
Defeated? The Sun Exclusive: Southgate will be knighted

author:Tiger soccer

According to the exclusive news of the "Sun" newspaper, although England lost in the final of the European Cup, British Prime Minister Boris wants to crown the manager Who led the team to the final, Southgate, as a Cavalier. After being knighted, Southgate was called Sir.

A senior official working at 10 Downing Street (the Prime Minister's residence) told The Sun: "[Knight] has to go through the procedure, but Gareth (Southgate) has achieved incredible results. He brought the whole country together in an amazing way, and the Prime Minister would have supported him as a knight. ”

Those who "devote themselves to helping or serving Britain" or who have achieved success in the public sphere may be knighted, with the requirement that they make an outstanding contribution to their field or make others' lives better. After a candidate in sports is nominated, the Sports Honors Committee in Whitehall will decide whether to recommend candidates to the Prime Minister and the Queen. If the decision is in the affirmative, the candidate will be recommended to the Prime Minister and the Queen, who will confer this honour on the candidate.

(Editor: Yao Fan)