachers and students of Xiangtan University recited Mr. Peng Yanjiao's poems, talked about reading experience, and the audience participated in the discussion. In the deep remembrance of the great poet, in the poetic atmosphere of moonlight like water, the event lasted two and a half hours, and everyone could not bear to leave. After the event, the feeling was still in my heart. The host speech and the reflections written by a student who participated in the event are now sent out together to commemorate our beloved teacher Peng Yanjiao.

Thoughts are endless, poetry is eternal.

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

Who wants to say goodbye to beauty?

——Host of Peng Yanjiao commemorative event

Moderator: He Yunbo (Professor, School of Literature and Journalism)

1. Play the 15-minute version of "Looking for Peng Yanjiao"

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

Second, the host opens

At 3:51 on March 31, 2008, teacher Peng Yanjiao left us. Fifteen years later, our thoughts are still endless, and we still can't bear to say goodbye. So, again and again "looking for Peng Yanjiao"... In Putian, Fujian, the boy holding a gardenia in his hand; At the age of 18, in the land of suffering, write "First Love"; In prison, how the "lover" still loves "in the heart-wrenching pain"; In the new era, he cheered, but unfortunately was beaten into the bottom of life, so we saw an indomitable "ninja" still harboring hopes and dreams, turning the day and the earth upside down and finding that life was still so cute; And when his contemporaries were already sleepy and snoozing by the TV, he "decayed and changed the law" and launched a revolution in poetry, the older the poem, the better it was written, the more shocking it was to people's hearts, and he created one artistic miracle after another. Fifteen years ago today, the poet left, and Beethoven's Heroic Symphony was played at the farewell ceremony. "Who wants to say goodbye to beauty", yes, "heroes" are never far away, poetry is always there. Tonight, on this special day, let us remember and search together.

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

First of all, Xiao Zhenfeng, the creator of "Looking for Peng Yanjiao", was invited to talk about the experience of "searching".

3. Guest sharing

1. Xiao Zhenfeng shared

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

Looking for Peng Yanjiao, Xiao Zhenfeng is also looking for himself. Found it? I think it should be found, because each of us will have a "Peng Yanjiao" in our hearts; Perhaps, we are always looking, always on the road, because great poets, great writers, are endless.

So, let's walk into Mr. Peng's poetry, continue to search, feel Mr. Peng's mental journey, and feel the beauty of art. Some people say that the best way to commemorate a poet is to read his poems, and ask Teacher Shen Yunxia.

2. Teacher Shen Yunxia recited and shared "Little Calf"

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death


Many years ago, in Mr. Peng's class, I listened to Mr. Peng talk about Yesenin's poem "Dog Song"... A female dog, gave birth to seven puppies, but the owner who was unable to raise eyebrows put the puppy in a sack, the followed, ran on the snow, but only saw a ripple on the water, she stumbled home, and took the crescent moon above the hut as her own dog, so:

Tears flowed out,

It's like a gold star falling into the snow.

So, we also saw the sparkling tears in Teacher Peng's eyes...

Today, we read Mr. Peng's "Little Calf", a beautiful and cute calf, a destroyed calf:

With the bones that were commissioned

You will take your whole soul

(That is what a knife cannot cut, and a hand cannot peel)

Immerse yourself in the land you love...

The "female dog" written by Yesening and the "little calf" written by Mr. Peng seem to have a wonderful correspondence. What kind of love is it for a destroyed calf to "melt the whole soul into the land you love..."! Love so deeply, love so bitterly!

The following two poems are also about "the earth" and about love.

3. Students recite "Big Tree Before the Wind" (Zhang Tong)

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

The poem is subtitled "Wen Xuefeng Imprisoned in Shangrao Concentration Camp." The wind blew the tree to its knees:

And its plucked trunk

It's like a giant hoof of Nozen

With its claws

Hold on to the earth tightly

Look, the whole land

is using its full power

Hold it firmly, firmly huh

I love this land dearly, and the earth sustains my life. Teacher Peng is considered to be no longer an ordinary local poet, expressing people's nostalgia, and becoming a "poet of the earth", as vast and heavy as the earth. And "love" is sometimes deep and cruel.

Please enjoy another poem by Mr. Peng "Love".

4. Students recite "Love" (male: Liu Zhilang, female: Yang Can)

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

The love in our impression, people about dusk, before the moon, the first time I read Teacher Peng's "Love", I "thundered":

Love is like this, sharper than hatred,

With a sharp blade, the knife is engraved in blood,

Carved and chiseled in order to complete the most perfect image

The lover's blade is cruel.

Because I loved this land of great calamities, I went to prison, but I still "loved". Russian writer Vasily Lozanov said:

It is not difficult to love a happy and great Motherland. The hard thing is that we still love her when she is weak, humiliated, stupid, and even guilty. The hard thing is that when our "mother" is drunk, lying, and guilty, we still do not leave her. This is not enough: when she finally dies and is gnawed to the bones by the Jews, who can cry next to this pile of bones that everyone spurns and no one needs, who is the real 'Russian'.

