
"The Chinese Road and the Chinese Truth" understands the wisdom and methods of the Chinese road

author:Overseas network

Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

"The Chinese Road and the Chinese Truth" understands the wisdom and methods of the Chinese road

In recent years, Zhuxi Town, Kaizhou District, Chongqing Has vigorously promoted the construction of rural revitalization, starting from industrial upgrading, human settlement environment, infrastructure, etc., deeply excavating the multiple values of rural ecological conservation, leisure tourism, cultural experience, health and pension, etc., and promoting the integrated development of agricultural culture and tourism. The picture shows tourists touring the Zhuxi Town Rural Revitalization Demonstration Park. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Liu

The great success of contemporary China's modernization drive, especially the reform and opening up, can no longer be explained by a dogmatic theoretical framework. China in the new era, from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong, urgently needs to become stronger in ideology, theory, discourse, values, culture, and civilization; China in the new era, which has never been so close to realizing the great cause of national rejuvenation as it is today, urgently needs to think about China and the world with its own mind, to depict China and the world with its own voice, and to write About China and the world with its own handwriting.

Yan Yilong's "Chinese Road and Chinese Truth" is such an effort and attempt. The book embodies the methodology of studying and interpreting the Chinese road from three perspectives. First, the road is out of the way, and the study and interpretation of the Chinese road must be based on practice; second, it is necessary to take the "right path on earth" and the study and interpretation of the Chinese road should be centered on the people; third, the road is long and its cultivation is far away, and it is appropriate to study and explain the Chinese road with socialism as the method.

The Tao is at the Foot: Practice-based

The main structure of "The Chinese Road and the Chinese Truth" is divided into five parts, the first of which is "Chinese Discourse Methodology", and the subsequent is to interpret the Chinese road and expound the Chinese principle from four aspects: economic model, political model, governance model, and China and the world. Therefore, clarifying the "Methodology of Chinese Discourse" is the premise for interpreting the Chinese road and expounding the Chinese truth.

The book proposes "practice as the body" and "one body and three uses", that is, taking modern Chinese practice as the body and Marxism, traditional culture and Western theory as the use. The theoretical toolbox for understanding the Chinese path is not impossible to include Western theories, but it is necessary to see that it is only one of them that can be used, and only "used". To interpret the Chinese path, we must return to Chinese practice, based on Chinese practice, and proceed from the living Reality of China, rather than from any kind of existing external theoretical framework, otherwise it will still be difficult to escape the trap of metaphysics. When studying the China issue, the Chinese academic circles agree that there are more and more people of insight who are "China-centered", which is gratifying, but the most fundamental meaning of "China" can only be the new and new "Chinese practice", that is, the "Chinese social reality" that "Chinese philosophy" needs to face.

The methodological shift based on practice means "from convergence research to independent research", from the stereotypical "theoretical hypothesis - empirical testing" research path to the "'fact immersion' - theoretical dialogue - theoretical hypothesis - empirical testing" research path. What is "fact immersion"? It is "immersed in the process of practice, not just collecting data and summarizing, including participating in policy research, field research, in-depth interviews, dissecting sparrows, etc." Throughout the book, it can be seen that the author's long-term "immersion" in the "national conditions", especially the long-term experience of engaging in the research of the five-year plan, as well as a large number of field research, provide an empirical basis and important conditions for him to construct a new theory based on Chinese practice. For example, based on the research of the Five-Year Plan, the concepts of "overall knowledge application mechanism", "national target governance system" and "collective wisdom decision-making system" are proposed, which are both explanatory and symbolic, which provides a vivid and powerful argument for readers to deeply understand the new chinese political economy system under the conditions of socialist market economy.

The famous sociologist Huang Zongzhi advocates "practical social science", and the key to the problem lies in how to connect theory and practice. In his view, the right path between theoretical rationality and practical logic has long been explored by "Mao Zedong Thought." Huang Zongzhi believes: "The insight of Mao Zedong Thought lies in a very clear understanding of the key issue that academics and theorists have generally ignored, that is, how to make a media connection between practice and theory. The book discusses the epistemology from Marx to Mao Zedong, and believes that the "reflective evolution process" in the interaction between theory and practice "will appear two leaps in which mao Zedong said that matter becomes spirit and spirit becomes material."

The Chinese road was pioneered by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The methodology for studying and explaining the Chinese road has long existed in the guiding ideology of the Chinese Communist Party. It should be noted that once both Marxism and Mao Zedong Thought are treated dogmatically and doctrinally, rather than as weapons, tools and methods for understanding and transforming the world, then their vitality and creativity will not be far from fading. Therefore, on the one hand, we must adhere to the "Tao at the foot", build Chinese theories and expound Chinese principles based on Chinese practice and proceed from China's reality; on the other hand, we must adhere to correct ideological guidance and turn theory into methods.

The Right Way on Earth: People-Centered

"The Chinese Road and the Chinese Truth" pointed out: "The Chinese road is the new road of mankind, the right way in the world, and a new order of mankind; the Chinese principle is the principle of the Chinese road, the principle of the way, the principle of the middle way, and it is a new knowledge system of mankind." The reason why the Chinese road is a "new road" and a "right path" and has the meaning of "human beings" is fundamentally because it is guided by advanced ideology and theory and has lofty values and ideals as goals. "Chinese society is a people-centered order, and the people's main body, the party's leadership, and socialism constitute the 'iron triangle' of the Chinese system, and it is also a metaconceanaly to build a Chinese academic discourse system."

