
What harm does malnutrition do to the body?

author:Traditional Chinese medicine pediatrician Zhang Cuiqing

Now people's life and work pressure is quite large, many people also have irregular diet, long-term irregular diet on the stomach and digestive system also has great harm, resulting in digestive disorders, resulting in indigestion phenomenon, the following will talk about what harm will indigestion bring?

What harm does malnutrition do to the body?

1. Indigestion will affect the normal absorption of nutrients in the body, and it is easy to be malnourished. Long-term indigestion will have a very serious impact on the absorption of gastrointestinal food nutrients, especially for children, because children are in a critical period of physical growth and development, indigestion will lead to malnutrition, resulting in low immunity, dull complexion, severe malnutrition will also adversely affect the development of intelligence.

What harm does malnutrition do to the body?

2, restless at night: annoyance, hot palms, kicking and uncovered, sweating when just falling asleep, internal heat for excessive diet and accumulation of stomach. When children increase in age, especially after adding complementary foods, pay attention to dinner should not be too full, and children around 1 year old should not drink a full meal before going to bed.

3, bad breath: milk food stagnates in the stomach, often occurs first, especially morning bad breath snort is the manifestation of milk stagnation, clinically called this is high fasting. When this phenomenon occurs, food can be reduced or stopped to facilitate the recovery of gastrointestinal function.

What harm does malnutrition do to the body?

4, affect the baby's intellectual development within 1 year old is the key period of the baby's intellectual development, if the poor digestive function affects the absorption of nutrients, may affect the baby's intellectual development.

To avoid children's indigestion, it is still necessary to rely on prevention, and during the Spring Festival, children should be arranged to eat more easily digestible foods and adjust their diet, such as vegetables, rice porridge, noodles, etc. Do not eat fried and puffed foods, meat, fish and shrimp should be eaten in moderation. Let your child be outdoors for about an hour a day, and exercise more to help digestion.