
Think tank Digital Creation/ChatMate string chat, adjust my mood

author:The Treasury of the Wise
Think tank Digital Creation/ChatMate string chat, adjust my mood

(Zhejiang Think Tank News)~ On March 25, 2023, Han Shiwang, blockchain digital technology expert of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, founder and chairman of the board of Zhejiang Think Tank, and his entourage went to Xianli Field (Chongqing) Digital Technology Co., Ltd. for inspection and investigation, and were warmly welcomed by the leaders of the Chongqing Office of Zhongke Xingtai.

Think tank Digital Creation/ChatMate string chat, adjust my mood

Yu Block Chain is a digital copyright chain created by the People's Government of Yuzhong District of Chongqing Municipality, which is fully developed and operated by Zhongke Xingtai (Chongqing) Digital Technology. Today, with the popularity of Microsoft CHATGPT, the intelligent communicator "string chat" chatmate developed by Zhongke Xingtai appeared, he is a good partner of all trades, and even a good helper to help you deal with file PPT, he is a good friend who regulates your mood and emotions to chat and decompress, he knows nothing and can improve cognition. You can search for "chain book" in the WeChat mini program, experience the feeling first, and pass your fragmented time when you are lonely, not browsing, but communicating. (Author: Han Shiwang)

Think tank Digital Creation/ChatMate string chat, adjust my mood
Think tank Digital Creation/ChatMate string chat, adjust my mood