
This medicine can be called a "natural hematopoietic bank", add a flavor of soaked water, make your face red and invincible

author:Jia Yajun in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine

After people get older, it is easy to lose qi and blood, at first dizziness, easy to feel tired, and later it will develop into tinnitus, dazzle, hair begins to slowly turn white, teeth also begin to loosen, can not move back pain leg pain, in short, everywhere is uncomfortable. In fact, this situation is that the body is reminding you that you should "refuel" and replenish blood.

This medicine can be called a "natural hematopoietic bank", add a flavor of soaked water, make your face red and invincible

Flavored Chinese medicine, which can be called a "natural blood bank", is very suitable for people with blood deficiency to regulate, and this flavored medicine is angelica. Angelica has always been known as the "king of blood supplementation", and the effect of blood replenishment is quite outstanding. Then today Dr. Jia will teach you a trick to maximize the effect of angelica!

This medicine can be called a "natural hematopoietic bank", add a flavor of soaked water, make your face red and invincible

If you are usually full of energy, feel tired at every turn, your face is yellow, you can't eat, and you are weak in speech, then this may be a deficiency of qi and blood, then we can use angelica with an astragalus to supplement qi and blood. Angelica replenishes blood, astragalus replenishes qi at the same time, but also strengthens the spleen, promotes the movement of the spleen and stomach, and makes the body, the source of qi and blood biochemistry, rotate.

This medicine can be called a "natural hematopoietic bank", add a flavor of soaked water, make your face red and invincible

Then if you usually get on fire, easy to mouth ulcers, sore throat, or face is prone to fire boils, less urine, and the color is still very yellow, dry stool like sheep feces eggs, then this belongs to the heat evil jin, we can refer to the use of angelica with a bitter ginseng. Bitter ginseng medicinal bitter cold, can clear heat and cool blood, diuretic and laxative, combined with angelica, discharge the heat in the blood without hurting the blood.

This medicine can be called a "natural hematopoietic bank", add a flavor of soaked water, make your face red and invincible

Then if you are usually prone to backache and soft legs, dizziness and tinnitus, memory is getting worse and worse, hands and feet are hot in the afternoon, you always sweat when you sleep at night, and you have to get up several times a night to go to the toilet, then this may be a lack of sperm and blood. We say that sperm and blood are the same source, and the essence and blood can be converted into each other, then we can use angelica with a taste of dodder seeds, dodder seeds can not only nourish kidney yin, but also supplement kidney yang, and angelica with essence blood supplement, the effect is also very good.

This medicine can be called a "natural hematopoietic bank", add a flavor of soaked water, make your face red and invincible

Then if you usually cough, cough when coughing there is always a mouthful of phlegm in the throat and eyes, but it is difficult to spit it out, the skin is relatively dry, the throat is very dry, drinking water does not work, the heart is always very irritable, and you can't sleep at night, then this may be insufficient yin blood, can not nourish the lungs, resulting in lung yin also deficiencies. At this time, we can refer to using angelica with a wheat dong, wheat dong nourishes yin and dryness, clears the mind and removes troubles, and with angelica with jin blood supplement, it can make up for the loss of lung yin.

This medicine can be called a "natural hematopoietic bank", add a flavor of soaked water, make your face red and invincible

Well, the above is what I shared with you today, about several collocations of angelica, but Dr. Jia also wants to remind everyone here that it must be used for reference under the dialectic of professional doctors, and do not use it arbitrarily. Thank you all for watching, and we'll see you in the next issue!