
"Children of the stars", may you no longer be lonely

author:Wah Seng Online

Children with autism

Rarely take the initiative to look at others

Do not like to have contact with the outside world

Like the stars in the sky, one person and one world

Therefore, they are also called

"Children from the stars"

Today (2 April) is World Autism Awareness Day

Let's get to know the "Children of the Stars"


What is autism?

Autism, also known as autism, mostly occurs in infancy and early childhood, with social communication disorders, communication disorders, limited interests, stereotyped and repetitive behavior patterns as the main symptoms, and most children will be accompanied by varying degrees of intellectual retardation.

At present, there is no effective treatment for childhood autism, the main treatment route is rehabilitation training, and the best treatment period is before the age of 6. Through early detection, early diagnosis and early intervention, the symptoms of children can be improved to varying degrees.

If the child has these symptoms, parents need to be vigilant and take the child for screening as soon as possible↓

  • 16 months can not pronounce a single tone, two years old can not pronounce two words;
  • Turning one year old and still not responding to someone calling your name;
  • Avoid eye contact and prefer to be alone;
  • poor language comprehension and always like to repeat the same words;
  • Likes to arrange objects in a fixed way and is obsessed with a single toy or object.

On the long road of rehabilitation for children with autism, parents often have to bear the dual pressure of spirit and economy, and how to intervene and guide their children in time has become a huge test for them.


How should parents intervene?

Li Ting from Dongguan, Guangdong, is a mother of two autistic children, and her approach has brought the family out of the shadows.

Li Ting's youngest son was diagnosed with autism when he was less than one and a half years old, and two months after learning the bad news, her eldest son was also diagnosed with autism. In difficult times, Li Ting even thought about suicide, "In the middle of the night, when the child wakes up and makes trouble, people really collapse to the extreme. ”

"Children of the stars", may you no longer be lonely

However, the love for the two children made Li Ting strong. She learned that before the age of 6 is the golden treatment period for autism, in addition to accompanying her children to classes in rehabilitation institutions, Li Ting will also deliberately bring the knowledge taught by the teacher to life to exercise her children.

For example, to identify tomatoes, Li Ting would take the child to the supermarket, compare the card, point to the real thing, and repeat in the child's ear over and over again: "This is tomatoes." ”

Faced with the situation that teaching a knowledge point may take five or six times more energy than teaching ordinary children, or even teaching dozens or hundreds of times can not be learned, Li Ting has changed her mentality: "For example, learning mathematics is difficult for the thinking of autistic children like them, if I can't teach it, I will change to another teaching, not to make up for his shortcomings, but to develop his strengths." ”

"Children of the stars", may you no longer be lonely

△ Li Ting's two sons

Li Ting's efforts were not in vain. The younger, who was seriously ill, was completely unable to recognize the objects of life, including his favorite milk. After working hard day after day, one day she suddenly received a surprise.

"The moment he could identify milk, I realized that he didn't just know milk, he didn't just know milk, but other things in the house, apples, broccoli, peppers, you asked him to point out, he knew it all."

"Children of the stars", may you no longer be lonely

△ Li Ting and the youngest son

Today, Li Ting's eldest son is in the second year of junior high school in an ordinary school, and her youngest son is also emotionally stable, and she has founded a rehabilitation education center for children with autism spectrum disorder, which has provided rehabilitation training services for nearly 600 special children over the years.

Li Ting groped all the way on the road of children's recovery, continued to learn, achieved self-help, and also got out of the haze of the past.

How should parents intervene for children with autism?

  • At present, autism mainly relies on active intervention for rehabilitation training, and the earlier the intervention, the better the effect;
  • Parents can learn relevant intervention knowledge and design training content according to their children's interests, abilities and personalities;
  • Carry out intervention training anytime, anywhere in daily life, and include every stage of the child's intervention from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night;
  • Finally, the state of "life is intervention, intervention is life" is achieved, and the "autism" state of children with autism is minimized.


What can we do to care for people with autism?

In recent years, many social forces have joined to provide professional training and employment opportunities for autistic people, so that they can be accepted and respected by society on their own.

In a special café in Shanghai, more than 10 autistic patients have mastered the skills of making coffee through professional learning, making milk foam, pulling flowers, covering lids... They can all do it independently.

Shenzhen Aite Orchestra, composed of autistic people, autistic people become more optimistic in rehearsing one track after another, guitar, piano, double row keys, vocal music... Through musical ensembles, they go out into the wider world.

For autistic patients, non-discrimination is the most basic respect we can give, and it is also an encouragement to children and their families. In addition, we can do the following:

  • Know more, get closer: deepen your understanding of autistic groups, simple and direct language, and make it easier to communicate with them;
  • Always caring, more tolerant: When communicating, try to follow their way of thinking to "teach according to aptitude".
  • Respect acceptance and treat them equally: do not look at them differently and do not show excessive pity;
  • If you are able, pay attention to some public welfare projects, support those families in need, and provide opportunities for them to integrate into society.

May you and I be able to

Bring the love and warmth of this world

Delivered to their little planet

Source: CCTV News