
What kind of ending can match the ups and downs of this road

author:Search for weight loss girls
  • At the end of 2022, the joy of successful weight loss did not last long, I began to lose my appetite, kept vomiting, did not want to eat anything, and at one point I was very scared and felt that I had anorexia. 吃了‬很多药‬,胃疼‬的‬,消化的‬,止疼的‬,直到‬在一个‬月‬的‬时间里‬看着‬体重‬涨了‬快‬8斤‬我才‬意识‬到‬不对劲‬,是的‬,我怀孕了‬!
  • 辞职‬,给妈妈‬打电话‬,去医院‬检查‬,回家‬,妈妈‬开始‬养猪‬模式‬,因为‬疫情,家人‬怕我‬被‬传染‬,没有‬去‬医院‬建档‬,也错过了‬NT,日子‬一天天过‬,我数着‬日子‬16周‬,该去‬唐‬筛‬了‬,去了‬医院‬,可是‬...... 检查‬做了‬很久‬,我算错‬日子了‬,孩子‬已经‬20多‬周了‬,并‬且心‬脏‬发育‬不良,我不知道‬怎么‬听完‬医生‬的话‬,只记得‬他‬一遍遍‬告诉‬我们‬去‬吉大‬医院‬再做一次‬,结果‬可想‬而知‬
What kind of ending can match the ups and downs of this road

Siping's report

What kind of ending can match the ups and downs of this road

Results of the Prenatal Diagnostic Center in Chittagong

I don't know how I went back, but I remember that the doctor said to hurry, the child is older, and the mother's comfort, telling me that he didn't bring me a gift... Will come back when I go back...

What kind of ending can match the ups and downs of this road

He's gone

The little one, who looks a lot like his father, he is very well-behaved, and did not let his mother hurt for a long time, and he came out after 3 hours of pain... I went numbly for confinement and rented a house... Life has to go on, mom has to try to get better and wait for you to come back.

所有‬经历的‬苦难‬终将‬成就‬更好的‬自己‬。 一起加油吧‬! [Light up the peace lantern]