
Live blood and regulate menstruation! "Friends of gynecology" in the flower world, get to know each other together

author:PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare

Author: Liang Jianhua, Chinese medicine practitioner in charge of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University

When describing the beauty of women, we often say "flower appearance and moon appearance" and "people are more petite than flowers", and in the world of traditional Chinese medicine, there are indeed many flower drugs that can be called "women's friends", which have very good effects on regulating women's bodies and treating various female diseases.

Blood regulation and menstruation

1. Monthly season

Sweet, slightly bitter, flat, with the effect of activating blood and regulating menstruation, soothing the liver and relieving depression, reducing swelling and detoxification.

It is often used for liver qi stagnation, qi stasis caused by irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, chest and hypochondrium swelling pain, etc., and also has a curative effect on bruising pain, carbuncle and swelling. The monthly flowers revitalize the blood, and the roses are biased.

Therefore, the clinical application of more than two drugs is combined, qi and blood are double-toned, and menstruation and blood are regulated.

Monthly seasonal flowers are effective with boiling water alone, and can also be used in the same way as roses, angelica, and incense to enhance the effect of dissolving liver blood stasis and liver qi stagnation.

Combined with incense and angelica: used for liver depression and stagnation, menstrual irregularities of meridian block, abdominal distension and pain, etc.

Compatible with summer subtilis: monthly season flowers reduce swelling and detoxification, loosen the liver and relieve depression, summer subtilis clears the liver through depression, and the combination of the two can cure sputum tuberculosis, cradle carbuncle, etc.

Combination with tortoiseshell flower: It is a good remedy for menstrual diseases caused by qi and blood discord. The monthly season flower revitalizes the blood, the tortoiseshell flower is biased towards qi, the two drugs are combined, one qi and one blood, qi and blood are double-toned, and the effect of regulating menstrual blood and relieving pain is very good.

Live blood and regulate menstruation! "Friends of gynecology" in the flower world, get to know each other together

Relieve the liver and regulate qi

1. Green plum blossoms

Also known as green calyx plum, white plum blossom, the smell is fragrant, the taste is sour, the sex is flat, and it has the effect of thinning the liver, stomach, phlegm and detoxification.

It can be used for gynecological diseases that have passed through the liver period, such as:

(1) Premenstrual breast swelling and lactation caused by increased prolactin;

(2) Upset and insomnia during menopause;

(3) Internal medicine diseases are mostly used to treat plum core gas, liver and stomach pain, loss of appetite, dizziness, sputum and sores.

With the earthen and turtles:

Plum blossom rationalizes qi and relieves pain, mostly used for dysmenorrhea caused by blood stasis, and when the pain is severe, it is equipped with soil turtle worm to break blood and relieve pain.

Live blood and regulate menstruation! "Friends of gynecology" in the flower world, get to know each other together

2. Roses

Sweet and slightly bitter, warm in nature, it has the effect of rationalizing qi and relieving depression, activating blood and dispersing stasis, regulating menstruation and relieving pain.

In addition, the medicinal properties of rose flowers are very mild, can warm people's heart, liver and blood, relieve depression in the body, publicize stagnation without the disadvantages of xinwen and rigidity, so it is mostly used for the conditioning of menstrual breast swelling, premenstrual tension syndrome and perimenopausal syndrome.

Live blood and regulate menstruation! "Friends of gynecology" in the flower world, get to know each other together

Cool blood and live blood

1. Hibiscus flower

Sweet, bitter, slightly cold, into the spleen, lung meridians, known for its good treatment of red and white dysentery. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hibiscus flowers can not only cool blood and eliminate troubles, but also clear heat and moisture and stop the band, and have the effect of activating blood. Modern pharmacological research has proved that hibiscus flower also has the effect of stopping bleeding, and can be used for gynecological bleeding diseases, such as blood work, endometrial polyps, and bleeding caused by it.

Goes well with honeysuckle and forsythia:

treatment of abdominal pain and wet tropical disease in women; Wet evil is heavily associated with Bulbophyllum and Radix heat, and bruising heat is used with dandelion, purple flower, and moon flower.

Live blood and regulate menstruation! "Friends of gynecology" in the flower world, get to know each other together

2. Cockroach

Sweet, non-toxic, is a gynecological medicine. It has the effect of activating blood circulation and removing stasis, cooling blood and stopping bleeding.

Therefore, gynecological bleeding caused by bruising can be used together.

Secondly, white cockroach has the effect of astringent stop band, suitable for all kinds of red and white bands, and has a certain effect on trichomonas vaginitis.

Live blood and regulate menstruation! "Friends of gynecology" in the flower world, get to know each other together

Eliminate stasis and pass the menstruation

1. Safflower

Bitter taste, bitter, warm, returning to the heart, liver meridian, has the effect of activating blood circulation and removing stasis, is a drug to improve women's menstrual amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis abdominal pain, bruises, stasis and swelling pain.

The effect of menstruation and pain relief is obvious, and it is an essential agent for blood stasis. Xianxian Zhongjing used this flower bubble wine to make "safflower wine" to treat gynecological blood stasis.

It is used in combination with angelica and astragalus to play the role of invigorating qi and nourishing blood and regulating blood and menstruation; It is used for menstrual amenorrhea caused by sputum stasis (such as adult patients with polycystic ovary syndrome who are physically obese).

Live blood and regulate menstruation! "Friends of gynecology" in the flower world, get to know each other together

2. Lingxiaohua

That is, purple flower, clear and fragrant, slightly bitter, sour, cold, for liver menstrual blood medicine, with the function of blood stasis, cool blood and wind, mainly treating menstrual irregularities, menstrual amenorrhea, postpartum breast swelling, skin itching, acne and other diseases.

"Seeking Truth in Materia Medica" Yunqi is "a must-use medicine for blood fever in women's science". Therefore, menstrual amenorrhea, fistula, leakage, menstrual premenstruation, premenstrual upset, menstrual hives, dull pain in the lower abdomen caused by blood stasis, blood fever, etc.

Live blood and regulate menstruation! "Friends of gynecology" in the flower world, get to know each other together

Although the flowers are delicate and lovely, the flowers are not only beautiful but also effective, but Chinese medicine is the essence of Chinese medicine, and the use of medicine is like the use of soldiers, and the use of Chinese medicine has fixed and unique flexibility. The specific dosage should be consulted with a doctor or pharmacist, and the reasonable use of Chinese medicinal materials should be made under the advice of a doctor or pharmacist.

Reviewer: Wang Ruolun, Chief Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University

The above are the original works of the volunteers of the "Drug Safety Cooperation Alliance", if reprinted, please indicate the author and source!

【Drug Shield Public Welfare】PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare (public number: PSMChina), a public welfare organization jointly initiated and established by the Chinese Non-prescription Drug Association, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, etc., gathers resources, gathers strength, and promotes public drug safety.

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