
12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

author:Wet music

Since the new century, Korean films have occupied a very important position in the world film industry, and films such as Busan Trip, The Melting Pot, and The Defender have enjoyed quite high evaluations and are also very popular.

There are also some Korean movies with very high ratings and high quality, but few people mention them.


Brother I Love You (2005)

Little Brother

Director: Lim Tae-hyung

Writers: Kim Eun-jeong

Starring: Park Ji-bin / Bae Jong-woo / Park Won-sang

Douban score: 8.3

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

The mischievous Jang Han-il (Park Ji-bin) is a nine-year-old who often skips class or makes trouble at school. Twelve-year-old brother Han Sung (Choi Yoo Hyuk) is a sensible and well-behaved child who takes good care of his younger brother. Although they have different personalities, the two brothers still love each other.

Unfortunately, his brother Han Xing actually suffered from brain cancer, and his parents were both shocked and sad. The operation may also cause Han Xing to go blind, and parents who feel deeply remorseful feel sorry for their eldest son and are very worried about their children's future. They were all busy taking care of Han Xing, who was bedridden, and ignored the naughty Han Yi.

Ignored by his parents, his brother could not accompany him, and Han Yi became more naughty. Because his brother gave Han Yi the card to another patient, Han Yi was very angry, and he was scolded by his brother and left the hospital. Han Yi suddenly understood things, and when his brother and his patients were in danger of life, Han Yi initially gave his part to his sick brother.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

Recommended for:

The film is based on true events. The child's world is the purest, and the feelings are also very sincere, so the feelings in this movie are also very clean, warm and touching.


Mother (2009)


Director: Bong Joon-ho

Writers: Bong Joon-ho / Park Eun-joo

Starring: Kim Keiko / Motobin / Jinhil

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

Because his son Yoon Tae-woo (Won Bin) is mentally retarded, his mother (Kim Hye-ko) is always worried that he will be injured. One day, Tae Woo is hit by a Mercedes Benz, and his friend Zhen Tae (Qin Jiu) takes him to the golf course to seek revenge on the professor who plays ball, and is taken back to the police station. Because Zhen Tae kicked the rearview mirror, the professor claimed to them, and Tae Woo was used as a shield.

After coming out of the police station, after dinner at home, Tae Woo went to find Zhen Tae for a drink, but at this time, Jin Tae returned to the court at night to find the club that had been thrown into the lake during the day. Tae-woo follows a schoolgirl named Wen Yazhong after drinking, and the next day Yazhong's body appears on the roof.

Tae-woo is taken back to the police station as the only suspect and then confesses under threat from the police. When she learned that her son was in prison, her distraught mother commissioned a famous lawyer to overturn the case for him. However, Tae-woo's illness affects his memory, and his mother falters on the road to justice for her son...

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

Bong Joon-ho, who has filmed "Memories of Killing" and "Parasite", cooperated with Yuan Bin. This movie shows the madness of maternal love, and this madness, is it positive or negative?


Mourning (2015)

The Throne

Director: Lee Lee Yee

Writers: Cho Cho Cho Hyun / Oh Seung Hyun

Starring: Song Kang-ho / Liu Ya-jin / Wen Gen-young

Douban score: 8.4

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

At the beginning of the 18th century, the Lee Dynasty of Joseon coincided with the reign of Young-joo (Song Kang-ho). After the early death of his eldest son, all his hopes were pinned on his second son Li Yu (Liu Yaren). Not only was he canonized as a son of the world at the time of his birth, but he also arranged for famous courtiers to supervise his homework.

However, the sky was not satisfactory, Shizi was hesitant to have fun, had no intention of studying, and Yingzu once promoted Shizi to act as the state, but it made the father and son who stood at the peak of power gradually drift apart.

On a rainy night, Shizi's staff knife broke into the palace. The next day, he was reprimanded by Yingzu for his intentions and locked in a rice cabinet. For the next eight days, the father and son, who were like enemies, each reminisced about the past.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

The film won the 35th Korea Film Critics Association Awards for Best Picture, Best Screenplay and Music. The film tells a strange and bloody story that is not common, and the reasons and logic of the story itself are still historical mysteries, but its cruelty and darkness have reached their peak.


