
How to intervene at home for children with mild autism? Star dad and star mom must watch

author:Pediatrics Meng Fanping

The previous article talked about children with mild autism, and whether parents can intervene. Next, if parents want to intervene at home, how to intervene, what aspects need to be paid attention to in the intervention, and what are the precautions for interfering with autism? Hope to help more parents

First, how to judge whether a child has autism

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2. Family intervention methods for children with autism

1. Establish a good communication atmosphere in the family: Parents of autistic children need to help them communicate effectively with their children and respect, tolerate and support autistic children.

2. Adjust expectations for autistic children in time: When parents find that their children cannot meet expectations, they should take measures as soon as possible to improve their ability level.

3. Encourage children with autism to participate in community activities: Participating in colorful community activities can increase their social skills and enable them to better face society.

How to intervene at home for children with mild autism? Star dad and star mom must watch

4. Provide more time for autistic children to participate in group play: Arrange a variety of interactive projects for autistic children, such as singing, painting or acting, to promote the development of language and motor skills.

5. Listen patiently to the thoughts expressed by autistic children: Autistic children may have some problems that cannot be clearly explained, and parents should listen patiently to them tell their thoughts and give appropriate feedback.

How to intervene at home for children with mild autism? Star dad and star mom must watch

Third, what problems children with mild autism will encounter in social interaction

Children with autism experience problems socially, including not being able to communicate well with others, being neglected, or being isolated. These conditions can lead to anxiety, loneliness, and even suicidal tendencies. To address these issues, family intervention methods are very important.

How to intervene at home for children with mild autism? Star dad and star mom must watch
  • First of all, parents need to understand the psychological characteristics and behavior patterns of autistic children.
  • Second, encourage them to speak their thoughts and feelings through patient communication, letting them know that they are not completely unable to express themselves.
  • In addition, care should be taken to protect the self-esteem of children with autism and avoid forcing them to do anything. Provide some support and assistance if you can.
How to intervene at home for children with mild autism? Star dad and star mom must watch

Fourth, how to help children with mild autism communicate with others

It is very important to help children with autism communicate with others.

  • First, you need to determine whether they can effectively understand what others are saying and what they mean. If they can't use language well to communicate, they shouldn't be forced to do it.
  • Second, make sure you're providing supportive help so your child feels valued. For example, when a child is in trouble, you can accompany her by the side; Or try to bring them joy through games, exercises and drawings.
  • It's also a good idea to encourage parents to socialize. People with autism often have a strong sense of loneliness, so creating a warm and harmonious family atmosphere can help alleviate this feeling.
  • Finally, and crucially, don't rush things. Everyone goes through pain and every parent may have experienced moments of frustration or even despair.
How to intervene at home for children with mild autism? Star dad and star mom must watch

For children with mild autism, psychotherapy or medication is only a temporary solution. It is important that they receive adequate love and support, and build confidence by working to build trusting relationships.

V. Precautions for the prevention and treatment of autism in children

Autism in children is a common mental illness that usually affects children's social activities at school and at home. Preventing or treating autism in adolescents requires consideration of many factors, including communicating with children, paying attention to their social development, and providing them with appropriate support.

How to intervene at home for children with mild autism? Star dad and star mom must watch

1. Communicate with your child. Children with autism are generally reluctant to express their thoughts, so parents should listen patiently, understand their emotions, and encourage them to speak out about their inner feelings.

2. Pay attention to their social development. Children with autism are more susceptible to the negative effects of their surroundings, and parents should help them avoid suffering from these problems in various ways.

3. Provide them with appropriate support. To ensure that they are effectively supported, they need to participate in group activities or volunteer services.

4. Finally, if you notice that your child has depression, seek medical attention immediately to avoid worsening.

How to intervene at home for children with mild autism? Star dad and star mom must watch

In conclusion, people with moderate or higher autism may require a lot of active nursing treatment, psychoeducation, or community service. If you are considering discharging them from the hospital, talk to a professional and get support. #Autism##如何给自闭症孩子做家庭干预 #