
Rich women are always divorced! Have you discovered the classic routines of these movies? 3 "Ann can distinguish between male and female" law "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule. Clothes Make the Impostor. Everybody's a Critic.

author:art Zhang Xiaoyu
Rich women are always divorced! Have you discovered the classic routines of these movies? 3 "Ann can distinguish between male and female" law "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule. Clothes Make the Impostor. Everybody's a Critic.

Have you found that movies always have some classic routines, resulting in you just seeing this kind of plot appear, you can feel that "things are not good". Today, Xiaoyu and everyone continue to take stock of the fun routines mentioned in "I Know You're Here Again".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule</h1>

Rich women are always divorced! Have you discovered the classic routines of these movies? 3 "Ann can distinguish between male and female" law "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule. Clothes Make the Impostor. Everybody's a Critic.

In a movie, when a character has not yet had time to officially indicate their gender, and the audience is curious to make their own speculations, the real answer will usually be exactly the opposite of their speculations. For example, a mighty-looking motorcyclist breaks through a barrier, stops in front of the camera and neatly takes off his helmet, only to discover that it is a woman. (Brian Jones)

Rich women are always divorced! Have you discovered the classic routines of these movies? 3 "Ann can distinguish between male and female" law "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule. Clothes Make the Impostor. Everybody's a Critic.

Zhou Xingchi's comedy is like a flower

The more contrasting the more surprising, is the effect that the film pursues by default. Probably all the passages in the movie where men dress up as women or women dress up as men are deformations of this routine. That's why the image of a flower in Stephen Chow's comedy is so impressive.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > daughter returns daddy's Girl Rule </h1>

Rich women are always divorced! Have you discovered the classic routines of these movies? 3 "Ann can distinguish between male and female" law "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule. Clothes Make the Impostor. Everybody's a Critic.

Titanic also tells a story of repentance

When the male protagonist in the movie is engaged to his boss's Qianjin, then by the end of the movie, he must have successfully stabbed a big basket, messed up his job and marriage contract, and finally happily spent time with another girl. (Ian Mantegani, Liverpool, UK)

Rich women are always divorced! Have you discovered the classic routines of these movies? 3 "Ann can distinguish between male and female" law "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule. Clothes Make the Impostor. Everybody's a Critic.

"Titanic" is probably the classic "sexual transformation" of this routine. The heroine of the movie, Ruth, is engaged to Carl of an aristocratic family, and by the end of the film, she has secretly betrayed (broke free of the shackles) Carl, messed up the marriage contract, and finally happily joined another poor boy painter, Jack.

Rich women are always divorced! Have you discovered the classic routines of these movies? 3 "Ann can distinguish between male and female" law "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule. Clothes Make the Impostor. Everybody's a Critic.

In the movie, as the second man and woman of a rich family or a rich family, it is really often unhappy to marry!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > a trick to disguise clothes make the Impostor </h1>

Whenever a killer enters a hospital full of security guards to assassinate a patient, he will first hide in a closet, "adapt" to a paramedic in a white coat, and then walk around with a note board, as if in no man's land. Of course, no doctor or nurse will ever notice that they have never seen this person. (Michael Fowler, Kentucky County, Illinois)

Rich women are always divorced! Have you discovered the classic routines of these movies? 3 "Ann can distinguish between male and female" law "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule. Clothes Make the Impostor. Everybody's a Critic.

Hospital disguise in a Chinatown detective

In the movie, if you usually want to assassinate a patient in a hospital, you will arrange a disguised doctor or nurse role, give the target person a shot, and surely no one will notice. The movie Tang Detective also used this classic rotten stem, and also used a funny way to ridicule.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" > critic darling Everybody's a Critic</h1>

Rich women are always divorced! Have you discovered the classic routines of these movies? 3 "Ann can distinguish between male and female" law "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule. Clothes Make the Impostor. Everybody's a Critic.

The stolen Venus in "The Dragon Turns to the Phoenix"

Rich women are always divorced! Have you discovered the classic routines of these movies? 3 "Ann can distinguish between male and female" law "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule. Clothes Make the Impostor. Everybody's a Critic.

Museum theft across the globe

If a painting, sculpture, tapestry, or any other fine work of art appears in a movie and receives comments and praise from more than one character (the more passionate the better), or simply more than 5 seconds of close-ups on the screen — the artwork must be burned, shattered, damaged, or otherwise completely destroyed before the end of the film. (Branon Moore, Seattle)

Rich women are always divorced! Have you discovered the classic routines of these movies? 3 "Ann can distinguish between male and female" law "Dr. Curie Will See You Now" Rule. Clothes Make the Impostor. Everybody's a Critic.

For example, in the movie "Stealing the Dragon and Turning the Phoenix", Nicole Bernat (Audrey Hepburn) combines beauty and wisdom, while her father Charles Bernat is a counterfeit maker and collector. During an exhibition of works of art, Nicole's father was invited to participate, and the statue of Venus on display was actually a fake made by her grandfather. In order to avoid the East Window incident and the destruction of the family's fame and fortune, Nicole hires the thief Simon Dimort (Peter Otto), and the thief and the special creature to embark on a true and false theft journey. And what they stole was the famous Venus.

What other classic movie routines are there?

Let's continue counting in the next issue!