
"Eat fresh in March, longevity vascular pass" into March, what is "1 fresh"? It's a shame to miss it

author:Don't smash the keyboard

"Eat fresh in March, live a long life", I believe that many people have heard this advertising slogan in this season. So, what exactly is this "one fresh"?

It is understood that "one fresh" refers to the seasonal vegetable in March - rape. Canola is not only rich in nutritional value, but also relatively cheap, so it is called "one fresh"!

Rape, also known as mustard greens, kale, rape heart, kale heart, etc., is an annual or biennial herb of the cruciferous family Rapeseed. Native to the Mediterranean coast, canola is one of the world's most important cash crops. It is cultivated in the north and south of the mainland, with the Jiangnan area being the most prosperous.

Canola, a widely grown cruciferous vegetable, is also one of the traditional spring vegetables on the mainland. Canola is not only delicious and delicious, but also nutritious, contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, and has many benefits.

"Eat fresh in March, longevity vascular pass" into March, what is "1 fresh"? It's a shame to miss it

Nutritional value of canola

  1. Canola contains a variety of vitamins

Canola is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid, of which the content of vitamin C is higher, containing about 60 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of rape, more than fruits such as citrus and apples.

  1. Canola is rich in minerals

Rapeseed is rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron and other minerals, of which the content of calcium is higher, containing about 100 mg of calcium per 100 grams of rape, which is more than 2 times that of milk.

  1. Canola is rich in dietary fiber

Rapeseed is rich in dietary fiber, containing about 1.6 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams of rape, which is conducive to promoting intestinal peristalsis and reducing constipation.

Benefits of canola

  1. Protect the liver

Nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E and carotene in canola can help protect liver cells and prevent liver damage and liver cancer.

  1. Lowers blood lipids

Nutrients such as vitamin C, folic acid and dietary fiber in rapeseed can reduce blood cholesterol and triacylglycerol content, which is beneficial to prevent cardiovascular disease.

  1. Prevention of anemia

Nutrients such as iron and folic acid in canola can help prevent anemia and increase hemoglobin levels.

  1. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer

Nutrients such as vitamin C, carotene and selenium in rapeseed can strengthen the body's immunity, fight cancer cells, and help prevent many types of cancer.

  1. Enhances bone health

The edible part of rape is mainly young leaves, young stems and unflowered buds, which are rich in vitamin C, carotene, vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron and other nutrients. The vitamin C content in rapeseed is several times higher than that of fruits such as apples and oranges, and it is also rich in fiber, which can play a laxative effect. In addition, rapeseed also contains a substance called sulfide, which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and has anti-cancer effects.

"Eat fresh in March, longevity vascular pass" into March, what is "1 fresh"? It's a shame to miss it

Canola is not only delicious, but there are many ways to do it. In cooking, it can be boiled, stir-fried, stewed, pickled and other ways, and can be combined with meat, eggs, beans and other ingredients. For example, rape can be stir-fried with bacon, and the taste is fragrant and delicious; Canola can also be fried with eggs, which is very nutritious.

In addition to rape, there are many seasonal vegetables in March, such as spinach, celery, lettuce, spring shoots and so on. Not only are these seasonal vegetables nutritious, but they are also relatively inexpensive, making them a good choice for a healthy diet for families.

However, with the improvement of people's living standards, many people's diet tastes are becoming more and more high-end, and the importance of seasonal vegetables is often overlooked.

"Eat fresh in March, longevity vascular pass" into March, what is "1 fresh"? It's a shame to miss it