Harmony (2010)


Director: Kang Dakui

Writers: Yin Jijun

Starring: Kim Yoon-jin / Lo Man-hee / Jeong So-young

Douban score: 8.5

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

The female prisoner Jeong-hye (Kim Yoon-jin) gives birth to her son Min-woo in prison, and Min-woo is like a little angel sent by God to let these women who have committed sins like Jeong-hye taste the warmth of a long-lost time within the walls.

A condolence performance gave Zhenhui the idea of forming a choir in prison, but Zhenhui was not only incomplete in five tones, but also had no relevant experience. Min Yu will be adopted after 18 months, and in order to get the opportunity to go out with her son before adoption, Zhenhui decides to stick to it no matter how difficult it is to form a choir.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

With the help of many kind inmates, the choir finally got together on a small scale, but what Zhenhui did not expect was that the day they went out with their son was also the day of parting with their son.

The choir is like a happy family, which not only brings joy to the prisoners who have lost their freedom, but also gradually heals the pain left in their hearts by the memories of their suffering...

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

The director starts from the theme of female crime, but expounds not the root of the criminal but the characteristics of women themselves, there is warmth and thinking, there is depth and hope, and it is indeed a film with ideas!


The Way Home (2013)

Way Back Home

Director: Fang Yinzhen

Writers: Li Zhenfan/Fang Yinzhen

Starring: Quan DuYan / Gao Xiu / Kang Ji Woo

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

Kim Jong-bae (Gao Xiu) and Song Jing-yeon (Jeon Do-yeon) are an ordinary couple who run an auto repair shop together and have a lovely daughter, Huilin. Life is happy, but it is inevitable that the storm will invade.

Zong Pei once gave a guarantee to his friend Xiu Zai, but Xiu Zai hanged himself, and the huge debts he owed were all piled up on Zong Pei's body. In order to repay the debt as soon as possible, Jingyan found Zong Pei's descendant Wen Dao to help.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

Wen Dao claimed that the discovery of gold in Europe and the United States required someone to bring rough back to China and promise a generous reward. Jing Yeon believes that this is true, who knows that she was caught at the French customs and found a large amount of drugs from her suitcase.

After this, JingYan is detained, and in the country of non-verbal communication, she not only endures great loneliness and fear, but also the humiliation and despair that come with it at any time. For the next two years, Zong Pei ran for his wife's innocence. The wife's long way home gradually involved the hearts of all the people... 

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

This film is based on real events, and when watching the movie, my heart hurts like I can't speak, just like when I watch the furnace, it is uncomfortable to express.


Highland Warfare (2011)

The Front Line

Director: Zhang Xun

Writers: Park Sang-yan

Starring: Shin Ha-kyun / Gao Xiu / Kim Yu-bin

Douban score: 8.5 points

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

In 1952, in the Panmunjom negotiations, the ownership of L Heights directly affected the delimitation of the ceasefire line, and the North and South launched a new round of bloody competition over L Heights in order to obtain more favorable results.

At this time, the leader of the Rokkai Crocodile Squadron on the front line was killed by his own pistol, and at the same time, the home letter of the Northern People's Army soldier was secretly sent through the Rok-side post, and the ROK side suspected that there was a traitor on the highland front, and sent Lieutenant Kang Eun-biao (Shin Ha-kyun) of the investigation department to accompany the new captain to the Crocodile Squadron.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

At this time, the crocodile squadron is actually in the hands of Jiang Enbiao's former comrade-in-arms Lieutenant Kim So-hyuk (Gao Xiu) and Captain Shin Il-young, and Jiang Enbiao is surprised to find that kim so-hyuk, who was once full of books, has now become a strong warrior, while the crocodile squadron, which is ostensibly poorly disciplined, has amazing combat effectiveness in actual combat.

Jiang Enbiao experienced a tug-of-war for the heights with the Crocodile Squadron, and he finally inadvertently found the clue that the Crocodile Squadron "collaborated with the enemy"...

