
Barca's most famous transfer! Messi joined the Ligue 1 giants! The new squad in Paris starts with Messi

author:Football café

Paris Saint-Germain confirmed his signing after Messi left Barcelona, one of the most notable transfers in football history. Widely regarded as the best player in the world, the Argentine joined the Ligue 1 giants as a free agent after camp Nou's contract could not be renewed.

Barca's most famous transfer! Messi joined the Ligue 1 giants! The new squad in Paris starts with Messi

The 34-year-old superstar, the latest to arrive in the French capital during a busy summer, is now considered to have the best squad in club football. Messi's arrival is behind former Real Madrid captain Sergio Ramos, Liverpool midfielder Giorgigno Wijnaldum, former Milan goalkeeper Gianlugi Donalumma and inter Milan full-back Ahmed Hakimi.

Barca's most famous transfer! Messi joined the Ligue 1 giants! The new squad in Paris starts with Messi

The new members join the team, led by star strikers Neymar and Kylian Mbappe, who have reached the Champions League final and AFC Champions League final over the past two seasons. All five players coming this summer have the potential to be Pochettino's strongest starting lineup of the season, but that's the nature of their squad — there are currently more than 30 players on the register — and a big rotation is possible. Goalkeeper Donnarumma, who has just been awarded the title of best player at Euro 2020, has become one of the best goalkeepers in world football, and his value has reached a sky-high price.

Barca's most famous transfer! Messi joined the Ligue 1 giants! The new squad in Paris starts with Messi

Navas has played an important role in the club's development and the situation is now similar to when he was at Real Madrid, where he was greatly admired and respected but was eventually replaced by Thibault Courtois. Whether Navas will remain at the club after this summer remains to be seen – although it looks likely – Sergio Rico is also on Paris Saint-Germain's list. Hakimi is undoubtedly the club's preferred right-back, a position filled last season by loan-based Alessandro Florenzi.

Barca's most famous transfer! Messi joined the Ligue 1 giants! The new squad in Paris starts with Messi

Colin Dagba and Tilo Kegel are still on the club's roster, but their roles have been dominated by substitutes in recent seasons and unless injured, it is unlikely to make a large number of appearances next season. The other side of the defence is less clear; Dutch defender Mitchell Barker made 40 appearances for the club last year but was later allowed to join Bayer Leverkusen. Senegalese defender Abdou Diallo, who signed from Borussia Dortmund two years ago, is most likely to be the first choice for the position, as Levine Kurzawa is also vying for the spot and Juan Bernat has also recovered from an ACL injury. As is the case with right-backs, the club is likely to approve the departure of one of the three left-backs.

Barca's most famous transfer! Messi joined the Ligue 1 giants! The new squad in Paris starts with Messi

Ramos will almost certainly be involved in good health and play the defensive core with club captain Majinos, meaning vice-captain Presnell Kimpembe could be content with the role of squad rotation, with the Fuehrer and Diallo also able to provide cover for centre-backs. Wijnaldum joined an unusually competitive match for one of the club's three midfield positions, with Marco Verratti likely the most consistent player in the trio. In addition to former United midfielder André Herrera and Portuguese player Danilo Pereira, midfielders Paré Des and Idris Gaie are also good choices, but with Messi's arrival, Angel Di Maria could return to senior midfield.

Barca's most famous transfer! Messi joined the Ligue 1 giants! The new squad in Paris starts with Messi

The club's embarrassment in terms of midfield wealth means that Julian Draxler and Pablo Sarabia – both with international influence in the Bundesliga and La Liga respectively – could move on or settle for the team role, as could former Barca midfielder Rafinha. The star-studded front line includes Mbappe, Messi and Neymar – the three of them would immediately have a place on any team in the world – but unlike the rest of their squad, the depth of the front isn't as impressive. Central striker Mauro Icardi may have a prominent position in Ligue 1, but Moise Keane has returned to Everton after scoring 17 goals last season, while Di Maria is more accustomed to a wide range of attacking roles.

Barca's most famous transfer! Messi joined the Ligue 1 giants! The new squad in Paris starts with Messi

There are also a few promising young players who have taken part in first-team competitions this year, although several players may be allowed to leave on loan. 18-year-old defender Timothye Pembelle played nine games last season and can play the opposite defence, with midfielder Eric Dina Abimbe playing well against Troya on the first day of Ligue 1, with Xavi Simmons, Arno Kalimundo, Eduard Mishut, Bandihugo Fadiga and Ismaar Galby all appearing to have a bright future.

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