The main body of the people and the leadership of the party are well understood, but the difficulty is how to understand socialism. In this "iron triangle", "socialism is the economic, political, socio-cultural community of all the people." ...... Socialism is a new path for human society with a symbiotic economy, shared distribution, common prosperity and common ideals." It is precisely because China is taking the socialist road that the Chinese road can be called the "right way in the world" and the "new order of mankind", and the Chinese principle derived from the Chinese road is the "principle of the way" and "the reason of the middle way".

The book discusses four articles on China's economic model, political model, governance model, And China and the world, that is, to explain what is the socialist model with Chinese characteristics. The interpretation of the model of socialism with Chinese characteristics in this book shows that the Chinese social sciences constructed from China's practical experience are methodologically different from the Western social sciences. Under the Western capitalist order, society is divided into highly atomized individuals, so the mainstream Social Sciences in the West pursue individualistic methodologies, which are basically in line with their social structural principles and inner spirit. China is taking the socialist road, so the methodology adhered to by Chinese social sciences based on China's practical experience can be called the methodology of socialism or communityism. This is actually the methodology of the Chinese road, which embodies the central idea of all development for the people.

Obstacles and long: socialism as a method

Socialist methodology focuses on the combination of decentralized knowledge and holistic knowledge. Under the conditions of the socialist market economy, state planning mainly plays a role in the field of holistic knowledge and public affairs governance, while the market mainly plays a role in the field of decentralized knowledge and private product provision, so it can form a compound advantage. The target governance system is a national governance system that uses holistic knowledge to formulate national planning, mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties, guide the allocation of resources, and jointly promote the realization of the goal through a combination of bottom-up and top-down methods.

Socialist methodology pays attention to the balance between people's well-being and economic development. The core concept of the people's livelihood country is the concept of the socialist community, which is centered on promoting the people's ability to develop, and the system of improving the people's well-being undertaken by individuals, communities and countries emphasizes common rights and common responsibilities, and its functions play a role in production, primary distribution and redistribution. Compared with the capitalist system, socialism obviously has obvious institutional advantages in solving the problems of people's livelihood.

Socialist methodology focuses on the combination of demand-side management and supply-side management. The shortage of effective demand is determined by the production mode of capital chasing profit maximization under the conditions of market economy, and the corresponding unbalanced distribution mode, which is a greater challenge facing China's economic development. Under the conditions of the socialist market economy, in addition to the market economy, there are also public mechanisms that realize potential demand, which can create a greater space for effective demand. The new demand management is mainly to give full play to the advantages of the socialist system, through the promotion of public consumption, public investment and tap the global potential demand, to expand the effective demand space, and promote the sustained and coordinated development of the economy.

Socialist methodology focuses on the more effective integration of resources through division of labor and coordination, and jointly promotes the realization of national goals. Based on Chinese practice, this book summarizes the Chinese political system as the "division of labor of the seven powers", that is, the mutual division of labor and cooperation between powers is realized through the integration and intersection of powers, so as to achieve public functions more efficiently.

Socialist methodology focuses on a collective decision-making system that combines democracy and centralization. The author divides brainstorming decision-making into five stages, namely, quacking, crowds, soliciting, making decisions, and telling the four parties. The formulation of China's Five-Year Plan or Plan is a process of constantly moving from democracy to centralization to democracy to centralization, condensing the will and wisdom of the whole party and the whole country, and finally rising to the law, becoming the program and goal of the people of the whole country to fight together. It embodies the distinctive characteristics of China's decision-making process, that is, attaching importance to research, public participation, consultative democracy, democratic centralism, and scientific democracy. The political logic behind it is democratic centralism, and the core feature is to organically combine scientific and democratic.

Socialist methodology focuses on ensuring good Chinese governance through four elements: a vanguard party, a promising government, a common market and an organic society. The foundation of good governance lies in realizing the subjectivity of the people to the greatest extent, fully ensuring that the people are masters of their own affairs, and giving full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the people. The leadership of the Vanguard Party is the key and fundamental advantage of Good Governance in China, which determines that China has a government for the sake of the people rather than a limited government, a common market rather than a free market, and an organic society rather than a civil society. The fundamental reason why China's political system is a system of division of labor rather than a system of separation lies in the unification of the leadership of the Party Central Committee. What determines the fundamental direction of China's future is the game of two kinds of overall power, the party's leadership and the power of capital.

Socialist methodology focuses on communityism as a new paradigm of international relations in the 21st century. China has put forward the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, providing a new paradigm of communityism for international relations in the 21st century. The communityist concept of security is the universal security concept, the communityist concept of development is the concept of common development, the communityist concept of civilization is the concept of civilization blending, and communityism emphasizes companionship rather than alliance. Communityism conforms to the international political realities of the 21st century, responds to the international political challenges of the 21st century, and embodies Chinese traditions, Chinese solutions and Chinese wisdom.

Marxism has pointed out the fundamental direction for the development of human society towards the "association of free men," a new type of social community. Taking socialism as the method is to more consciously promote the development and progress of China and the world in the direction of socialism under the condition of soberly understanding the practical constraints of "obstruction and long-term". (Liu Chenguang)