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

"Highland War" Whether it is the theme, story, narrative, rhythm, war scenes, music, photography... Almost none of them are bad, and it is really a rare film!


International Market(2014)

Ode to My Father

Director: Yin Jijun

Writers: Park So-jin

Starring: Hwang Jeong-min / Kim Yoon-jin / Oh Dae-so

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

During the Korean War, the teenager Yoon Deok-so boarded the RESCUE ship of the US military with his parents, but suffered an unforgettable parting of his life. Although the fighting has ceased, the north and south peninsulas have been divided into two, and the northern homeland, which has been plagued by artillery fire, is far away.

Growing up, Deok Soo (Wong Jeong-min), who has become the pillar of his father, strives to make money, and in order to prepare for his younger siblings' tuition, he and his childhood friend Chih Ta-joo (Oh Da-so) go to West Germany to become miners.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

Thousands of miles of home, nostalgia is like a wisp, the lonely Deok-so accidentally met a Korean girl who studied nursing in Germany, Young-ko (Kim Yoon-jin), and since then, the life of black coal has shone into a brilliant light.

Happy times and the tribulations of death followed, but fortunately, after experiencing the test of life and death, Dexiu returned to asahina's home and won Hideko's heart. The long and bumpy road of life, Dexiu is struggling to move forward in the company of his wife, relatives and friends...

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

For example, the historical series in "Forrest Gump" is similar, and there are also many major events in Korean history in "International Market", and some representative figures in South Korea after the war have been brought into it.


Poetry (2010)


Director: Li Cangdong

Writers: Li Cangdong

Starring: Yin Jingji / Lee David / Ann Uchi-sang

Douban score: 8.6

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

Fashionable dress masks the traces of time on her body, and 66-year-old Miko (Yoon Jing-hee) blooms her twilight beauty like a small flower swaying on the side of the street.

Miko earns a little money by working part-time, and although she lives alone with her grandson who is in junior high school, it does not affect her enthusiasm for life in the slightest.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

Although she has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, she still loves poetry, not only often participates in poetry readings, but also begins to learn to write poetry.

She always pays attention to the moments of life in order to capture the inspiration that may appear at any time, and then record them in the small book she carries with her. However, just as inspiration for writing poetry does not come easily, life is not as easy and easy as it seems...

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

The film was nominated for the Palme d'Or at the 63rd Cannes Film Festival. And for this film, director Li Cangdong won the Best Screenplay Award in Cannes.


Oasis (2002)


Starring: Xue Jingqiu / Wen Suli / An Neixiang

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

After Hong Zhongdu (Xue Jingqiu), who was released from prison, his family ostracized him, and the reason why he was sentenced to prison was only to replace his brother.

After a cold heart, he visits the family at the residence of the deceased in a car accident and meets the daughter of the deceased, Han Gong-so (Moon So-ri), a severe cerebral palsy patient with a distorted face and twitching hands and feet. But Zhongdu was attracted to her and made bold moves on impulse.

But after the accident, the two have emotional thoughts about each other, and the lonely hearts gradually draw closer. They seem to be abnormal people who are physically and mentally unsound, but they encounter naked injustices of reality. However, fate did not let go of the opportunity to tease them.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

The film won the Venice Best Director & Mastruani Award, with the pure beauty of the love between marginalized people and disabled people against the distortions and prejudices of normal people, continuing the cold realism style of holding a long mirror, and the four fantasy scenes are particularly moving.


Elementary School (1992)

Our Twisted Hero

Director: Park Jong-won

Writers: Park Jong-won

Starring: Choi Min-sik / Hong Kyung-in

Douban score: 8.8

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

The story takes place in the early 1960s, when the male protagonist, Park Zheng, follows his failed father from Seoul to the countryside. When they arrive at the new school, Park Jong finds that all of his classmates are subordinate to the rule of the class leader " Amo "Amo", and they not only have to cheat to help Amo answer the questions, but also give the lunch they brought from home to Amo to deal with.

Park is from the big city, and he is very proud, he does not obey Ah Mo at all. However, he soon found that he was not Amo's opponent at all, because Amo was not only "supported" by the whole class, he was also the most upright and excellent model in the teacher's mind, and the teacher also gave Amo more power to manage the class.

