
An unknown country - Tonga

An unknown country - Tonga

Tonga is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean consisting of 176 islands, 36 of which are inhabited. Located east of Fiji and south of Samoa, Tonga covers an area of 747 square kilometers and has a population of about 100,000 people.

Tonga is a constitutional monarchy, with the king as the head of state and a prime minister elected by parliament in charge of running the government. Tonga is a traditional society with a rich cultural heritage and values, the most famous of which is the Malolo, which means "living in peace and modesty", a value that is considered the core of Tongan culture.

Tonga's economy is dominated by agriculture and fishing, and exports mainly timber, coconut oil, bananas and other products. Tourism is also an important source of income, attracting a large number of tourists to enjoy the scenery and experience the local culture.

The country's official language is Tongan, but English is also widely spoken. Known for their friendliness and hospitality, Tongans are adept at singing, dancing and making handicrafts, which are characteristic cultural products that visitors can admire and buy when they visit.

An unknown country - Tonga

Interesting facts:

  1. Tonga was the last country in the world to see the sunrise of the New Year due to its location on the international dateline.
  2. The kings of Tonga hold a grand National Day parade every year in February, and many people come to watch and participate in the parade.
  3. Tonga has a drink called "kava", which is made from plant roots and is considered a medicinal drink by the locals. Tourists can experience the process of drinking kava locally.
  4. On Tonga's Tabu Island, there is a complex called "King's Stables", which is the king's traditional farm and horse farm, which tourists can visit.
  5. In the waters of Tonga, there are many beautiful coral reefs and marine animals suitable for diving and snorkeling.
  6. Tonga has a traditional way of cooking called "umu", which is similar to the Hawaiian "luau" and requires ingredients to be grilled in hot stones.
  7. Tonga's traditional music and dance are very distinctive, and visitors can enjoy these cultural arts at local performances and concerts.
  8. The people of Tonga are very friendly and welcoming, and visitors can feel the strong island culture and atmosphere in the local area.
An unknown country - Tonga
An unknown country - Tonga
An unknown country - Tonga

Top Events:

  1. In 2018, Tonga was hit by a severe earthquake and tsunami that killed and injured many people. The disaster has attracted global attention and received assistance from the international community.
  2. In 2019, Tonga won its first gold medal in history at the Pacific Games, a very important milestone for the small island nation.
  3. In 2020, due to the coronavirus outbreak, Tonga closed its borders and restricted tourism to ensure the health and safety of local residents.
  4. Also in 2020, Tonga was hit by Cyclone Harold, with hundreds of homes destroyed and many local residents homeless.
  5. In 2021, the Tongan Parliament passed a bill to change the name of the country to "Kingdom of Tonga" to reflect its traditional values in politics and culture.

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