
The anti-corruption storm is underway, and officials have fallen one after another, which is very happy! Let's see how anti-corruption was fought in ancient times

author:Watch the clouds and listen to the rain fall

Recently, the State Commission for Discipline Inspection has once again struck a heavy blow, and more than a dozen officials have been arrested one after another, all suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and since this week, dozens of officials have fallen from power, shocking people, and the anti-corruption storm is underway.

The anti-corruption storm is underway, and officials have fallen one after another, which is very happy! Let's see how anti-corruption was fought in ancient times

Since ancient times, there have been corrupt officials, the people hate the word "greed" to the point of gritting their teeth, each dynasty has a corresponding anti-corruption policy, the state has always been insisting on anti-corruption, in order to make the people fair, so that officials can truly serve the people.

Ancient anti-corruption cases:

1. Wang Anshi changed the law: During the Northern Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi promoted the law change, trying to reform politics, the military, finance, etc., to eliminate corruption. He took a series of measures, such as the implementation of the "Young Seedlings Law", the "Protection Law", and the establishment of the "Water Conservancy Department", which achieved good results.

2. The "clean official system" in the Eastern Han Dynasty: During the Han Dynasty, the "clean official system" was established to strictly crack down on the corrupt behavior of officials, which attracted widespread attention and support.

3. The "Three Divisions Official Asset Declaration System" in the Sui and Tang Dynasties: During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the "Three Divisions Official Property Declaration System" was implemented, requiring officials to report their property status every year to avoid corruption.

4. The "Hailui Strike Case" during the Qing Dynasty: At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Hairui was removed from office for writing to impeach officials, and his behavior aroused widespread praise from the people at that time and became a typical case of anti-corruption in ancient times.

The anti-corruption storm is underway, and officials have fallen one after another, which is very happy! Let's see how anti-corruption was fought in ancient times

Anti-corruption policies in ancient times:

1. Implement a selection system: In ancient times, most dynasties adopted a strict selection system to select meritocrats to serve as officials to avoid corruption.

2. Establishment of supervisory bodies: In ancient dynasties, most established supervisory bodies to monitor the behavior of officials and detect and combat corruption.

3. Strengthen the construction of the legal system: In ancient dynasties, most of them formulated strict legal systems to crack down on corrupt behavior of officials to maintain social justice and stability.

4. Establish a culture of creditworthiness: In ancient times, advocating a cultural atmosphere of creditworthiness and justice to cultivate social morality and personal morality was also an important means of fighting corruption.

The anti-corruption storm is underway, and officials have fallen one after another, which is very happy! Let's see how anti-corruption was fought in ancient times