Ah Mo took advantage of the opportunity to check the cleanliness and hygiene, and punished Park Zheng well, no matter how serious Park Zheng was, the glass he wiped could never get through. Park Jeong's proud psychological defense line collapsed. He also began to use various opportunities to please Amo like other classmates.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

After confirming that He had packed up Park Jeong and obeyed him, Ah Mo announced to the whole class that Park Jeong was the second person in the class. Park Jong begins to become the main force in the class bullying the weak. Ammo's authoritarian rule collapsed completely with the arrival of a teacher full of democratic ideas. The teacher found that all of Ah Mo's examination papers were answered by others.

The teacher did not hesitate to punish Ah Mo, and the students also began to expose Ah Mo's "guilt" one by one. There was a stupid kid in the class who was usually bullied and cried, and he pointed to the whole class and said, You are also wrong!

This is probably the most powerful scene in the film, the reason why Amo was able to establish his authority in the class was because of the students who completely obeyed the authority.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

The nightmarish student days are finally over, and Park Jong has paid the price for his weakness. The film does not stop in 1960, more than 30 years have passed, and at the beginning of the film, Park Jong is already a university history teacher.

South Korea's military rule is over, but when Park jong hears that the long-lost Amo is also coming to the funeral of his elementary school teacher, he feels an inexplicable panic. Obviously, although he had grown up, he could not fully get out of the shadow of Amo.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

The film uses a small class image to illustrate the collective Stockholm phenomenon under an authoritarian system, and once the dictator is overthrown, the liquidation begins. The film is small and big, and people's inferiority has been fully revealed.


Common Security District (2000)

Joint Security Area

Director: Park Chan-wook

Writers: Kim Hyun-seok / Lee Wu-young / Park Chan-wook

Starring: Lee Young-ae / Lee Byung-hyun / Song Kang-ho

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

One day, in the common security area on the border of Panmunjom, a North Korean soldier at the post (Shin Ha-jun) is killed by a bullet from an unknown source, triggering a gun battle between the two sides. The most suspected killers were South Korean soldiers on the same border, but the South Korean side accused North Korea of provoking the incident first, and both sides believed that the opponent should be responsible.

In order to resolve this headless case, the North and the South agreed that a neutral country would coordinate the investigation. A Swiss-Korean girl named Sophie (Lee Young-ae) is sent to investigate the incident, with Lee so-hyuk (Lee Byung-hyun) on the South Korean side remaining silent, while Roo Kyung-bi (Song Kang-ho), a survivor on the North Korean side, shows hostility.

Things are confusing. As she digs deeper, Sophie discovers that there is something hidden inside, and there is someone else on the scene...

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

Telling how four soldiers in North and South Korea gradually developed into friends from opposing border guards trying to get rid of hostile thinking, and then ending the friendship between the four with a cruel tragedy, the performance behind it is really thought-provoking.


Love Home (2002)

he Way Home

Director: Li Tingxiang

Writers: Li Tingxiang

Starring: Kim Yi-fen / Yoo Seung-ho / Tong Hyo-hee

Douban score: 9.1

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

In order to facilitate the search for a job, her mother takes 7-year-old XiangYu (Yu Chenghao) to her grandmother's house in the countryside, hoping to keep him there for the time being. Grandma (Jin Yifen) is too old to speak or read. And Xiangyu, a grandson who has been living in the city, was unable to adapt to the rural life that did not even have to sell game consoles and batteries at first.

He began to show his displeasure in a brutal manner, complaining about this and complaining about that. In order to buy the battery, she stole grandma's silver hairpin and sold it; grandma learned that her grandson wanted to eat fried chicken, but only understood chicken, stewed a chicken for her grandson to eat, but was kicked over by the angry Xiangyu.

The old man silently tolerated everything about his grandson, and gradually, Xiang Yu also realized his grandmother's good intentions and adapted to and liked the country life.

12 unpopular Korean movies, Douban 9.1 points but no one mentioned

It's a very simple movie, but it's also a film that is easy to move, and it's also a movie that our generation of young people and children should watch.

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