
Is Xenoblade 3 in development? Do you believe this rumor?

author:Anime House

According to the revelations of foreign game media Fanbyte, "Xenoblade 3" has entered the final stage of development, and related news may be published within the year.

Is Xenoblade 3 in development? Do you believe this rumor?

In June, a fan of the Xenoblade series interviewed actress Jenna Coleman, who was the voice actor of Melia in the English version of Xenoblade more than 10 years ago. Although the interview was published 2 months ago, recently, a slip of the tongue in Coleman's interview caught the attention of social media:

Is Xenoblade 3 in development? Do you believe this rumor?

Recalling her first role in Excalibur, Coleman said, "Oh my God, when was the first game? 10 years ago? That was a long time ago, and I matched it before I made Doctor Who. When they did the second part, they asked me to come back and do it. I think they'll keep doing it. She paused, then said, "What's known? I don't know. Well, I think they're going to keep doing it. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to talk about this. ”

Is Xenoblade 3 in development? Do you believe this rumor?

Although Coleman did not explicitly disclose whether she was involved in dubbing again in a remake or a new work, her words undoubtedly attracted a lot of attention from the game media. Fanbyte confirmed with his sources and concluded that the new game was nearing the final stages of development, but its release date could be delayed for various reasons.

Is Xenoblade 3 in development? Do you believe this rumor?

The rumored Monolith Soft's excalibur 3 is a sequel to Xenoblade 2, set in the distant future after the end of Generation 2. Some of the characters who appeared in the first 2 works and lived longer than humans will return in this game. That's why Coleman, who voiced Melia, notices the new one, the character she voices will return, and she'll probably already be involved in the recording of the voice.

Is Xenoblade 3 in development? Do you believe this rumor?

According to information from Fanbyte sources, Excalibur 3 was originally scheduled to be released earlier this year, and may also be released before the end of this year. However, the spread of the new crown epidemic and the difficulty of optimizing the NS game have led to a delay in the release of the game's news. The new game aims to have more character models on screen at the same time than any previous work, including actionable characters and enemies.

Is Xenoblade 3 in development? Do you believe this rumor?

In fact, the launch of Xenoblade 3 is also expected by many players. Because the previously released "Alien Excalibur Ultimate Edition" additional chapter is called "Connected Future", which also indicates Monolith Soft's expectations for the future of the series. Now, the goal of "Xenoblade 3" originally scheduled for release in the winter of 2021 has been unattainable. But if all goes well, this new game will probably be released in the first half of next year.

So do you believe the rumors this time?

Are you looking forward to Xenoblade 3?

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