And teacher Peng Yanjiao is also such a real "lover" and "real person", for "that sudden jumping, warm ideal". Mr. Peng experienced ups and downs in his life, and in 1979, Mr. Peng came to Xiangda and started a new life. In that suddenly energetic era, he could finally love unbridled, he enthusiastically embraced life, greedily absorbed the beauty of art, and wrote a set of art group poems "Piano Performance", "Seiji Ozawa", "Higashiyama Kuiyi", "Chen Ailian"...

5. Doctoral student Zhang Ning recited and shared "Piano Performance"

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

More than once, moist eyes

When the big dream first woke up, a chill flashed, and I was at a loss

I didn't even jump up and shout loudly -

Yes, I just nodded my head slightly,

At the same time muttered in relief:

"That's the only way, it can't be more beautiful than this..."

This is a poem written by Teacher Peng after watching Chen Ailian's dance, and it is also the feeling I often have when I read Teacher Peng's art group poems: It can't be more beautiful than this. Because there is art, there is poetry, which makes us feel:

Alive, labor, fight

How happy it is to love and be loved

6. Professor Xu Lian recited and shared "Debussy"

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

"Language translation" is really a wonderful word, using language to translate music. The moonlight is like water, in the flow of water, under the gentle touch of water, we feel the charm of music, the charm of words, the charm of art.

I remember that Shen Baoji, an old professor of the French Department of Changsha Railway Institute, once wrote a poem "Piano Side":

Springs of water gush out of the ground

It flows through the grass, up the mountains, and into the clouds

In the flow of heaven and earth, the Burrow turned into a mirage

...... Like water like water

You have soft fingers like water

I was in a watery mood

How to understand Mr. Peng's "Debussy"? I think that just think about the kind of water in heaven and earth, where "I" is wrapped, soaked, and gently touched, that feeling of heart-to-heart connection and infinite tenderness, even if I understand this poem.

7. Yang Jinlong of the Spiral Ladder Poetry Club recited and Wu Peng shared "Colorless and Transparent Afternoon"

Are you walking beside me? I know yes, my light.

This prose poem written by Mr. Peng when he was 70 years old once again subverted my cognition: it turns out that poetry, innocence, and passion do not necessarily belong to youth alone. As long as there is love, time will not grow old, and we can be young forever. Many times, my students and I read Mr. Peng's poems under the big tree in the Zhongnan New Campus, in the grass of Xiangdaze Garden, and on the beach by the Xiangjiang River, leaving many good memories. We were purified, on that "colorless and transparent afternoon." As long as there is "light" in the heart, there will be the strength to keep moving forward, looking for the "peak" of life, "the brightest light that glows with cold light"...

4. "Spiral Staircase" short video (such as wind recitation), the last paragraph is recited in full place.

The spiral ladder, forever climbing, constantly rising, spiraling up, the end point is also the starting point, which represents a spirit, in fact, it is also the spirit of Xiangda: erudition, Shengde Rixin, inclusiveness, the pursuit of excellence. Because of Mr. Peng's poem "Spiral Staircase", a poetry club was born, the Spiral Ladder Poetry Society, and later there was a Spiral Ladder Book Garden, and the university spirit was passed down from generation to generation.

Tonight, we gathered with Teacher Peng Yanjiao in the form of poetry. Good times are always short, it's time to say goodbye. This is not a farewell, it is a new beginning. In a mediocre life, because of poetry, we have a beauty, a kind of eternity in life. Thank you to the library, thank you to the guests who shared, thank you to all the students here, thank you to Teacher Peng, thank you for poetry, goodbye! Goodbye is for the next meeting:

The curtain slowly fell, reluctantly.

You're gone.

What a rich emptiness left on the stage,

This is not the end - who wants to say goodbye to beauty?

That gurgling beauty flows in the moonlight

——Peng Yanjiao commemorative activities are impressed

Ma Jing (Xiangtan University, Class of 2020, Class Chinese 2)

Fifteen years ago, Mr. Peng Yanjiao passed away

With Beethoven's "Heroic Symphony", the hero finally came to an end

88 In the spring and autumn of 88 years, the poet's life rose like a spiral ladder

"The Beginning of Chaos" and "Life: Five in One" are the peak of his life

He is gone - not falling leaves, but finally dirt

Instead, it spiraled upwards, and the heroic soul rushed to the sky

Peng Yanjiao is a long poem

The Psalms have a place to be written

But life is in poetry – immortal through the ages

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

In September 1920, the poet was born. The boy holding a gardenia flower, in the turbulent years, changed the flower into a spear, and became a member of the New Fourth Army at the age of 18. The pen in his hand is a sword that kills the enemy, full of blood in his heart. In 1947, he was imprisoned in the enemy's prison, and the hero's uncompromising vow was "standing tall in the cold and withstanding the harsh ordeal without incident" and "a bright emerald green leaf is growing in this difficult day". From 1950 to 1955, he went into the ivory tower to teach and educate. But disaster fell from the sky, and in 1955, he was arrested and imprisoned for the "Hu Feng Wrongful Case", and after his release, he was sent to work in a street factory in Changsha City for 23 years.

