
Is more walking good for blood vessels? Doctor's reminder: After the age of 50, insisting on doing these 2 things may be better than exercise

author:Dr. Yuen Kwong Hung

Uncle Wang is an old man who is almost 60 years old, he has a kind personality and rarely loses his temper. A light diet has been his habit for many years, and he insists on a 30-minute walk every day. Every time he went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor told him that his cardiovascular health was very good. The doctor explained that Uncle Wang's habits could help him maintain his cardiovascular health. When Uncle Wang asked if he needed to do more exercise, the doctor told him that sticking to these two things may be better than exercise.

Is more walking good for blood vessels? Doctor's reminder: After the age of 50, insisting on doing these 2 things may be better than exercise

Blood vessels are an important part of the body's circulatory system, and they are responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, and waste. The health of blood vessels is closely related to the overall health of the body. Here are the importance of vascular health:

Prevention of cardiovascular disease: Cardiovascular disease is one of the main diseases affecting human health, and vascular disease is one of the main reasons. The health of blood vessels is closely related to the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Promotes physical health: The health of blood vessels affects not only the cardiovascular system, but also other organs and systems of the body. Good vascular health can increase the body's immunity and prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

Maintain good heart function: The heart is one of the important organs of the human body, responsible for pumping blood to all parts of the body. The healthy state of blood vessels can affect the function and health of the heart.

Longevity: Studies have shown that vascular disease is one of the main causes of aging and shortened lifespan in the human body. Therefore, maintaining good vascular health is the key to extending life and maintaining good health.

Is more walking good for blood vessels? Doctor's reminder: After the age of 50, insisting on doing these 2 things may be better than exercise

What are the benefits of walking for blood vessels?

Walking has many benefits for blood vessels, especially for older people. Here are the benefits of walking for blood vessels:

Increase blood vessel elasticity: Walking can help blood vessels stay elastic and allow blood to flow more smoothly. Elastic blood vessels can reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, thereby reducing the prevalence of cardiovascular disease.

Lower blood pressure: Walking can help lower blood pressure and reduce the burden on blood vessels. One study showed that walking for 30 minutes a day lowered blood pressure by about 4-9 mm Hg, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Improve blood circulation: Walking can help strengthen the function of the heart muscle and blood vessels, and improve the efficiency of blood circulation. This helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, promoting good health.

Boosts metabolism: Walking can boost the body's metabolism, help with weight loss, and prevent metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. In addition, walking can also strengthen bones and muscles, reducing problems such as osteoporosis and muscle wasting.

Is more walking good for blood vessels? Doctor's reminder: After the age of 50, insisting on doing these 2 things may be better than exercise

Walking is very beneficial to Uncle Wang, but walking is not the only healthy way, Uncle Wang's other two habits are especially important for the elderly over 50, let's understand the following two habits and their benefits:

1. Eat lightly

A light diet means that the taste of food is not too greasy, the taste is not too salty and sweet, the food itself will not stimulate the stomach and intestines, and it is rich in nutrients and will not cause discomfort in the body. A light diet has very important benefits for the elderly over 50.

Protect the heart and blood vessels: A light diet can control the intake of fat, salt and other components, thereby lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Enhance immunity: A light diet can allow the elderly to fully consume protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to enhance immunity and prevent diseases.

Is more walking good for blood vessels? Doctor's reminder: After the age of 50, insisting on doing these 2 things may be better than exercise

Relieve gastrointestinal problems: With age, the digestive system of the elderly will have problems, such as decreased gastrointestinal function and decreased gastric juice secretion. A light diet can reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, relieve gastrointestinal problems, and maintain intestinal health.

Weight control: As we age, metabolism slows down, which can easily lead to weight gain. A light diet can control energy intake and avoid weight gain while maintaining good health.

Improve sleep: A light diet can improve the quality of sleep in the elderly, improve sleep efficiency, and help the recovery and health of the body.

2. Be good at controlling emotions

As people age, their bodies gradually age, and their physical health is gradually affected. At this time, it is especially important to be good at controlling your emotions. So, what are the benefits of controlling emotions for people over 50?

Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke

Older people over 50, especially those with diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, tend to be more susceptible to emotional influences. Excessive anger, anxiety, worry and other emotions can increase the heart rate and increase blood pressure, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Therefore, controlling your emotions and maintaining a calm and pleasant mind is important for preventing heart disease and stroke.

Relieves stress and anxiety

Seniors over 50 often face a series of life changes such as retirement and children's independence, and these life changes will bring them stress and anxiety. If you are in a high-pressure state for a long time, it will not only affect your physical health, but also affect your emotional and mental health. Being good at controlling emotions and constantly adjusting your mentality can relieve stress and anxiety and improve the quality of life.

Is more walking good for blood vessels? Doctor's reminder: After the age of 50, insisting on doing these 2 things may be better than exercise

Slows down aging

Long-term exposure to negative emotions such as emotional tension, anxiety, and worry will produce a large number of free radicals, accelerate cell aging, and affect the health of the body. By controlling emotions and maintaining a pleasant and calm mind, it can reduce the production of free radicals and delay aging.

Improves immunity

Changes in mood affect the balance of the human endocrine system, which affects the normal functioning of immunity. If you are in a negative mood for a long time, it will not only reduce immunity, but also increase the risk of various diseases. By controlling emotions and maintaining a good attitude, it can improve immunity and reduce the occurrence of diseases.