
Puming Family Education Philosophy - 10 Tips for Contemporary Parents (1)

author:Puming Summer Camp
Puming Family Education Philosophy - 10 Tips for Contemporary Parents (1)

Parental responsibility

Help your child survive independently after you leave;

Help your child communicate well with others;

Help your child learn to get up after falling;

Help children appreciate themselves and others;

Help your child believe that he can do anything;

Help children learn to cherish happiness and know how to be grateful;

Help children learn to take responsibility;

Help children be sunny, positive and optimistic

Puming Family Education Philosophy - 10 Tips for Contemporary Parents (1)

Parents' concepts and mentality have a great impact on children's growth. In the same school, under the guidance of the same teacher, the situation of children is very different, although there are factors in terms of children's qualifications, but the parents' concepts and mentality cannot be ignored. In today's era, there are many phenomena that parents have not encountered before, so today's parents should pay more attention to their children's education, otherwise their children may be unknowingly hindered or even destroyed. The following are not very high-level and easy to implement, but they may be decisive for the growth of children, and parents are expected to think carefully and practice them.

First, please pay attention to your child's education. The fundamental difference between humans and animals is that humans have minds while animals do not. Because the animal has no mind, or its mind is still very low-level and inseparable from the body, the growth of the animal is natural, and when its body grows, the "mind" grows with it. But people are different, although the human body can grow up more naturally, the growth of the soul must be through education. We raise a child with both his physical development and his spiritual growth. We cannot just feed and drink him and neglect his timely cultural upbringing. Otherwise, when the child grows to seven or eight years old or even a teenager, although the body is formed, but the mind is still extremely obscurant, his future learning will become very difficult. As a parent, you must seriously think about your child's education and set the general direction for him as soon as possible.

Second, let children read the best books. Throughout the ages, there have been a sea of books, but there are not many that are really valuable, and most books are not worth reading. Today, when academia is losing its uniformity and publishing is becoming more and more widespread, it is not easy to choose a good book for children. It would be a big mistake to think that school textbooks are the best, or that a random book in a bookstore can provide children with appropriate and adequate cultural nutrition.

Puming Family Education Philosophy - 10 Tips for Contemporary Parents (1)

Third, children should have a "sense of protection". Those mammals, when they nurse their cubs, always hide their cubs in a hidden place. The growth period of humans is longer than that of animals, and children should be properly and carefully protected during their growth period. Today, people's social interaction is very frequent, and if there is no sense of protection, allowing children to be exposed to too much information from an early age will seriously disturb his mind. We should create a safe, warm and stable environment for children, do not let him contact too many people, do not participate in too many activities, gatherings between adults, noisy places, it is best for children to avoid. Although the ancients said "read ten thousand books and travel thousands of miles", there was an order: reading books first, traveling later.

Fourth, don't spoil children. There is no freedom without rules, and as parents, give your child some big principles so that they understand what must be followed and what is negotiable. Letting children choose everything is actually a kind of "fake democracy", which will not only be dragged down by children, but also seriously hinder children's growth. In addition, we must also know that although a child can be a "little emperor" in his own home, he is not in society, and society will not pamper him as you do at home. A child who is too favored at home will suffer in society, because he has to go through a long and painful journey to realize that he is just one of many beings, and others do not exist for him.

Fifth, families should form a "united front." Parents and major family members such as grandparents and grandparents should be consistent in their children's educational concepts, and if there are contradictions, they should also be resolved behind the child's back. This problem is quite common today, and the parents are not very well reunited, and with the participation of the older generation, it can sometimes be complicated. It is best for one person to be fully responsible for the education of children, and others can only make suggestions, not all together, each holding their own ideas, and tugging at each other. Family members are too different on the issue of children's education, which will make children confused, tormented, and finally become passive and willful, and even learn to figure out the minds of adults at a young age, and be opportunistic.

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