The hands that wrote poetry, the hands that carried the guns, picked up the spoon and did the sand-turning. The keen sense of smell that writes poetry is tormented by the pungent paint work day after day. He should be numb! No, he didn't! When he returned, he still had a baby-like clarity and agility.

In March 1979, Xiangtan University invited him to teach at Xiangtan University. Here, he guided and encouraged students to set up the "Spiral Poetry Society" and spent "colorless and transparent afternoons" with students from Xiang University on the Xiang River. Countless young poets walked out of the spiral staircase poetry society and walked to the vast field of life, and poetry became a lifelong treasure.

In 2008, he passed away. When the waves of those times are written into poems, the poet is no longer a flat boat in the waves, but a petrel fighting the long sky, leading the song to sing, like black lightning across the night sky.

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

The poet was born in this land

The land is devastated, and its children are displaced

He is also part of the diaspora

But he looked at his compatriots

Always with compassion

He wrote the heavy "Little Calf" with a light pen, "swinging the thin willow whip and pumping it onto the fat back of your clumsy ploughshare" "from behind you, caught off guard and knocking the large, iron-hard pestle hammer towards your brine door"... Isn't the peasant who is working and beaten on the barren land the cattle that are being slaughtered? Who can remove the shackles for it? The poet was still a young man, and joining the New Fourth Army at the age of 18 and cheering for it may be a poet's hope. When it is written, "With the bones of the renunciation, you will take your whole soul (which cannot be cut by the knife and peeled by the hand) into the land you love..."

Peng Yanjiao is not an ordinary local poet, but a land poet. The earth poet shouted in The Great Tree Before the Wind: "The wind blows this great tree to its knees: and its uprooted trunk is like the great hooves of a wild beast, and with its claws, it clings to the earth." See, the whole earth is grasping it firmly and firmly with all its strength! "This tall and lonely tree clings to a piece of land, but is often ravaged by lightning, torrential rain, and fierce winds. But he did not give in, and when he embraced the earth with all his strength, the earth embraced him tightly.

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

This is the love of the earth poet for the earth, and this love is not before the moon, he loves so deeply, loves so bitterly. In "Love" he says: "Love is like this, it is sharper than hatred, with a sharp blade, the knife is engraved and carved, and in order to complete the most perfect image, the lover's blade is cruel." "The poet loves this land of great calamity, but he goes to prison. But love doesn't diminish it.

This bloody love - too long

Fortunately, the earth survived

In the whispers of poetry and music

And who - secretly licking the wounds?

Most of his life is devoted to the earth, and when the earth is healed, the poet will finally love himself. In music, dance and poetry, heal the deep wounds of the whip and lightning. Suffering did not take away the poet's sense of beauty, and he wrote after watching Chen Ailian's dance: "More than once, moist eyes, a shivering flashed like waking up from a big dream, and I was at a loss that I did not even jump up and shout—yes, I just nodded my head lightly, and at the same time muttered in relief: 'This is the only way, it can't be more beautiful than this...'." ”

When he wrote "Piano Performance," he was a spectator, as if he were the obsessed, intoxicated performer. When the song ended, the audience applauded thunderously, and he said: "Alive, labor, fight." How happy it is to love and be loved! ”

When the poet immerses himself in the music, he banishes himself to the endless time and space, feeling, meditating, and reverie in the music. That world is so beautiful, the poet can't help but use the language of poetry to share the encounter between "I" and moonlight, the ethereal and touching to people, so "Debussy's "Moonlight" translation was born. In the dialogue between man and the sky, the music seems to have a shape, becoming real moonlight and flowing water, so real into "me". "I" weather-beaten soul is touched by the moonlight, moistened by water, and the cracks of life are bridged by this beauty.


The poet realizes in beauty

He also recorded this beauty in the poem

Pass on this beauty to his brightness

So - Peng Yanjiao has a heir

In the ancient years, the poet is still romantic: "Are you walking beside me?" I know yes, my light. Teacher Peng Yanjiao talked about poetry and poetic life with students in those "colorless and transparent afternoons". The bright lights of Xiangda grew up in those pure, flawless afternoons, and those beauties were engraved in life, turned into daylight, turned into flowing water, and caressed you and me in every moment of frustration. Walking with the light, therefore, even the loneliest life has companionship.

If the poet "Colorless and Transparent Afternoon" leaves a warm relationship, "Spiral Staircase" is a spiritual inheritance: "The starting point is the ascent, the middle is the ascent, and the end is also the ascent." "The spiral staircase represents the spirit of Xiangda in pursuit of excellence. The greatness of the university lies in the master, and the inheritance of the university lies in the inheritance of the spirit of the master.

Mr. Peng Yanjiao is far away, fifteen spring and autumn

In this clear night, come back briefly

With his blood-weeping poems, like lightning spraying through the sky

And then...... Crackling raindrops fell on the wilderness

It was his blood, his tears

When blood and tears merge into rivers, love is the tenderness of water

Who wants to say goodbye to the United States - to commemorate the 15th anniversary of Peng Yanjiao's death

Who wants to say goodbye to beauty?

If the heart field dries up, if beauty makes you reluctant

Then approach him

That far-reaching and moving psalm

It's the beauty of gurgling

Flowing in the moonlight...