
To treat insomnia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

#如何做健康老年人 #

1. Western medicine:

1. Zopiclon:

It is a sedative-hypnotic drug, belonging to the cyclopyrrodone class, which can cause rapid sleep onset and maintain sleep without shortening total rapid eye movement sleep, maintaining slow wave sleep, and low residual effect in the next morning. Has hypnotic, sedative, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant effects. However, the binding sites of action of zopiclones and other cyclopyrrolidones differ from those of benzodiazepines, including inducing conformational changes in receptor complexes. 适用于‬成人严重睡眠障碍的短期治疗,偶尔失眠和一过性失眠。

To treat insomnia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know

In terms of safety, zopiclone is rare in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, epigastric pain, irritability, and mental disorders; Some patients have headache and fatigue; Occasionally, bitter mouth (occurs when the concentration of saliva drugs is higher than 50mg/L), dry mouth, muscle weakness, drunkenness, and daytime sleepiness; Abrupt discontinuation of medication after long-term medication will cause withdrawal symptoms (due to the short half-life of the drug, so it appears faster), mild agitation, anxiety, myalgia, tremor, nightmares, rebound insomnia, nausea and vomiting, rare heavier spasm, cloudy consciousness.

2. Zolpidem:

It is a hypnotic agent that produces pharmacological effects by selectively binding to the omega 1-receptor subtype of the central nervous system. When the dose is small, it can shorten the time to fall asleep and prolong the sleep time; At larger doses, second-phase sleep, slow-wave sleep (third and fourth phase sleep) are prolonged, and REM sleep time is shortened. 适用于‬治疗偶发性、暂时性失眠症。


To treat insomnia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know

3. Alprazolam:

属于‬苯二氮䓬类催眠镇静药和抗焦虑药。 该药作用于中枢神经系统的苯二氮䓬受体,加强中枢抑制性神经递质γ-氨基丁酸与其‬受体的结合,增强‬突触抑制,使神经元的兴奋性降低。 具有‬抗焦虑、镇静、骨骼肌松弛等作用。 It can cause inhibition of different parts of the central nervous system, and with the increase of dosage, the clinical manifestations can range from mild sedation to hypnosis and even coma. Suitable for the treatment of anxiety, depression, insomnia, fear.


4. Estazolam:

为苯二氮䓬类镇静催眠‬药,作用机制与其选择性作用于大脑边缘系统,与中枢苯二氮䓬受体结合而促进γ-氨基丁酸的释放,促进突触传导功能有关,具有较强的镇静、催眠、抗惊厥与抗焦虑作用。 Indicated for short-term treatment of insomnia characterized by difficulty falling asleep, frequent night awakenings, and/or early awakening.


To treat insomnia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know

2. Proprietary Chinese Medicine:

1. Zao Ren Anshen capsules:

The ingredients are fried jujube kernels, vinegar schisandra and danshen. Fangzhong sour jujube kernel taste acid, ganping, tonify heart blood, nourish liver blood, calm the mind, sweat, for the medicine. Schisandra invigorates qi and vitality, nourishes the kidney and calms the heart, collects sweat, and is a medicine. Danshen nourishes the blood and invigorates the blood, removes troubles and calms the spirit, and is used as an adjuvant. The three medicines are combined, and the effect of nourishing blood and calming the spirit is together.


2. Depressant and calming granules:

The ingredients are Chai Hu, Yujin, Dragon's Tooth, Fried Jujube Kernel, Yuanzhi, Lily, Fried Baishu, Poria, Fried Gardenia, Calamus, Gall Nanxing, Ginger Banxia, Angelica, Licorice, Jujube, Floating Wheat. Fang Zhong Chai Hu, Yu Jin Shu the liver and regulate qi, clear the heart and relieve depression, adjust the mood, and are all the medicine. Dragon Tooth calms the mind; Sour jujube kernels nourish blood and calm the spirit; Yuanzhi traffic heart and kidney; Lily purifies the mind and calms the mind; Bai Shu Jian Spleen is dry and damp, to capitalize the source; Zhuo Ling strengthens the spleen, calms the mind, and is a medicine. Gardenia pouring fire to relieve troubles, cool blood and calm the spirit; Calamus turns turbidity and opens the mind, awakens the mind and strengthens the brain; Gallbladder south star, half summer clear heat phlegm, rest the wind and calm the alarm; Angelica regulates qi and blood; Jujube, floating wheat and medium urgency, nourish the mind and calm the mind, and are used as adjuvants. Licorice harmonizes the medicines, for the medicine. The combination of various medicines plays the effect of relieving depression and calming the mind.

Clinically, anti-depressant granules are used to treat insomnia is liver depression and qi stagnation, the symptoms are difficulty falling asleep, dreaming easily or difficulty falling asleep after waking up, chest tightness, hypochondrium, irritability, anxiety, forgetfulness.

To treat insomnia, these 4 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines, you must know

3. Sweet Dream Oral Liquid:

The ingredients are eleuthero, yellow essence, silkworm moth, mulberry, codonopsis, astragalus, sand kernel, goji berry, hawthorn, cooked ground yellow, burnt epimedium, tangerine peel, poria, horse money, fa banxia, ze diarrhea, yam. Fang Zhong Eleuthero strengthens the spleen and kidneys, calms the mind and increases intelligence; Huangjing nourishes the kidney and spleen, replenishes the spleen and invigorates qi, and the two nourish the mind and calm the mind, and are both royal medicines. Cooked ground, goji berries, mulberries, silkworm moths, epimedium tonic kidney filling lean pith; Codonopsis, astragalus, yam invigorates qi and strengthens the spleen, and is a common medicine. Poria, Ze diarrhea and spleen moisture; Banxia, sand kernels, tangerine peel, hawthorn qi to appetize and dissipate, so that the whole side replenishes without stagnation; Strychnia penetrates the meridians and is a supporter. It plays the effect of invigorating qi and tonifying the kidney, strengthening the spleen and stomach, nourishing the mind and calming the mind.


4. Calm the mind and strengthen the brain fluid:

The ingredients are ginseng, wheat dong, schisandra (vinegar), goji berries, and danshen. Fang Zhong ginseng replenishes vitality, invigorates heart qi, calms the mind and increases wisdom, and is a monarch medicine. Mai Dong has a sweet and cold taste, nourishes the heart yin, generates jin liquid, clears the heart and heat, removes troubles and calms the spirit, and is a medicine. Schisandra invigorates qi and yin, calms the mind; Goji berries replenish liver and kidney, sperm and blood, and two drugs supplement heart and kidney; Danshen has a bitter taste, cold blood heat, invigorates blood veins, generates new blood, nourishes blood and calms the spirit, and is used as an adjuvant. All-round matching, with the effect of invigorating qi and nourishing blood, nourishing yin and rejuvenating, nourishing the mind and calming the spirit.

Clinically, Anshenjian cerebral fluid is used to treat insomnia is a deficiency of qi and blood, the symptoms are restlessness, insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, dreaminess, easy to wake up, fatigue, dry mouth, red tongue, and fine pulse.